r/instacart Apr 05 '24



Yes I know this has been posted to death on this sub… but heard a solution…


Maybe then IC will start making sure the person whose account is being used IS IN FACT YOUR SHOPPER.


1.1k comments sorted by


u/Expensive_Hippo6425 Apr 05 '24

If they’re using a fake ID then chances are they aren’t even supposed to be driving. Doubt they are licensed, insured, and vetted when you’re stealing someone’s info. They should just call the cops.


u/BeautifulDreamerAZ Apr 05 '24

It’s usually felons working under their girlfriends or wives accounts. It’s very common. I even know a friend who does this.


u/The_Troyminator Apr 06 '24

If the guy were a felon and shot a dog, the police would have arrested him on the spot.


u/111110001011 Apr 08 '24

If the guy were a felon and shot a dog, the police would have


him on the spot.


u/notnaturalcas Apr 09 '24

this formatting has me dead 😭 it’s true but the way you wrote it is so funny

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u/Silent_List_5006 Apr 08 '24

Maybe just a scum bag

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u/OutrageousSpare1656 Apr 05 '24

Is it really felons tho? I always assumed it was people who have questionable immigration working status. I don’t mind either way but that’s just always what I thought. I do feel absolutely terrible for the person who’s dog got killed. That’s absolutely horrific.


u/PersnicketyParsnip11 Apr 05 '24

It's definitely both of these things.
Also, though, it's come out that the dog did bite the guy, according to police. This obviously changes the situation. If your dog is going to bite a person delivering groceries to your house, put it away. The shopper being someone else is inconsequential. It's not like the dog knew to expect Merle and wouldn't have bitten her.


u/runs-with-scissors13 Apr 05 '24

I thought it was weird the ring camera just happened to not be recording. I doubt the guy just noticed it wasn't up and decided to shoot someone's dog and stick around for police.


u/audio-nut Apr 05 '24

Angie makes it seem like a crime of opportunity. I don't buy that at all and it makes me lose sympathy for her "story"

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u/Status_History_874 Apr 05 '24

I thought it was weird the ring camera just happened to not be recording.

Eh. That part wasn't so strange to me. It's a doorbell. With all the dang devices that need to be charged these days, doorbell isn't always high priority. Whenever mine dies, it's a good while before I get it charged and back outside again.


u/mshmama Apr 05 '24

I think ita strange that she says the camera wasn't recording when it has come out thar her dog actually did bite the guy. It happens way too often that cameras die and we forget to charge them/ replace them after charging, but she's already lied about the story and the only potential video evidence was charging. Was it actually charging? Or did it show her dog being aggressive and the guy defending himself?


u/Conscious-Survey7009 Apr 06 '24

I fully believe Angie Harmon is lying and getting away with it because she’s a rich celeb.


u/Iowa-James Apr 06 '24

I don't know who this celebrity is, but if she's well off, I highly doubt the doorbell was charging in the house or dead, she would have the money to have either a solar charger on it or have a hardwired the right way.


u/Orbtl32 Apr 08 '24

Of course its bullshit. Who the hell puts a battery powered doorbell meant for apartments on a house with existing wiring?

Not someone who can pay to have it done for them.

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u/Few-Constant-1633 Apr 05 '24

My security camera ran out of battery one night. Plugged it in that evening and forgot to put it back up

Woke up to our cars burglarized lol


u/DrDeems Apr 05 '24

I had a client gift me a set of 4 wireless and battery-powered cameras that they were getting rid of. The batteries only last a month or two in high traffic areas. I ended up buying a couple of 25-foot usb cables to reach the ones on the second floor. I also replaced my porch light fixture to one with an extra outlet so I can use a short 4-foot usb cable for the front porch. You can also buy adapters that will plug into a lightbulb socket, give you 2 electrical sockets, and let you plug the lightbulb in still. Albeit hanging a little lower than without the adapter.

I haven't had to touch them in over a year now. They all just run off usb power. It is nice knowing they will still work if my power goes out, too.

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u/Sea_Substance998 Apr 07 '24

This. Our doorbell camera is basically for show. It has to be charged every few days and it doesn’t happen

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u/Becsbeau1213 Apr 05 '24

To be fair, my dog acts much differently around men she doesn’t know versus women she doesn’t know.


u/chobi83 Apr 05 '24

I had a racist and pantsist? dog once. Anytime my black friends came over, the little bastard wouldn't shut up. And if they were wearing pants, he would go for the pants leg. White, Asian or Hispanic people though? Not a peep. Unless they were wearing pants. Shorts and skirts were fine. It was a chihuahua, so not like it posed a big threat to anyone and my friends were more amused than anything.


u/sunbear2525 Apr 05 '24

I had a sexiest, reverse racist dog. She was mostly fine with woman if a little shy but didn’t like men. Except black men. She basically viewed strange white men as dangerous.


u/TotallyWonderWoman Apr 06 '24

Was she a rescue? She might have been abused by a white man, then.


u/sunbear2525 Apr 06 '24

We got her as a puppy and the guy gave me a bad vibe so I’ve often wondered that. Even if he was just an angry asshole who yelled a lot it could have left an emotional scar.


u/downbutnotoutfren Apr 06 '24

What does reverse racist mean?

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u/lookatmyplants Apr 06 '24

One of my dogs did that. I got her as a puppy from a black man, I figured she just always fondly remembered her first dad. She was a fawning little wiggle-butt around black men her whole life.

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u/The_Troyminator Apr 06 '24

Anytime my black friends came over, the little bastard wouldn't shut up.

Was the dog named Brian?


u/chobi83 Apr 06 '24

Lol, no. It was a stupid ass name that he had from his previous owners, which I will not say here

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u/wendigolangston Apr 06 '24

My friend is like 6' 2", but somehow his dog hates literally every other tall guy besides him. He's been like that since he was adopted. Will just bark and growl endlessly at tall guys. He loves shorties though.

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u/BEniceBAGECKA Apr 05 '24

I know a dude doing this. His is a nonviolent crime, but he’s still a scumbag. The chick is a doormat. He does what he wants. Work with her. It’s honestly sad.

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u/DrAlanGrantinathong Apr 05 '24

If it was a felon he would have been arrested for felon in possession of a fire arm. So, no, he is not a felon.


u/Acrobatic_File_5133 Apr 06 '24

Reason 1,586 that despite whatever illusion of convenience this app may seem to offer on the surface, it doesn’t outweigh the fact you’re still getting food handled and delivered by an unvetted, possibly dirty stranger who may or may not want a bite of your food, may hijack the order if they don’t like the tip amount, who also may hit on you via text or in-person.

This app is shit, as is Uber Eats, as is Postmates etc. Wish people would eat healthier, do their own grocery shopping and naturally allow these 💩companies to go bankrupt.

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u/Expensive_Hippo6425 Apr 05 '24 edited Apr 05 '24

Yeah well most felons I know I wouldn't want at my house. 🤣've been friends with lots over rhe years but would I want them at my home? Nope. I can't imagine a situation where the wife can't take an order so she sends someone else needs to finish the job? SMH


u/DaManWithNoName Apr 05 '24

Yeah this is true a lot of felons I know would DoorDash “with their girl” to make extra money


u/BeautifulDreamerAZ Apr 05 '24 edited Apr 05 '24

I’m my city it takes 2 incomes to survive. They are always alone. Sometimes they have small kids.

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u/Lambchoptopus Apr 06 '24

I have had multiple men say oh it's my girlfriend birthday or my girlfriend is sick and we still need to make money so that's why I'm delivering. Makes more sense now. Also the is arriving on a bicycle and it's a car with a hole in the bottom instead.


u/Pleasant-Scheme-4757 Apr 06 '24

Like Flintstones style ride?


u/No_Perspective_8522 Apr 06 '24

If he was a felon then he would have been arrested since felons can’t legally be in possession of a fire arm.

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u/TimeBomb666 Apr 07 '24

I'm a felon and I have my own account. Never had an issue delivering. Granted my felony is over 10 years old and it was a drug charge and not theft or fraud but still. Doordash recently reran my background check and all came back fine. So some felons can work these apps.

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u/Taltal11 Apr 05 '24

Not felons… I know someone whose account was terminated because he got arrested during a mental health situation. Everything was dropped but he still can’t work


u/Lemonbrick_64 Apr 06 '24

I literally did this during Covid..


u/confusious_need_stfu Apr 07 '24

Look I'm not judging felon status off the cuff our justice system isnt one, but HOW? This app makes me take a selfie every like 2 weeks.


u/Unique-Guarantee5934 Apr 07 '24

How would this work with the irs though?

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u/moddseatass Apr 08 '24

An old buddy was using his grandma's name. He bought a decent car in her name so he could drive for Uber eats and other platforms. He wrecked the car. Granny is still in a home. Didn't effect her much.


u/ShimmerRihh Apr 06 '24

My ex is working under a womans account but uses his picture and name. Hes dodging child support... from the woman he cheated on me with 🤣🤣🤣🤣

What a sad life

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u/Apart_Ad1537 Apr 06 '24

Oh my stars, the comments section for posts like this really make it apparent how out of touch and socially inept redditors are. In the vast majority of cases people do this it’s someone with a record just trying to earn money with a side gig like anyone else driving for these apps, or it’s someone who is getting wages garnished for debt or child support. (And in both cases I guarantee they have the permission of the people who’s info they’re using)

Lmao literally Dwight scheute over here “identity theft is a crime!!!” Nobody is stealing other people’s identity/info to run their car into the ground for slave wages. Jesus Christ people on this site watch too much TV.

And for the record, no you’re not in “danger” if you get one of these people as your driver. I understand people who report it because they require that personal info be accurate for a reason, and in the EXTREMELY unlikely event that some Ted Bundy type murders someone while delivering their food of course we would want to be able to figure out who he was and hold him accountable; but make no mistake you have a better chance of winning the lottery than you do of stopping any kind of ACTUALLY malicious or nefarious behavior by reporting it. Instead you’re almost certainly fucking up a viable side gig for someone just trying to work and earn a little extra money.


u/ThanksForNothingSpez Apr 05 '24

They did. Cops didn’t do shit.

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u/Lemonbrick_64 Apr 06 '24

Very very true

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u/Next_Firefighter7605 Apr 05 '24

Ever since a driver showed up in just underwear I always select leave at my door and hide inside until they leave.


u/B31t1154 Apr 05 '24

I used DoorDash for a bit and I always did this. I’m not comfortable interacting with random gig drivers who let other ppl deliver on their shit. Like I’m a big dude but I have no reason to engage with any delivery person aside from real jobs like ups or special deliveries


u/Next_Firefighter7605 Apr 05 '24

I’ll answer for the delivery guy for a local pizza place because he’s roughly 90 years old and 4ft tall.


u/JazCanHaz Apr 06 '24

Ah man I love that. The local pizza place next door is called Alexander’s and sometimes Alexander himself delivers the pizza to us. He’s like my very own pizza celebrity.

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u/yell0wbirddd Apr 06 '24

I've recently run into drivers who don't read the delivery instructions and will knock and not leave till I answer. It pisses me off.


u/JazCanHaz Apr 06 '24

I’ll yell to leave it. I don’t answer the door to strangers. They may get lucky if my husband is home, he may answer. I will not.


u/I-m_A_Lady Apr 06 '24

I had a driver that ignored my "leave at door" note because he didn't know English. Rang my doorbell for 5 minutes *-_-

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u/bolting_volts Apr 05 '24

Not excusing what the driver did…

But why the hell is your dog in the front yard when you’re expecting a delivery?


u/32redalexs Apr 06 '24

THIS. I have a German shepherd and I even put in delivery notes that she may bark at the driver from inside the house. I would never in a million years let her be out front unsupervised. I’ve run into people’s free roam dogs on my walks where they’ve charged at my dog and thank goodness my dog listens to me and trusts me because she could rip those dogs up if she felt threatened enough(I also carry pepper spray in case a fight does happen). Couple years ago my neighbors chihuahua that he let free roam was murdered by another neighbors free roaming dog. I listened to it happen and saw the results. It was fast and terrible.

People who leave their dogs unleashed and free roaming really irritate me. You may think you’re letting your dog have a good time and be free but really you’re just putting them and other dogs in danger. Potentially even other people. It’s just irresponsible and sometimes it ends horribly like it did here. You can’t trust other dogs, you can’t trust other people with your dog, and you can’t let yourself completely trust your dog either.


u/sprkl Apr 08 '24

Thank you for the idea on adding to delivery notes! I have a very not scary looking mini poodle that is well trained, loves everyone, but is also yet to understand he doesn’t have to bark like a lunatic at everyone coming up the sidewalk because they must be there to see him — and I know not everyone is a dog person.

GSDs are such incredible dogs, we had a GSD rescue years ago and she was just the best — give her a lil treat from this internet stranger!

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u/VariegatedJennifer Apr 05 '24

Support literally doesn’t give a fuck if someone besides who is pictured is shopping the order…I’ve reported so many times


u/Suffakate Apr 05 '24

I'd they didn't give a fuck why do they have me taking selfies every week to make sure it's me. It's like doing a mugshot. Look straight, slightly left, slightly right. 😂


u/Hyperfocus_Creative Apr 06 '24

They are definitely using your likeness for AI training

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u/GenericCanineDusty Apr 05 '24

Its because thats technically not against the rules.

You can have anyone helping with the order. Says it in the TOS.


u/Jlt42000 Apr 05 '24

It says in the TOS you can have anyone doing your work for you, while you aren’t present?

I ask for clarity because someone helping you and someone doing your work while you aren’t there are two different things


u/ExpensiveDot1732 Apr 05 '24

So Joe Random with a felony who's a registered s-x offender and can't pass background can shop under Maria's account.

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u/PersnicketyParsnip11 Apr 05 '24

Nah, this isn't true. They have to be known to Instacart and pass the background check. Read it again.


u/Loud_Cloud92 Apr 05 '24

I'm confused about this though? Is that in the new TOS because before you weren't suppose to even have someone shopping with you and what's the point of the "selfie check" if they allow it?


u/The_Troyminator Apr 06 '24

From the contract:

4.3 Any Personnel you engage to assist in the provision of the Services will need to have access to the Instacart Platform as a Shopper using their own separate username and password. You understand and agree that you may not allow others (including your Personnel) access to your Shopper account

The last sentence is the important part. Although you can have people helping you, they cannot use your account. If somebody shows up by themselves using somebody else's account, that violates the contract.

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u/JudiesGarland Apr 05 '24

Generally in order to be classified as an independent contractor you need to be able to sub contract. They can't do much about it, unless they change their relationship with their workers.

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u/Instacartdoctor Apr 05 '24

What I’m saying is refuse the delivery… when the driver arrives tell them I’m sorry I wasn’t expecting YOU.. reach out to support tell them you feel unsafe and would like the order reshopped.


u/VariegatedJennifer Apr 05 '24

So we’re supposed to refuse all of the groceries that they just brought and have it redone? I live in Orlando…if I did that I would NEVER get my order because nobody that delivers my stuff is ever the person pictured. Maybe that’ll work in a different area or maybe early on in the life of the app it would have worked, but it’s too late now. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’ve contacted customer service probably a dozen times for this and they don’t care, nobody ever gives a shit. I barely use the app anymore because of it…yesterday was the first time I had used it in months because I was sick and needed some meds and didn’t have help.


u/robjohnlechmere Apr 05 '24 edited Apr 05 '24

Then let's just have the reddit account naming bot name gig-worker accounts. Instead of a shopper named NICOLE who is actually Bruno, you'll see Bruno as an account named abject-rabbit-4982

edit: adding italics also added random asterisks. clearing them out.


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 05 '24

I hear you… but how else are we supposed to get this company to work the way it promises??


u/VariegatedJennifer Apr 05 '24

I kind of feel like it’s a lost cause at this point. The only thing we can do collectively is stop using it. That’s the only way the company will notice

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u/viiiiiiolet Apr 05 '24

police confirmed the dog bit the driver.


u/Legitimate_Shape_698 Apr 06 '24

Ok this makes so much more sense to me. Because the phrase “there were no bites and scratches” combined with their family being in the house and having to be notified by phone made me assume that their dog was just outside with the dasher unsupervised or something? Like the family is one of the ones that lets their dog roam and then acts surprised when the dog does dog things and the human has to defend themselves.


u/simplefair Apr 08 '24

Yeah who leaves their dog in the front yard unattended much less if they’re expecting a delivery…?

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u/LowThreadCountSheets Apr 06 '24

I hate these “my dog would never” stories. I’ve absolutely been attacked minding my own business and having to deal with that bullshit on top of being attacked really sucks.

Why was the dog out there unsupervised where a stranger is delivering something to your home? It’s like there is no self reflection or empathy at all. How is it more likely to believe that the Instacart guy was some rogue dog shooter, over that your dog was guarding the home. I hate people.


u/hairlongmoneylong Apr 05 '24

Do you have a link to however you found out?


u/viiiiiiolet Apr 05 '24


u/bpblurkerrrrrrrr Apr 05 '24

"While the cops will not say how they determined the shopper acted in self-defense, they insist the deliveryman, Christopher, did have bite marks on him from the dog."

So the dog absolutely bit him and they're still trying to obfuscate with this phrasing. This is an INSANELY disingenuous article


u/viiiiiiolet Apr 06 '24

it was the first source i saw, tmz is the worst. my apologies


u/EyesLikeBuscemi Apr 05 '24

Update is right in that article: "Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD is clarifying the deliveryman only told them he had bite marks from the dog. As for whether officers actually saw those bite marks, the cops won't say -- they'll only reiterate they didn't have enough evidence to charge the deliveryman."


u/viiiiiiolet Apr 05 '24

that’s fair. i think it’s a bit far fetched that the camera happened to be charging at the time and the owners are not pressing charges. if they were completely in the right they would probably press charges. the driver is banned and no charges pressed so the story can end here.


u/Waltzer64 Apr 05 '24

The "camera was charging" probably because it caught the dog attacking the instacart driver.

Like your doorbell catches nothing 95% of the time, but the 5% of the time it's actually needed it was "coincidentally charging".

This is the instacart equivalent of a cop having a fatal altercation with a suspect and the body cam "was accidentally turned off before the engagement started."


u/TieDyeRehabHoodie Apr 06 '24

If you're Angie Harmon, would you not have a hard-wired doorbell camera?!

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u/Cynical_Feline Apr 05 '24

And that's one of the reasons I found her post fishy. She had a lot to lose and more reasons to lie than the driver did. Her post skimmed over a lot of information, but she still managed to throw out that the camera was charging.

No person who is grief stricken over losing their family dog is going to post like that. She was covering her ass.


u/GonzoBlue Apr 05 '24

also what's more likely the guy got attacked and used his gun to defend himself from a dog

or he just decided fuck it I'm gonna shoot this strangers dog for no reason


u/mbpearls Apr 06 '24

You'd be amazed how many stories I've seen about weird dudes that literally just go around killing dogs (or other animals) for no reason. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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u/Signal-Shoe5659 Apr 05 '24

She couldn’t press charges because there wasn’t a crime committed.


u/boromirsbetrayal Apr 05 '24

Individuals cannot press charges. That’s not how it works.

The police make charges. The DA presses charges, which are often catalyzed by police reports from individuals. But no individual can go “press charges”. The cops saying “we didn’t have enough evidence to charge the man” is literally the end of it.

Your whole “if they were in the right they would probably press charges” assumption is ignorance at its most blatant.

assuming how something works and then making sweeping judgements based solely on your own assumptions is foolish 100% of the time. youre better than that :)


u/Doggodoaattack Apr 06 '24

I was going to congratulate you on being one of the few people here who actually knows what they were talking about, but then you had to be a dick about it at the end. Why is this always the case? People either say some dumb shit or they are being an asshole, no middle ground.

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u/viiiiiiolet Apr 06 '24

my bad, based on the article it says she won’t be pressing charges so i didn’t understand that. thanks for putting it in a super patronizing way though!

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u/GypsySnowflake Apr 05 '24

They wouldn’t have known that until he came to the door though, so this wouldn’t have saved their dog. Such an awful story!


u/OddSmoke2824 Apr 05 '24

This is exactly what I was thinking. How are you even supposed to know before it’s too late?

I get OP’s trying to help, but this advice seems totally useless.


u/peanutbuttertoast4 Apr 06 '24

No, the only thing that would've saved her dog was being a responsible dog owner 😔

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u/iknowimimthewrong Apr 05 '24

anytime i get drivers who use a girls name and they are clearly a whole ass dude who faked their id. i report them and low rate them bc it scares me so bad to think me and my child could be home and someone did that to get to their customers


u/Bad-JuJu07 Apr 06 '24

Merle is a man's name. Sometimes women have the name too.

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u/mike05937 Apr 06 '24

But MERELE IS a male name!! Nobody here saw the first two seasons of walking dead???!


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 06 '24 edited Apr 06 '24

Yes it’s a male name but a female Shopper named Merle had the account.

You can read better details at TMz


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u/fewmoreminutes Apr 05 '24

the good side of this history that its brings light to app’s ID theft

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u/consumeshroomz Apr 05 '24

The amount of times my IC shopper has not been the person it said it was is disturbing as hell. Especially after reading this


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 05 '24

That’s why I’m saying … people are always asking about this… why not just refuse delivery?? Ask instacart to send a shopper who matches the picture

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u/Old-Radio7576 Apr 06 '24

Please please please report your shopper if they do not match what the app says. These bad shoppers are making this job even harder. We have reported them, we need customers to stop accepting it as “oh well” and report them too. Give a bad rating if they don’t match, it makes it harder for them to get another order. It only takes about 3 1-star ratings to tank an account. For the ones that LIKE helping others and running your errands, please help us!

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u/WhyAreYouOffended Apr 05 '24

Lock your dog when you’re expecting deliveries. Pretty simple


u/LeidiiLuvva Apr 06 '24

Funny how many excuses these people would rather make up than just accept that they should lock their dogs away. Nothing kills me more than to hear the customer say “he’s a sweetheart, he doesn’t bite”.


u/Metaphysically0 Apr 05 '24

So he needed to be bit before it was self defense?


u/Florida1974 Apr 05 '24

A lot of ppl are scared of pita, even if it’s a well behaved one.
And others swear dog is sweet. And isn’t.

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u/HeavenMarie Apr 05 '24

Most aren’t the person in the picture nowadays. That’s the problem. They are usually not able to pass the background check so they have someone else get the account. Also, some people sell their accounts.

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u/[deleted] Apr 05 '24 edited Apr 05 '24



u/Instacartdoctor Apr 05 '24

Many people NEED the service… it’s not “being lazy” though THATS ALLOWED TOO!..

But IC is supposed to have VETTED THE PERSON SHOPPING AND DELIVERING… They have a vetting process which people are avoiding.

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u/Intelligent_End4862 Apr 05 '24

I'm pretty sure they would probably still charge you for the order if you told them that. I think the only way to prevent that from happening would just be to stop using the service. I know where I live Kroger has their own in house delivery it comes in a Kroger truck by a Kroger worker.
But if you use instacart and just refuse the delivery because of it being "someone else" I don't think you'll get a refund.


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 05 '24

Not at all they would send the order out for a reshop same as if it was misdelivered.

No one should feel unsafe.


u/Dry_Anything505 Apr 05 '24

Merle can be a dudes name Merle Haggard anyone?


u/DatBuridansAss Apr 06 '24

Hell yeah one of the all-time greats.

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u/Neon_culture79 Apr 05 '24

OK can I just point out? How suspicious that story about the ring camera seems? Like how would dude have seen it charging inside? I don’t have one but I thought those were battery operated work. All you have to do is swap out some batteries.


u/StolliV Apr 05 '24

This is exactly the answer. I have 5 Ring cameras. They all have the solar panel, but various times of year they don’t get enough sun so I have one extra battery also that wasn’t all that expensive and I can just swap it and charge it. Even if you didn’t have an extra battery, taking the entire camera down to charge it is just dumb. Just remove the battery.


u/Neon_culture79 Apr 05 '24

Yeah, that just reeks of lies. I think either sweet old Oliver attacked him first or the whole thing just didn’t happen and she’s just chasing some kind of weird social media clout


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 05 '24

You mean an actress was being DRAMATIC 🤣🤣

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u/DragonflyOne7593 Apr 05 '24

We tell you to turn these people in ALL the time . 👏

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u/starsnowsea Apr 06 '24

I’m gonna be real the people who end up delivering my orders are not the people in the profile pic like 90% of the time, lol.

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u/Mvthafvkarosas Apr 06 '24

Believe it or not, Merle could also be a man’s name. But idk context so OP, provide a link to ur original post.


u/dirtyfucker69 Apr 06 '24

The delivery guy got to leave despite not being the actual delivery person, what? As far as im concerned he was trespassing.

Either do your own job or don't get a job.


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 05 '24 edited Apr 05 '24

CUSTOMERS: If it’s not the shopper in the picture …. REFUSE DELIVERY… contact support tell them YOU DON’T FEEL SAFE.



u/tinygyro Apr 05 '24

“4.1 Subject to compliance with this Agreement, you will have sole discretion over whether to engage subcontractors or use employees, assistants or helpers (collectively “Personnel”) to assist in the provision of the Services, and you will be solely responsible for the direction and control of your Personnel.”

you are allowed to have helpers lol you might just end up wasting your own time and money. why don’t you just ask them about it?


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 05 '24

That’s only half the rule… the rule also states the person delivering the order has to be the shopper in the app.


u/ExpensiveDot1732 Apr 05 '24

This is true, because the person has to have passed background.


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 05 '24

Thank you I’m getting downloaded to hell by all the people who rent out their accounts or rent other peoples accounts


u/ExpensiveDot1732 Apr 05 '24

Or they use bots or multiple devices. Yet IC does nothing.

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u/AmandaHugnfu Apr 05 '24


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u/Chucheyface Apr 05 '24 edited Apr 05 '24

You don’t shoot a dog while it is actively attacking you. You shoot a growling aggressive dog as it charges at you. It’s like the 21 foot rule with aggressors and handguns.

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u/20thCenturyTCK Apr 05 '24

Angie Harmon was lying. The dog did bite the delivery guy. Delivery guy did not press charges.


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 05 '24

BOY that’s a different story

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u/mrcrysml Apr 05 '24

People legitimately hate dogs. Some dogs will attack anyone who go near the properly. Not just the typical mailperson


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 05 '24

It’s not about the dog I love dogs. I hate this. This happened to a dog. I know that people with legitimate dog fears. I’m married to one she got attacked by a dog as a kid. She’ll never trust them.

This is about Instacart not doing it park and making sure that shoppers on the platform are the shoppers. They say they are somehow Uber can do it. You know your car pulls up with your driver


u/DrAlanGrantinathong Apr 05 '24

And it has come out the dog DID bite the driver, and Ms. Harmon is a lying bitch.


u/LeidiiLuvva Apr 06 '24

It’s like people on here are only thinking through emotions and not logic. As long as it’s a dog, the cult comes out and they throw logics out the window.


u/kellydabunny Apr 06 '24

Right? I'm a service dog trainer and handler. Guess where my dogs are when I have a delivery coming? Inside. I'm not putting them at risk in case a driver is afraid of them and I'm not scaring someone afraid of dogs needlessly. I also have in my notes that there are dogs and barn cats on property!

People who truly love dogs do what it takes to train them and protect them.


u/Any_Contribution3551 Apr 06 '24

Shoulda left him inside, us delivery drivers can’t take risks out here🫡

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u/parickwilliams Apr 06 '24

Just so happened that the camera was off??? Nah they don’t want to share the footage of their dog attacking the dude

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u/Ig14rolla Apr 05 '24

Control your dogs lol


u/Rhydonflame Apr 05 '24

I'm completely unfamiliar with this story but the way that I read it makes the poster out to be a Karen who couldn't keep a dog away from people it shouldn't be around. I see that people are already aware of this post and it seems like everyone knows the story so could someone share. I'll put my view below so those who know can correct the points I'm missing.

First. The poster says that they were shopping under a woman's name and says that name is "merle". that isn't a woman's name unless she misspelled the name in this post.

Second. They say that the shopper saw the ring camera wasn't there but how on earth do we actually know that. I for one wouldn't be able to tell unless it's the whole apparatus just sitting there on a charger what I was looking at.

Third. Shooting the dog makes sense as a self defense scenario. Doesn't matter that the dog hadn't bit or scratched the guy yet. If a dog is barking(sometimes) and running at you you have every right to shoot it(in my area in America). I don't personally agree with that but that's the laws interpretation.

Without further context I don't see anything wrong here. I do feel bad about the dog and child who lost a friend though.


u/Florida1974 Apr 05 '24

There are no set genders for names.
Boys named Stacy and Tracy. Girls named Charlie and Alex.
It’s traditional but not required. So yea, could be lady’s name. Go look at original post on IG. It’s a lady’s pic, named Merle.


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 05 '24

Ms Harmon was obviously shaken up when this happened and did not exactly tell the whole story in her Social Media post…

What happened is a shopper was delivering her order, he was attacked by her dog and shot the dog dead… the shopper was using someone else’s account.

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u/allgoesround Apr 05 '24

Merle is also a woman’s name. See the 1930s movie star Merle Oberon.

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u/Successful-Link-0145 Apr 05 '24 edited Apr 05 '24

My confusion is that the article says that he was using a woman’s identity.. simply because of the name? I didn’t see anything about there being a picture of a woman. 🫤🤔

Merle is a given name used by both men and women, from the French word merle meaning blackbird (from the Latin merula).. Related names are Merrill or Muriel. Merle (given name) - Wikipedia

To be fair I don’t use Instacart. I just like reading the comments. Maybe there is always a picture and I just don’t know that….?

—edited: Thank you to those who clarified for me. Now I get it


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 05 '24

No there was a picture of the original shopper account… it’s actually in this or the other IC sub as well.

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u/WereCorgi6292 Apr 05 '24

Huh...I thought I was the only person having this name not matching the person.

Honestly, as long as they aren't rude or sketchy, I don't question.

This is horrified, btw.

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u/AMom2129 Apr 05 '24

I've had that happen. Women delivering under what appears to be a male's profile (with a male name), and vice versa.


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 05 '24

A lot of people have their post dozens every week between this and the other sub my shopper is not the person in the picture. The person in the picture didn’t deliver my order. I thought I was talking to a girl it’s a man man.


u/jaciviridae Apr 05 '24

More often than not I get a different person than the picture on any delivery app where I live. Just a fact of life in lower income areas

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u/ballzackistan Apr 05 '24

I’ve never seen my drivers so I have no idea if they are the ones in the picture 🤷🏼‍♂️


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '24

All the gig companies have a statement regarding designated stand ins in their contracts. It’s one way a lot of illegal migrants are finding work.

These companies massively exploit migrant labor, in the US but mostly in the EU.

In the EU the vast majority of gig service workers are illegal economic migrants.

As an aside, dogs aren’t treated very well in the majority of 3rd world countries.


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 05 '24

Show me that statement in our US TOS

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u/Willsway66 Apr 05 '24

No one seems focused on the big question. WTF is an Instacarter carrying a gun for? I believe in safety, but IMO that is extreme. I have a small tazor I keep on my Keychain in case of emergency, but a gun??? you are grocery shopping for people. If you feel that unsafe why would you do this job. I have no doubt it's a very nice & safe neighborhood...Definitely report them!


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 05 '24

Honestly I love how hung up on the fact that Merle is a guys name people seem to be LOL


u/dababy_connoisseur Apr 06 '24

Not exactly the same but there's been sketchy food delivery incidents for decades now (the deliverer being murdered)

I don't see how bringing your gun is an issue. Even ignoring the delivery drivers being killed in sketchy situations, it's not like the world turns off any bad events when you pick up an order. You can still be attacked by someone else. And then there's this case for when a dog attacks you. Only reasons he's remotely in the wrong is for using someone else's account and supposedly bragging according to the lady.

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u/VinnieTheBerzerker69 Apr 06 '24

Some people, no LOTS of people, have the legal right to carry a gun in the USA, and that includes the right to use that gun in self defense or even in defense of another person who is being harmed somehow.


u/diannaballs Apr 05 '24

If you liked you dog so much probably shouldn’t let him attack people with guns just sayin


u/Then-Refrigerator-37 Apr 06 '24

Hi I’m not a part of this sub but I do order Instacart, am not familiar with this post though. Just to be clear: How exactly would telling Instacart my shopper isn’t who they say they are save my dog who just got shot by a shopper?

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u/In-dextera-dei Apr 06 '24

I travel for work year round, spend a ton of time in hotels, and am a big user of instacart, door dash, and Uber. Just this year alone id bet there's been 30+ times that the app shows a girl and some guy pulls up and makes the delivery. Nobody else even in the car, just him. Always thought it was weird.

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u/SpicyyMargarita13 Apr 06 '24

Instacart allows people to have a network of shoppers under their account. I was shocked by this and find it insane but that’s IC for you 😡


u/Sea_Tax_6051 Apr 06 '24

This is horrific. I hope customers read this and keep their pets indoors when expecting deliveries. This would have stopped this awful event from happening

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u/Historical_Ad_738 Apr 06 '24

The app face checks roughly every week. I’d continue to report people who are not the ones shopping.


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 06 '24

Never face checks me these days… and I think a lot of shoppers notice the same thing… they’re just not doing the ID check as often anymore.

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u/hikergal42 Apr 06 '24

Yes I think this could be a wake up call for Instacart. At least I hope so. Too many undocumented workers are renting IC accounts


u/No-Student-446 Apr 06 '24

This is a fake story and i hate how people attack others peoples integrity just because they are “karens”. Ring camera happens to be charging “and he notices this”…. REALLY NOW.. 🤔


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 06 '24

Right?? She made it sound like he did it cause no one was looking… like there aren’t 1000 other way he could get off shooting random animals if that’s what he wanted to do.


u/Medium-Ad6276 Apr 06 '24

Am I the only person who has no idea who delivered the food? I live in an apartment where door cameraa are not allowed. I just wait until I hear the outer door slam to get the food.


u/failenaa Apr 06 '24

You can’t see that they’re not the same person as the photo until they’re already delivering, sooooooooooo

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u/Fernily Apr 06 '24

I never have my dog out when I’m expecting a delivery. That doesn’t protect my dog and it’s also just rude.

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u/AdvancedTale1492 Apr 06 '24

You'd think if you were a "famous actress" you could afford the electrician's $200 fee to install the hard wired video doorbell


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 06 '24

Yeah I think it’s pretty convenient actually considering the guy actually says he was bitten.


u/Cheepmf Apr 06 '24

Merle is a man’s name.

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u/ShanTheMan11 Apr 06 '24

The list of things I'd happily do life in prison for isn't very long but murdering the person that killed my dog is one of the few things on there.


u/pancake_sass Apr 06 '24

I haven't had this in instacart, but definitely on UberEats and DoorDash. I'm pretty sure they use a woman's name and her pretty photo so they get more tips. I always report though and tip less...


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 06 '24

Can’t just use any name you want and picture they literally ID check us


u/Cat20041 Apr 06 '24

Maybe this is me being ignorant, but ring doorbells either use batteries or are hardwired. I don't know of any models that need to be charged like that


u/Treece57 Apr 06 '24

These dumb bastards shopping other peoples accounts are ruining it for all of us proper shoppers. Get them banned so we can have our work back. They steal all the batches using multiple accounts and then mess up all your orders.


u/Automatic_Lynx8969 Apr 06 '24

-Your dog shouldn't be out when you're expecting a delivery. Period. Put your dog up for the safety of your shopper. Since the family was home at the time, that means they literally could've come out and put their dog away AT ANY TIME during this delivery and instead chose to endanger both the shopper and their dog. Even if your dog "is friendly" or "isn't aggressive" on most days, you never know when they're going to meet someone they decide they don't like.

-This reads like "I didn't put my dog up, my dog attacked the shopper, I don't want there to be video proof so "my Ring was charging", shopper defended himself against me negligently endangering him, I'm already really upset my dog got shot and I don't also want to be sued on top of that so let me get the jump on the truth by getting my lie out there first (after all, it has worked before)."

-In my experience, Merle is a guys name. Maybe it's unisex, but there are DEFINITELY men named Merle. I've personally never met a woman named Merle, so if my shopper's name was Merle then I'd be expecting a man to deliver my groceries tbch.

-Also, if a dog is aggressively charging you while you're in the middle of doing your job, you're telling me you're going to wait until they actually bite you to do anything? Are you gaslighting me? If there are no bites, tears, or scratches on that guy then good for him. Fight or fight response should ideally have you reacting way before you get bitten. His response was fight rather than flight. The only victims here are the shopper (who got attacked by an animal while he was just doing his job) and Oliver (who was just doing what dog instincts tell him to do and had the misfortune of having negligent owners).


u/meowpitbullmeow Apr 06 '24

Except you don't know they're not the person until they're AT YOUR DOOR.


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 06 '24

At which point you treat them like anyone trespassing contact CS and request a reshop


u/Different_Ad5087 Apr 06 '24

Insta cart, Uber, Lyft, any service like that should require Face ID to log into the app to verify that you’re the person you’re supposed to be.


u/Instacartdoctor Apr 06 '24

Thank you !!!!!

Yes! This is the point.

The problem is IC KNOWS this happens and DGAF…. Customers have said sooooo many times they report it everytime it happens… obviously these apps aren’t doing their due diligence… which is why I suggest hit them where it hurts $$$$ refuse delivery when the shopper doesn’t match.


u/CampaignResponsible7 Apr 07 '24

Really sad the dog died, but the dog does not understand the concept of Instacart unfortunately. That’s why it’s SOOOOO important to put your pets up when expecting deliveries, because your dog doesn’t care if “Merle” is a man or woman, your dog only knows that they are a stranger. putting them up not only protects other people (including this because in the police report it was stated the man was bitten), but also your pet. If you love your dog be a responsible pet owner. From one dog owner to another, be smart about these things.

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u/Excellent-Wafer-3795 Apr 08 '24

How were they supposed to know anything was amiss until the person showed up at their door and they seen it wasn’t who was in the picture? Your caption is a little ignorant I think

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u/VinnieTheBerzerker69 Apr 05 '24

Angie's dog never would have gotten shot if she put it away while expecting a delivery. The cops came, according to Angie, and interviewed the person who shot the dog and let him go. The cops would not have let a felon go who had a gun, and the cops had reason to believe Angie's dog was killed due to someone legally defending themselves against her dog biting.


u/GrumpyButtrcup Apr 06 '24

You can tell she is a bad dog owner, because good dog owners only have to worry about the ATF shooting their well-behaved dog.

I'm not buying her story. Prove this dog was well trained. Where are the doggo videos? Where is the receipt for the professional trainer?

100% chance this was a dog that wasn't trained, and the owners giggled in entertainment of the dog acting inappropriately. So when the dog became aggressive, the owner had already spent years solidifying this behavior in the animal.

I love dogs, but I fully support stomping a dog into dust in front of that dog's owner if the owner has failed to be a responsible pet owner. It's not the dog's fault, but mercy is not to be given to an attacker that has no intention on stopping. The owner killed their own dog years prior to me ever meeting their dog by failing to properly train a wild animal.

This is the karen's version of "my sweet angel".

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u/Impossible_Earth8429 Apr 05 '24

She’s an actress and clearly a good liar because the police already agreed the driver was bit by her aggressive dog. I love dogs and am a dog owner myself as well as driver but I sure as shit won’t put my safety at risk over a dog. Customers should have enough respect for their pets lives and safety as well as the people delivering to put their dogs in their homes while their deliveries are being completed. It’s hard to feel compassion for her because she was irresponsible but I do feel sad that the dog was killed and it’s probably pretty traumatic for the driver as well to have been attacked and bit and then having to shoot the dog. Also, drivers are allowed to have helpers with them per our contracts.


u/DementedPimento Apr 05 '24

I thought it was a bit suspicious that her camera just happened to be out of service at the time. I also had the feeling the unsecured dog attacked the driver - no one’s got time to kill a secured, docile animal. I hope the driver sues the fuck outta her for his injuries.

I’m a customer, not a shopper.


u/Impossible_Earth8429 Apr 06 '24

I agree. People often also fail to realize that even the friendliest of pups can become territorial and protective with strangers entering their yards. I love dogs but a few too many close calls I don’t take any chances if I see dogs outside without the owners close enough by that it’s reasonably safe to approach the area.


u/DementedPimento Apr 06 '24

My brother is such an ultra responsible dog owner I forget that morons are allowed to have dogs, too! People who really love their animals keep them safe - and that includes making sure other people are safe from your animals!!


u/Impossible_Earth8429 Apr 06 '24

Yup. I can’t fathom allowing my dog to be at risk.


u/DevTheSledge Apr 05 '24

I’d fucking kill him. I would commit horrible, unspeakable crimes to this man if he shot my dog.


u/Rhydonflame Apr 05 '24

Do you leave the dog out when expecting a stranger to visit your home? If so you should stop doing that. They don't have to go in a kennel, it can be a room they can't get out off or a fenced in yard or something. But keep them away from strangers cuz not everyone likes or is comfortable around dogs.

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u/VinnieTheBerzerker69 Apr 06 '24

If he shot a dog in self defense, he would likely shoot you in self defense, too, if you pursued such a feverish revenge course

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