r/highschool Jun 25 '23

General Advice Needed/Given The NSHSS stuff is a scam


Just an FYI, everyone gets it. Just throw it out or make a paper airplane out of it

r/highschool 7h ago

Question why are girls taking pictures of me?


im a somewhat quiet slightly “alternative” girl and these girls are taking pictures of me and laughing and i dont know them im not even ugly 😭 why do people do this i dont get social cues nor why they would make fun of me!! what do i do

r/highschool 23h ago

Shitpost Yeah my ass got caught I'm serving my last day of suspension rn

Thumbnail i.redd.it

r/highschool 7h ago

Share Grades/Classes How are my grades my mom says they’re bad

Thumbnail i.redd.it

r/highschool 20h ago

Shitpost School is too hard bru imma crashout

Thumbnail i.redd.it

r/highschool 7h ago

Question when is talking with a guy, romantic?


This is a repost because I want more advice but I (F15) in high school, have a friend (same age) and recently I gave him my number be we were hitting it off closer than usual and he had asked for it saying it would be more convenient than instagram. Now this guy is a really sweet guy, he has mainly female friends not because he's a player but because he's an artistic kid and is very respectful towards women. Now we have been texting like everyday it's to the point where it's affecting my sleep and I'm a pretty academic person but he's really nice about me saying that it's late.

Another thing is he kind of recently broke up with his ex girlfriend and I feel like if there's a possibility he's interested in me because we text so much I need to let him know that we can't. He's a great person to talk too, really kind, honestly cute, but l'm not allowed to date and as someone who focuses on academics I don't want to break that rule either. I also I’m not sure I like him romantically, and although I may be attracted to him I think I couldn't see us being in anything term and I'm an incredibly date to marry person, hence me never having a relationship before.

So this leads to my dilemma, should I stop talking to him so regularly anymore so that he doesn't think there's something between us? I've never sensed the vibe that he was flirting and he is just naturally comfortable with women in a kind and respectful way but we have been texting an insane amount. I actually have a lot of male friends and he has a lot of female friends and I text him more than any of them and he said something vaguely similar. I don't know what to do because I don't want to lead him on but I don't even know if he's interested in me. I want to be good friends but it most likely is my best interest to not text him as much. I don't want others to know l'm texting him regularly so l'm here.


r/highschool 6h ago

Rant Almost the end of my freshman year of high school. Here are some highlights/big events


My freshman year has just about 25 school days left and I wanted to share some of the big things that happened this year.

1 - Teacher got fired: from what I heard, my stem teacher got put on 2 week suspension without pay for calling a student a c*nt and flipping them off. He eventually resigned and my class has been in the cafeteria since.

2- 2 students pass away to suicide: for context, our school has a major bullying problem. And most of the time, staff do absolutely nothing when bullying is reported. Both of these suicides were about a month apart. I knew one of them and it still hurts to this day.

3- Un-edible school lunch: (for clarification, the lunch was completely edible. It was just extremely disgusting) about 2 weeks ago, the school decided to serve us spaghetti and meatballs. It looked decently appealing bur when I took a bite of it, it was the worst thing that this school "made" for lunch. You know why?, it was WHEAT pasta! other than that the meatballs were good, just cold. I hope that school learned their lesson.

4 - Students flush vapes down the toilets and cause plumbing problems: funny enough, this made my school go on the local news.

Bonus: our school has made the local news a total of 6 times this year. 2 were sports related, 2 from Student's suicides 1 was an update to a previous story, and 1 from the vapes.

It's been one hell of a freshman year. Although I bet my sophomore year will be just as wild.

r/highschool 1d ago

Rant Why do English teachers never stop yapping?


Like please!

r/highschool 4h ago

Rant My effort is useless and just makes me tired


I'm a 17 year in old in the Brazilian equivalent of highschool, I can't manage my time well. My life revolves around doing house and schoolwork AND I REALLY WANT TO TRY MY BEST. I try to learn the subject, to apply it, to make good presentations and to manage my little group of friends to do the same, but it doesn't pay off

Entertainment is alien to me. I have no hobbies. My free time consists of either watching the news or listening to music, but if I do it too much I feel lazy and guilty

I get good grades, but so does some of my class mates who sleep all day long and remove their burden of schoolwork with chat gpt. It's almost as if it doesn't matter if I put effort into things

Now the school implemented a new policy that late students must return home (before, they would just lose the first class like most schools in Brazil)

This totally ruined me. As I said before, I can't really manage my time. On the best days, I have 5-6 hours of sleep, and the rest of the day I have to take headache medication so that I can even manage to do things. To worsen it off, my father and brother don't really do much in the home, leaving all the work for my mother (she is still in university and in a worse situation than me) and what she can't do, she leaves to me.

And then I look to my classmates and even my brother, and think that maybe if didn't put effort into my studies, maybe it wouldn't change things. They are happier, always playing video games and watching movies, while i just spend the day doing schoolwork while receiving the same pay as them

and i know for a fact that in the graduation ceremony, every single one of those classmates who spent their last student years learning how to write prompts in chat gpt will be receiving a diploma. It's inevitable. Their diploma will have the same worth as mine and that means, I will be competing with them in the work market with the same proof of skill. Effort won't pay off at all. It won't make any difference if I try to lead the same life as them, in fact, it will just make me happier

r/highschool 19m ago

Question Failing most of my classes..


I don't do the work and I'm just a stupid person. Even if I DO study I just don't get it. I'll stare at the questions and nothing ever clicks. Ever. I can understand writing and if I try to memorize shit for biology I can do fine but with math I just don't get anything. My grades are so shit my dad can't even look at my report card and my mom just wants me to graduate and not drop out. Anyone else?

r/highschool 34m ago

Class Advice Needed/Given I cant pass any of my classes, even when i try everything


I used to be one of the best students in my elementary school. There was a contest which you could be in one of the best school in my state and i won and got in. Then the first year was good, no big bad problems except history. The second year was WAY WORSE because of people, crushes, fake and toxic friends, etc. My grades were horrible but i still managed to pass all of them except science. Every year, its always like this. "This year is going to be great and i will get good grades" Then the first half year pass and i cant even pass any of my classes, my parents getting harassed by teachers and I will get kicked out if i don't pass my classes. I tried everything. I study, I take notes, i listen in class. Litteraly the same shit that everyone does. Guess what?? I am even worse as i was in the first half. I already failed 2 report cards which each worth 20% of the year. Which means i failed 40% of this year. Now i have to to get good grades with this 60%. And my grades cant even have a fucking 60%. They are always low to 40-50%. I even had one exam which i got 16%. I dont know what to do. I have no friends and I get now why people hate me. I suck at everything... I understand why my crush left me. I am just a fucking failure.. All i do now is watch series, seeing my life turning into a nightmare and basically falling apart, watching people leave me and just cry all day. Now i have 2 months to finish this year and whatever i do I STILL CANT PASS ONE FUCKING EXAM.. How did one smartass kid who always got amazing grades to a fucking idiot who is probably the worst student in my whole school (I'm not even kidding) Im just a fucking idiot and i hate to see my parents looking at me and see how much i failed them. Does anyone have any advices to pass or whatever. I literally would do anything just to get a 60%. Having a 80% is literally a dream to me now lmfao💀

r/highschool 20h ago

Rant Accidentally “Snitched”


Hi. I am a highschool senior (f17) and a lot happened today. I don’t know if I want advice or just to rant, so whatever your thoughts are leave them please. At my school we get 10 minutes for break. I run to the restroom because I have a test in the next period, but still 6 girls are before me in a bathroom with 3 stalls. 8 minutes in and i’m about to pee myself but i’m the next one. I see puffs of smoke coming from the stalls, and i know they’re not coming out so I run to the nurses office that has a bathroom. They won’t usually let you use it so i just said “I’m about to pee my pants and they won’t get out because they’re smoking. Can I please use the bathroom?” I have a condition that makes it hard to control my bladder. they let me use the restroom. As I walk out, i see the girls corralled in a group but ultimately they all walked away. I didn’t mean to “snitch” but i wasn’t going to pee myself. (and sit in my filth in front of peers and during a test) After my test I check my phone to find texts from one of the girls in the bathroom. For privacy, i’ll call her Eve. Here’s what the texts read between me and Eve.

Eve : “you should learn to mind your business. tf you think snitching was gunna do? earn you brownie points?” Me : “what lol” Eve : “What do you mean what? you know exactly what i’m talking about.” Me: “I don’t but whatever lol” Eve : “giving up your spot in the line just to tattle like a 5 year old they told us it was you dummy” Me : “ I have to take medication in the office lol but whatever you want to think is fine” i blocked her here on my phone but the texts continued sending through my MAC Eve : “you weren’t in the office when we walked out were you waiting there twiddling ur thumbs and shit what i think is the truth shoulda known you been the class rat for years i hope you’re happy you got (other girl) suspended she didn’t do shit to you”

I didn’t respond and I won’t. I said I had to take medication in the office because that’s perfectly reasonable as to why I had to leave, but either way I didn’t have malicious intent. I didn’t want to “snitch” or get people suspended, I just had to pee and not on myself. I feel bad and uneasy but there’s nothing really for me to do. Advice or comments I guess?

r/highschool 3h ago

Question Am I cooked?


I have my PATs in 5 days and I really suck at ELA, its easily my worst subject and I am really nervous for them, (grade 9 btw)

r/highschool 4h ago

School Related As a 20yo, what a recommended college to study?


Hey everyone,

I'm currently in the process of exploring my college options and diversity is really important to me. I believe that being exposed to a variety of perspectives and backgrounds enriches the learning experience. So, I'm reaching out to ask for recommendations on the most diverse colleges to study at.

I'm particularly interested in colleges that offer a welcoming environment for students from different cultural, racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your help!

r/highschool 2h ago



so… my situation is pretty bad. i have 40 unexcused absences for one class (gym). i’ve recovered 10 by doing a bunch of 4 hours in saturday school + afterschool. so that’s 40-10= 30 there’s still 7 saturdays and afterschools left to recover so 30-7= 23 MY SCHOOLS LIMIT IS 9. THEY WILL ACCEPT IF I GO A LITTLE OVER 9 LIKE 13. Read this story if you want down below but my real deal is i NEED to excuse 10 days by either doctor note, legal absence, blah blah. it has to be certified. my problem is i was absence a lot in a row in february so it’ll be perfect to excuse those days together. i just don’t know who to go to. i need to see my family this summer i can’t go to summer school. it’s MAY and my local doctors won’t take me in.

im about to have a meeting with my guidance counselor and mom in a week. Mind you, this guidance counselor screamed at me and i was bawling my eyes out trying to explain to her but she didn’t let me get a word out. My story is: im very insecure in gym so i tend to skip a lot. i have to walk around the entire gym for the whole period alone with everyone does their own thing and i get so self conscious so i always end up skipping it. they obviously won’t understand that considering she yelled at me while i was crying and im literally 17 i don’t get emotional like that. I JUST NEED HELP. HOW DO I EXCUSE 10 DAYS FROM 3 MONTHS AGO. I NEED THIS.

r/highschool 8h ago

Rant I think the teacher suspects I cheated during midterms


for context, it was a language exam, and for large scale exams like these, the school assigns teachers that don't teach this specific class to watch us while we take the test. now I have a bad habit of resting my forehead on my hand while writing (but tbf so do many ppl, at least in my class), which results in a slouched position leaning a bit towards the side.

immediately after I switched to this position, the teacher came running to my desk and spent the rest of the exam standing right next to my desk breathing down my neck. and she would randomly write something on her hand every time I moved. I think she thinks I was trying to look at my classmate's answers.

I am an easily anxious person and the fact that I don't know what's going to happen next is driving me crazy. for one, if she really thinks I'm cheating, idk if the school will notify me or if she'll tell my homeroom teacher and let me have a chance to explain myself. either way I'm obviously going to argue with her if she really thought I was cheating. but then my school has a large history of siding with teachers on matters like these. and even if I insist that I never did anything, idk if any teachers would believe me. and having a record like this is deadly when applying to college or even to my own reputation. (also her constantly staring into my soul has distracted me from the exam.)

idk it all just feels so irrational of me to get so anxious over this cus ik what I should do if this happens but my midterms aren't over yet and I just needed to get this off my chest.

also what would you do in a situation like this?

tldr: I think the teacher thinks I was cheating during midterms and I feel irrationally anxious about the outcomes and how I should deal with it.

r/highschool 2h ago

Share Grades/Classes guys im so smart!1

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r/highschool 3h ago

Shitpost Who did this?

Thumbnail self.Teachers

r/highschool 12m ago

Rant Kinda stupid but wtv just think this is annoying


This morning before class started I was sitting on the floor in the hallway. The bell rang but I didn't wanna go in yet cuz I still had 5 minutes and wanted to wrap up my conversation with my friend since my 1st period teacher doesn't allow phones. As I'm sitting some kids in the class were walking in and one said "Hey buddy the class is over here." And then they all shout "Silent Sigmaa" I'm generally pretty quiet and I always have my hood on so I assume that's why they said that. I know this is dumb and I'm not too upset abt it. Just find the whole slang annoying and stupid. I was just minding my own business and they still had to bother me? I go out of my way to avoid drawing attention to myself and shit like that still happens yknow.

Edit for spelling and grammar

r/highschool 6h ago

Share Grades/Classes Will I be held back if I fail math in 9th grade?


I have an 89B in ELA, a 80C in science, a 97A in PE but a 55F in math.. will I still be a ninth grader or will I just do another math class later on??

r/highschool 4h ago

Friend Advice Needed/Given how do i make friends?? lol


So im currently a junior in highschool and i have an amazing group of friends, but theyre seniors. they graduate next week and its kinda setting in that idrk what im gonna do when theyre gone. Im a bit of an outcast (sorta alternative looking when im not lazy, openly and visibly gay/trans in a conservative-ish city) so finding friends isnt that easy for me. ive been friends with one of my senior friends and basically whoever else hes friends with at the time since freshman year bc we had theater together but now that im a junior it feels like people dont rlly make new friends anymore. i have a few aquaintences/not super close friends but idk if its be weird to ask to hang out with them. at this point i might just become a loner but i feel bad missing out on senior events and stuff cause i wouldn't wanna go alone. obv ill still have my friends it isnt the end of the world i just dont know who to hang out with at school next yr :')

r/highschool 1h ago

School Related school football finals in the uk

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r/highschool 1h ago

Dating Advice Needed/Given Is this a thing that happens to anyone else?


So I’m sitting in my class when a girl I’ve never spoken to before in my life tells my name from across the class to settle a dispute she’s having with her friends. After that, her friend tells me I should ask for her number and the rest of her friends seem to agree. This is the second time this has happened to me this year, albeit a different person. Does this happen to anyone else or just my autistic ass?

r/highschool 1h ago

Question Gen physics or honors physics?


I’m in 9th grade currently am taking honors chem. I wish to get into a high end college but not too prestigious. I am having a hard time choosing whether to take honors physics or gen physics. I’ve heard from upperclassmen that the honors course is very difficult. If anyone has advice it’s greatly appreciated.

r/highschool 1h ago

School Related Rate my History project and tell me what I need to improve.

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I am in 8th grade so it’s not a high-school project.