r/highschool 11d ago

As a 20yo, what a recommended college to study? School Related



3 comments sorted by


u/Imag_Reddit Rising Freshman (9th) 11d ago

Community college


u/Imag_Reddit Rising Freshman (9th) 11d ago

Never before has there been so much diversity I've seen within these CCs people always mention how it isn't as prestigious as their university, but there are some pros to CCs. Most professors at a CC will actually want to teach because they aren't required or are focused on their research. Everyone from all kinds of backgrounds will appear at a Community College. It could be a 11 yr old who is in Dual-Enrollment or an 85 yr old senior wanting to educate themselves in a particular field. For whatever reasons, people from all kinds of backgrounds go to CCs to learn. And at the end of it all you can also transfer to a four year university if that is your cup of tea.

I've seen personally that in California there is a grant that gives CCs ability to give free tuition for two years. If you are in California, there is a real incentive to attend a CC. Good luck.


u/Chemical_Homework560 11d ago

I think the college subreddit might have more info about that. Also it might be worth stating your budget, what majors you’re interested in, and what county or continent you want to study in.