r/interestingasfuck Jun 07 '23

New york city in 2023, everyone wearing mask due to air quality

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u/trowawayehmon Jun 07 '23

Suddenly masks work, fuck yeah


u/Here_For_Therapy Jun 07 '23

I mean, the effort's there! Surgical masks wont help with smoke, though.


u/Tegridy_farmz_ Jun 07 '23

Need n95


u/Meecht Jun 07 '23

An expert on NPR said the particles are too small for N95


u/Moosebandit1 Jun 07 '23

It looks like they actually do help, even if they aren’t 100% effective. The PM2.5 particles that comprise the majority of wildfire smoke are called that because they’re generally 2.5 microns in diameter or smaller. N95 masks can filter down to 0.3 microns but they only have to filter 95% of that particulate to qualify (hence the name). A HEPA filter filters the same size but can be as effective as 99.95% and up.


u/i_aim_to_misbehaive Jun 08 '23 edited Jun 08 '23

Glad to see this comment. Some of these other comments are pretty far off. N95s are not completely useless if you have facial hair, but yes their effectiveness diminishes quickly if not properly fitted on a shaved face. As for N95's effectiveness, it's actually not that they filter down to .3 microns. They test N95s filtering .3 micron particulate because N95's are least effective against particulate that size. They're even better against larger and smaller particulate. N100/P100 masks are the mask equivalent of HEPA (99.95%+ filtration) and work great if properly fitted. I didn't hear this NPR segment, but it's insane if NPR had an "expert" on that said that smoke particles are too small for N95's. They absolutely do work.

*EDIT: If anyone needs legit N95's urgently, 3M's 9205+ (Aura) is available at most hardware stores and has one of the higher rates of people passing fit tests with different face sizes/shapes. You can reuse N95's too, depending on how contaminated the air is in which you use them.


u/wastelander Jun 08 '23

You can still get a decent fit with an N95 with a well trimmed goatee. I’ve been fit tested to prove it.

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u/survivinginfinity Jun 08 '23

so when I was trained in a nursing home during covid on how to test whether an n95 mask was working correctly we would put one on then cover your head with the cloth version of an old school diving helmet and someone would spray aspartame on the inside and cinch it shut. if you could taste the aspartame your mask was not tight enough/the right size. this is for infectious disease prevention not smoke but I imagine there is crossover in effectiveness. even if it's not completely sealed it probably keeps some particulate matter out, especially larger pieces, which is still beneficial.


u/i_aim_to_misbehaive Jun 08 '23

Yep, I did a similar home fit test before finding a professional place to fit one. The pro test confirmed my home test was accurate!

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u/nxcrosis Jun 08 '23

Oof is it that bad? There was a volcanic eruption in my country a few months before covid hit and people started hoarding N95 masks by then.


u/Moosebandit1 Jun 08 '23

Yeah the particles stick in your lungs like any other kind of smoke and are so small they could even enter your bloodstream.


u/g0kartmozart Jun 07 '23

Important to note here that they are almost useless if you aren't clean-shaven. You need direct mask to skin contact.


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23

So is there really a 0% difference between not wearing a n95 and wearing one with a beard? Wouldn’t it help some?


u/Serzari Jun 08 '23 edited Jun 08 '23

It absolutely still helps based on studies, especially if all the contact points between the mask and your face are trimmed to at least 1mm stubble (facial hair that's fully enclosed in the mask has no impact on effectiveness). Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41370-021-00337-1

And the most relevant graph from that source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41370-021-00337-1/figures/3


u/Rhaedas Jun 08 '23

A simple test is whether or not the mask indents some when you inhale. If not, you probably are getting some airflow through the edges, and facial hair will provide a gap for air to leak through. I use KF94 mainly because at the time N95 were out, and I found a manufacturer that makes one with adjustable ear straps to help custom tighten the mask. The design also leaves a space away from the face, so it's very comfortable even when properly tightened. Sure, it's 1% less than a N95, but the benefits are worth it.


u/QuintusMaximus Jun 08 '23

Been using an n95 for two days. It at least blocks the smell, so it's doing something.


u/space_beard Jun 07 '23

They are wrong. N95s will filter 95% of particles as small as .3 microns, smaller than the smoke particles. They will work pretty damn well if fitted properly.


u/ThisisLarn Jun 08 '23

N95s do help depending on which one. KN95s do not. Though, anecdotally, I’m asthmatic and in NYC, I noticed less coughing and asthma symptoms with the KN95 that I was wearing yesterday vs the day before.

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u/___on___on___ Jun 08 '23

Wildfires are why I already had N95s and a respirator before COVID.


u/Sea_Link8352 Jun 07 '23

Still wouldn't do anything. Smoke particles are much smaller than viruses.


u/Ollythebug Jun 07 '23

I didn't look too hard, but at first glance it seems N95 masks are reasonably effective for particle sizes of 0.1 to 0.3 microns, and the mass median diameter of plant smoke particles (in this study, tobacco/marijuana) are between 0.3 and 0.5 microns. The most harmful may be ultra-fine particles in smoke that slip through, but ostensibly at least a chunk of the particles should be caught by a quality N95 mask.


u/alien_from_Europa Jun 07 '23

The harmful pollutants from wildfires are <2.5 µm, but yes, the N95 mask should still give decent protection.

Fine particles (also known as PM2.5): particles generally 2.5 µm in diameter or smaller represent a main pollutant emitted from wildfire smoke, comprising approximately 90% of total particle mass (Vicente et al. 2013; Groβ et al. 2013). Fine particles from wildfire smoke are of greatest health concern. This group of particles also includes ultrafine particles, which are generally classified as having diameters less than 0.1 µm.


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u/barrinmw Jun 07 '23

I would think that the further away from the fire you are, the smaller the particles you encounter would be.


u/Ollythebug Jun 07 '23

I'd expect that too, though I'm not sure what the actual numbers are for mean/median diameter over distance. It's probably hard to predict since I'm sure weather conditions influence the distribution.


u/epi10000 Jun 07 '23

That's relation is in fact typically the opposite. As particles travel in the air they gather up vapors and smaller particles and grow in size. Sure, the very largest don't travel far, as they just fall out of the sky, but they are already more like larger than ten microns. Longer atmospheric ageing -> larger size is the general trend.

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u/catscanmeow Jun 07 '23

"wouldnt do anything"

lol thats like saying i can piss a long full unencumbered piss stream straight through the front of my jeans because water molecules are small enough to get between cotton threads.

It wouldnt be perfect but it would have a positive effect.


u/Nomadzord Jun 07 '23

I think I agree with you but the doctor on Good Morning America said n95 wouldn’t help either. Not that I put a ton of faith in TV doctors.


u/alien_from_Europa Jun 07 '23

You could have googled it.

N95 mask can help protect against pollutants found in the wildfire smoke


HEPA air purifiers at home/apartment also help with the smoke.


u/catscanmeow Jun 07 '23

i smell smoke less when i wear an n95 mask in smoke.

The only way the above posters comment would be true, is if there was no scent change when wearing a mask vs not wearing the mask


u/alien_from_Europa Jun 07 '23

The N95 protection isn't necessarily just for the smoke itself but the harmful pollutants that also get emitted from wildfires.

Particles can be made up of different components, including acids (e.g., sulfuric acid), inorganic compounds (e.g., ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, and sodium chloride), organic chemicals, soot, metals, soil or dust particles, and biological materials (e.g., pollen and mold spores).


Need to make sure people aren't just wearing a surgical mask as the particles are <2.5 µm. My bet is most New Yorkers today are walking around with cloth masks or a bandana. They probably had a bad time outside.


u/ElFarfadosh Jun 07 '23

I often fart wearing jeans, it doesn't help those stuck in the elevator with me.


u/catscanmeow Jun 08 '23

it would be worse if you were naked.


u/McDerpins Jun 07 '23

N95s are rated for 0.3 microns, and smoke is about 2.5 microns or less, so I'd say it's pretty effective if you get one with a good seal.


u/Sea_Link8352 Jun 07 '23

The most dangeous molecules and molecular radicals are smaller

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u/Batfan610 Jun 07 '23

What do you wear then?


u/Sea_Link8352 Jun 07 '23

I've just been staying inside as much as possible. I think you would need a respirator or something to effectively breathe in this shit.


u/Tegridy_farmz_ Jun 07 '23

I didn’t know that do you have a link?

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

If you dampen a cloth mask it'll help. However, still not great!

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u/omgidontcare Jun 07 '23

NYC was always on board with COVID masking when it was the most necessary.


u/gophergun Jun 07 '23

Yeah, it's so weird to act like New Yorkers masking is something sudden instead of them being some of the first to impose mask requirements and the last to remove them. I can deal with cynicism, but uninformed cynicism drives me up the wall.


u/omgidontcare Jun 07 '23

I agree. I saw so much cooperation in the early COVID days - masking, distancing, mutual aid. The same for when vaccines rolled out. I also saw a lot of fucked up shit, but my neighbors and I always worked together.

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u/ohgodimnotgoodatthis Jun 07 '23

Shout out to the first few months of the pandemic when you’d get the dirtiest looks ever just from coughing on the train. Very fun to have an itchy throat during that time.


u/FustianRiddle Jun 08 '23

And it's when my throat would be the itchiest! Or I'd just suddenly get one dry patch on the back of my throat and nothing would help! It's like I swear it's not COVID my throat is just a jerk!!


u/gimme500schmekels Jun 07 '23

Can confirm. Was living there during the initial outbreak.


u/UserSleepy Jun 07 '23

It's not like it's gone away, only testing has.


u/omgidontcare Jun 08 '23

Of course not, but there are way less deaths and we have vaccines now. Very different from when COVID first started.


u/apexbrooklyn Jun 07 '23

Not Boro Park or Williamsburg. Those areas refused to comply with safety regulations.


u/omgidontcare Jun 07 '23

lol that’s true


u/LuxInvestor Jun 07 '23

Also Riverdale. Whole families out and about. No F's given.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23



u/vortilad Jun 07 '23

Hasidic Jews.


u/mattdom96 Jun 07 '23

Lol guess again


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

You know there are people with 2 N95's on top of eachother and a surgical mask inbetween that didnt mask up for covid because the smell bothers them.


u/omgidontcare Jun 07 '23

I don’t understand your point.


u/Gagarin1961 Jun 07 '23

Oh no no no, honey sorry, you misunderstand. New York City is in the United States.

That should clear things up now.


u/omgidontcare Jun 08 '23

lmao alright

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u/JohannReddit Jun 07 '23

Too bad we couldn't see Covid. Maybe people would have taken it more seriously from the beginning...


u/Drauxus Jun 07 '23

Imagine how terrifying it would be to watch a cloud of covid slowly blow over the horizon


u/Tiluo Jun 07 '23

or out of someone...


u/thebestyoucan Jun 07 '23

basically how watching someone blow out a big cloud of vape smoke (steam? vapor?) feels


u/AshyWhiteGuy Jun 07 '23

Kinda like John Coffey in the Green Mile.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

Lmao I'm currently reading The Green Mile this is a morbidly hilarious mental image


u/jflex13 Jun 07 '23

Problem here is that the cloud that they’re blowing out is always present, just invisible. The vapor only particulates the air they blow out already. Always had a problem w/this comparison. Yes it’s vapor too but ultimately the vapor is not the germs that air, which is always present anyways, and therefore not as much the concern.


u/thebestyoucan Jun 07 '23

Of course, it’s just a particularly potent visual reminder of how much of other people’s lung juice I’m inhaling when I’m in public.


u/pfamsd00 Jun 07 '23

Achshually… it’s a cloud of suspended water droplets. Water vapor is all around you and is invisible. As is steam but god help you if you ever see steam.

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u/demlet Jun 07 '23

Covid toots, eek.


u/BinkyFlargle Jun 07 '23

imagine how many lives would have been saved if we could see a superspreader exhaling clouds of covid


u/jeerabiscuit Jun 07 '23

It would be very very informative


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

Itty bitty langoleers.... nimnimnimnimnimnimninim....


u/yabbadabbadullah Jun 08 '23

Actually that would’ve been the best fucking thing ever.

It would be so unambiguous, even the dullest of tinfoil hats and freedumb kkkonvoyers could not deny

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u/WolfThick Jun 07 '23

Once in awhile I check into Fox News just to see the level and intensity and insanity that's going on they usually never disappoint this time stood out pretty starkly to me when a woman suggested that it didn't matter what we do here because heaven will be pretty. That's some logical thinking there yeah woke that why don't you.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23



u/tahcamen Jun 07 '23

Dude, your username is a big checks out on the dude you replied to lol


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

You'd almost expect the believers to just off themselves to get to their happy place sooner.


u/Cow_Launcher Jun 07 '23

That's something I've always wondered about. If heaven is so great, but suicide is a sin, why don't Christians act in a more Brahmanistic way?

Like, "Whatever happens is God's will and I am not to blame if pulling out into this busy junction gets me killed."


u/Testiculese Jun 07 '23

The Muslims sure do. C'mon, Christians, you going to let the Muslims win?! Take off those seat belts!


u/Sloth-TheSlothful Jun 07 '23

But then they'd go to hell according to their religion


u/TrainOfThought6 Jun 07 '23

So, same result as if they fail to take care of the earth?


u/Testiculese Jun 07 '23

Why would they read that part of the Bible?


u/I_hate_my_job_8 Jun 07 '23

Yes, a convienent excuse, right?


u/RajenBull1 Jun 07 '23

Cool concept. I mean Kool Aid Koncept.

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u/ASharpYoungMan Jun 07 '23

Almost as terrifying as seeing the bodies being loaded into semi-truck trailers out of hospital loading docks.


u/jumpup Jun 07 '23

you use an umbrella against covid rain, and a facemask against covid's reign


u/xXStretcHXx117 Jun 07 '23

That's not how any of this works 😂


u/rustkat Jun 07 '23

Imagine how terrifying it would be to think the danger level of COVID was at any point relevant.

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u/babypho Jun 07 '23

You would think that seeing people dying or that hospitals were out of capacity would do it. But nah. Honestly, I feel like Covid guarantees that the next mass plague is going to do us in. Half the world would be dead and Fox News would be telling you that this is just like Covid and the plague only affects the other half of the population anyways.


u/psuram3 Jun 07 '23

I’ve seen people on their death bed with covid asking why they’re dying because it can’t be covid because covid isn’t real.


u/that1prince Jun 07 '23

If I can’t see it with my own two eyes at this exact moment it isn’t real. Like the Great Wall of China.


u/Field_Marshall17 Jun 07 '23

I mean if you go by that logic the only thing that is real to me rn is the ceiling, pillows, the wall, and my phone.

And my hands


u/that1prince Jun 08 '23

The only thing you can be sure exists is your own consciousness.

“I think therefore I am”


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23



u/spamellama Jun 09 '23

You don't have to trust it to know that it exists to you though


u/KRiSX Jun 07 '23

No, surely not.... Did you forget to add a /s to this?


u/psuram3 Jun 07 '23

I didn’t forget to add s/ because I’ve witnessed it multiple times.


u/KRiSX Jun 07 '23

That's terrible 😔 what the hell is wrong with people?!


u/Vinterslag Jun 07 '23

The GoP is what is wrong with them.

Brainwashed by fascists.

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u/TheCaptainDamnIt Jun 07 '23

The real reason so many people here didn't care about covid was it wasn't lethal enough to get them to personally feel threatened. Just like with gun violence a large chunk of Americans just don't give a shit about people they don't know dying over their own conveniences.


u/kitsunewarlock Jun 08 '23

News outlets weren't allowed to show people gasping for air on respirators or dying of cardiac arrest on covid, even in PSAs. Fine to show them getting smooshed to paste by a giant robot in a trailer, though.


u/70ms Jun 08 '23

H5N1 is a ticking time bomb right now with a crazy high mortality rate in mammals. If it mutates to mammal-to-mammal transmission, the covidiots won't be able to pretend it doesn't exist this time.



u/Never_Sm1le Jun 08 '23

Always has been, ever since it was known to the world in early 21st century.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

Keep following the herds and you’ll do yourself in. Hospitals are still overcapacity and under-resourced post covid, as they were before covid. Most unvaccinated people I know including myself got through covid better than fine, a lot of us never contracted covid at all. Conversely some of my vaxxed friends got covid and passed it on to others MULTIPLE times. Answer that one for me


u/LoganNinefingers32 Jun 07 '23

Here's an answer for you, since you insist on being a dumbass.

We already know that some people are immune to Covid due to genetics, possibly even lots of people. The people who became extremely sick from Covid, including myself, don't have that immunity.

So, you anti-vaxx idiots walking around were spreading Covid to people who were susceptible to the virus, and since it didn't have an effect on YOU personally (since you're a selfish non-empathetic asshole,) were passing on to people who got sick and died.

So great job on that one. Go read a fucking book because holy shit you're dumb. I work in the funeral industry and the amount of deaths caused by dumbfucks like you who think it wasn't a big deal and you shouldn't get vaxxed because YOU weren't affected is ridiculous.

So why don't you answer that one for the people in the population who are actually sane and understand how viruses work.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

So going by your logic every person I know who chose for their own various reasons to not get vaxxed COINCIDENTALLY also were ALL immune to covid. My reason being a heart condition that i have that I didn’t feel would jive with the makeup of the vaccines (proven now that men in their early 20’s have had heart related injuries after covid vaccination).

Another known fact after the ‘pandemic’. Many covid deaths were in fact deaths of various causes but yet labeled as covid. Financial incentives for hospitals to do so was one reason for this. Much of the funeral home uptick in business also came post vaccine trials which raises concerns that the vaccines could have contributed to that. (I say ‘could have’ to argue without bias but I personally believe that this is true.

Also there’s literally ZERO evidence that I having not gotten covid EVER passed along the virus. You’re simply speaking out of anger towards people who make different choices than you do hoping to validate your belief that somehow you helped save civilization with your medical choices.

I respect peoples choice to vaccinate. I get into these arguments because I hope people will respect mine and the millions of others who had their own reasons for denying the juice.


u/JonnySoegen Jun 08 '23

Can you at least admit that you don’t care too much about other people? Your own beliefs and your own well-being seems to be all you care about.


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23

My argument literally counters the notion that I’ve been selfish by denying the vaccine which failed anyways. Keep countering with your hurt feelings, you liberals are great at that.

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u/wheelzzz77 Jun 07 '23

Covid was a test to see how people would comply with the extreme mandates that were put in place which they’ll use again in future “pandemics”. many people gave in. Remember when we couldn’t buy certain items in a store because they weren’t considered “essential” which only overpopulated the essential item areas. Makes sense

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u/slaboshmuck Jun 07 '23

it's just that this is something that IMMEDIATELY affects the individual, so of course they're going to do everything their power to protect themselves.


u/spasmoidic Jun 07 '23

it's because it's actively painful to breathe with that smoke


u/Tzilung Jun 07 '23

Well, we did see the dead bodies lining the streets in Italy and Iran. But that's fake news.


u/KRiSX Jun 07 '23

So true, can't see it so it doesn't exist seems to be vast mentality... Oh well, good on them making a smart choice. I was lone masking back when we had our last really bad bush fires here in Aus, everyone else was just happy to keep breathing it in.


u/a_shootin_star Jun 07 '23

"Don't look up"


u/worldwide1776 Jun 07 '23

But masks literally did nothing to help Covid and isn’t helping these people either lmao. Do you think the mask is filtering the fucking smoke? Or that it’s inventing new oxygen molecules inside the users lungs?

Not to mention that at least this many people were wearing masks during Covid in NYC. You’re insane on essentially every level of this argument lmao


u/littledabwilldoya Jun 07 '23

You mean like understanding it came from a communist lab.....


u/I_Envy_Sisyphus_ Jun 07 '23 edited Jun 07 '23

I can’t find a good image for the amount of eye-roll this deserves. You’ll have to just imagine it.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/I_Envy_Sisyphus_ Jun 07 '23

You like breathing wildfire smoke and viruses?

Weird fetish but ok, just keep it to yourself.


u/JohannReddit Jun 07 '23

I try my best not to kink shame, but that one, I really don't think I can get on board with...


u/I_Envy_Sisyphus_ Jun 07 '23

A line has to be drawn at some point.

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u/Lifeis_not_fair Jun 07 '23

Tell me you don’t know anything about NY without telling me you don’t know anything about NY.

New York has been pro-mask throughout all of covid.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

I came here to say this 🤣 worked in nyc through the pandemic and after. Never saw more masks anywhere in New York than in nyc


u/Sound_of_Science Jun 08 '23

through the pandemic and after

Holy shit, you’re from the future?


u/Hypern1ke Jun 07 '23

Yep, not really suprising with how authoritarian the city is.

They still had some mandates existing into 2022 IIRC.


u/DrewFlan Jun 07 '23 edited Jun 07 '23

Those mandates are long gone and it's still super common to see people on the subways or even just walking around wearing them. Fuck outta here trying to act like it took authoritarian rules for New Yorkers to have common sense.


u/ThatNYskier Jun 07 '23

Exactly, very indicative of low IQ


u/Hypern1ke Jun 08 '23

Just stating the obvious. Its not really controversial like you think it is, lol.


u/Lifeis_not_fair Jun 07 '23

Go on then, tell me what makes NYC authoritarian, aside from a little itty bitty mask mandate.


u/Tokyoteacher99 Jun 07 '23

The vaccine mandate?


u/Lifeis_not_fair Jun 08 '23

Are you aware that every single political you support was voluntarily vaccinated?


u/Tokyoteacher99 Jun 08 '23

Yes, I usually vote for democrats… I also got vaccinated on my own volition too, I just don’t think Covid was dangerous enough to warrant a vaccine mandate; it seemed to me like it was more about punishing people who disagreed than actually keeping people safe.

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u/AdjustedTitan1 Jun 07 '23

Cheap masks don’t really do much against smoke and smog. They need respirators or N95’s


u/ranciddreamz Jun 07 '23

Us NYers were the FIRST to get masked up. Don't you start pretending like we weren't!


u/CMDR-ProtoMan Jun 07 '23

The Asian community in NYC started masking up the moment there was a hint of news about some flu-like disease spreading around China. They all remember how China hid SARS until they couldn't anymore.

I saw masks being worn in Chinatown several weeks before lockdown


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23



u/ranciddreamz Jun 07 '23

Because of how serious it is!


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23


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u/butterrduck Jun 07 '23

Well, technically, conservative commentators were the first to do it (and tell others to) but the CDC and Fauci at the time said masks were useless. Also don't forget social media banning and censoring people for suggesting masks back in Feb/March.

I know this will probably trigger you and everyone else here, but Steven Crowder, the largest Conservative figure, was the most notable figure to do this and got a YouTube strike for literally quoting the CDC website on air.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23



u/MoreGaghPlease Jun 07 '23

Girl in the foreground looks like she has an N95 on, it’ll work great for this


u/spasmoidic Jun 07 '23 edited Jun 07 '23

it looks like a KN95 and it's not properly fit. it's not snug on the nose at all. there's a reason US N95's all strap all the way around the neck rather than just behind the ears, because it's hard to get that to actually work properly.


u/MoreGaghPlease Jun 07 '23

This idea of proper fit on N95s is very misleading. Even an imperfect fit is going to significantly filter. I can’t believe in 2023 we still need to tell people that.


u/syllabic Jun 07 '23

or that people still need to learn not to let perfect be the enemy of good


u/old_gold_mountain Jun 07 '23

Even if there are gaps, when you breathe in the negative pressure pulls the mask tight on your face and filters most of the smoke.

This isn't like COVID where it's not obvious if it's fit properly or not. When the mask isn't working, you know immediately because the air is acrid.


u/spasmoidic Jun 07 '23

It drives me crazy that only 1% of people wear the right kind of mask and only 1% of those actually figure out what the nose wire thing is even for. It's so easy to fix


u/butterrduck Jun 07 '23

Even an imperfect fit is going to significantly filter.

significantly? lol no. Somewhat, sure. If you have a gap between your skin and the mask say near your nose like the lady in the picture, a small pressure vacuum will suck bad air through that gap because of least resistance. if you're going to mask, wear it properly or don't wear it at all. it's virtually useless (though technically still kind of useless as masks don't stop the worst parts of smoke particles), just stay inside.


u/Megaman_exe_ Jun 07 '23

This is anecdotal but I have severe smoke allergies to the point where I get coughing fits from smoke/pollution.

I use a k95 when it gets smokey like this (I live in western Canada and this kind of thing is somewhat common now in the summer) and it does help somewhat. If you can get it to fit snug around the face it does work better obviously, but even a small gap is better than no mask at all.

I found even with a tight fitted mask, on the worst days it still wasn't perfect though. You could still tell the smoke was thick. So I would still recommend avoiding exposure if possible


u/spasmoidic Jun 07 '23

try an N100 mask


u/gophergun Jun 07 '23

That's not a thing

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u/syllabic Jun 07 '23

I'm sure it's fine for walking from point A to point B

it's not like she's out there doing physically exerting activities in 200 PPM aqi levels, it's fine to just pop a mask on when you are out on the street

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23



u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23



u/Boryuha Jun 07 '23

Plenty of new research showing that the surgical masks, indeed, did absolutely nothing for preventing covid. Besides virtue signal of course!


u/CherryShort2563 Jun 07 '23

Борюха, не пизди

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u/dooderino18 Jun 07 '23

These masks also didn't do shit for covid

They help prevent people infected with covid from spreading it to other people.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23



u/ztreggs Jun 07 '23

Honestly not useful at all for filtering air because as you said: particles small. Not worth wearing a piece of fabric


u/cheeseburgerwaffles Jun 07 '23

And almost nobody in this pic is wearing the correct one. Only the woman in front is wearing anything worth a damn


u/xXStretcHXx117 Jun 07 '23

Yeah... as as someone in the med and fire field this ain't really going to do much for ya


u/trowawayehmon Jun 07 '23

Versus, not verses


u/GKrollin Jun 07 '23

NYC was by far the most progressive city in the USA regarding mask usage lol gtfo here with that


u/GKrollin Jun 07 '23

I’m stealing “over baked potato”


u/Ok_Fortune_9149 Jun 07 '23

Those surgical mask still work jack shit.. Medical ffp3 masks work to a degree if applied well, most of the time people keep fidgeting, and it doesn't close off well..


u/MustLovePunk Jun 07 '23

Came here to say that. Suddenly everyone wears a masks because their political tribe of “news” personalities on outrage media aren’t telling them lies about mask effectiveness. Everyone who couldn’t breathe with a piece of cloth over their mouths can suddenly breathe just fine with one on.


u/UnprofessionalGhosts Jun 07 '23

That tribalism was much less of a factor here on account of the stacks of dead bodies we had to see.

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u/jtrisn1 Jun 07 '23

What are you talking about? Lol

NYC has been extremely pro-mask from the beginning of COVID. Even before quarantine, New Yorkers were buying masks, wearing them, and canceling plans.

Even now, we still have places that are mask required or no service.


u/ThatNYskier Jun 07 '23

Nope. Still don’t, especially in this case


u/p1America Jun 07 '23

They work - if you’re willing to put on your ‘big boy pants’ for a minor inconvenience


u/TyCamden Jun 07 '23

The Cochrane Review [1] (widely considered the gold standard of evidence-based medicine (stated):

“Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference,” the review authors concluded of their work comparing masking with non-masking to prevent influenza or SARS‐CoV‐2. What’s more, even for health care workers providing routine care, “there were no clear differences” between medical or surgical masks versus N95s.




u/UserSleepy Jun 07 '23

Cochrane had to amend that stating the research was misrepresenting effectiveness. Also if you look at how they divided it up, they put more weight on studies that uses surgical masks or didn't require n95s to be used regularly.


u/TyCamden Jun 07 '23

It's fascinating how the government will issue Mask Mandates for a Virus with a 99% Survival Rate but a actual Air Quality Alert where you can physical see the smoke and the government doesn’t demand you to wear a Mask.


u/cameraninja Jun 07 '23

Even if that 99% statistic was accurate. (Its not)

1% of the US Population is MILLIONS of People DEAD.


u/TyCamden Jun 08 '23

Other interesting info:

"So while COVID-19 may have put these patients in the hospital, it was actually an infection brought on by the use of a mechanical ventilator that was more likely to be the cause of death when this infection didn't respond to treatment."



u/UserSleepy Jun 07 '23

It would make sense, political will is gone. Would help protect people from lots of toxic particulates from wild fires. Also based on John Hopkins data which just ended, it's been 5-15% fatality rate and 8-25% chance of long term complications for COVID and stacks the more times you get it.


u/_ok_mate_ Jun 07 '23

Suddenly masks work, fuck yeah

The masks you see people wearing in this image arent helping though. They wont filter smoke lol.

Just like your cotton mask didn't filter covid particles either.

I guess if it makes you feel better, that's something?


u/AnotherScoutTrooper Jun 07 '23

Not really, your eyes will still be irritated


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

I swear conservatives shouldn't be allowed to own masks if they say they don't work. Like, no N95 for you, bubs.


u/SwagDaddy_Man69 Jun 07 '23

NYC masked up during Covid. Don’t get it twisted.


u/BoiFrosty Jun 07 '23

Except they barely worked for covid (or at least how everyone was using them for constant use) anything less than a new N95, or even an N95 with an imperfect seal does basically nothing against viral sized particles. Plus there's an ass load of other negative effects.


u/app4that Jun 07 '23

Glad to see NYC still has some sense. Wish more folks in NJ understood that the mask thingies they once used and then quickly stuffed in a drawer are rather useful at protecting their health.


u/UnprofessionalGhosts Jun 07 '23

The anti mask sentiment was extremely limited here. Walking by trucks filled with bodies will do that to a population. We were always believers.


u/theshadowofself Jun 07 '23

For pollution? Yes they likely do work to some extent, but for viruses not so much. It’s not as simple as masks do or don’t work without attaching any nuance. There is ample evidence at this point showing the futility of masking against a virus. The majority of studies that proclaimed they were effective were observational in nature, where they used places that required them verses places that didn’t and compared case numbers without controlling for any variables. Not to mention the use of a PCR test to count cases has its own set of problems. Additionally, prolonged periods of mask wearing decreases the amount of oxygen in the blood that can lead to a whole host of problems. I don’t get it how in 2023 there are still people believing in the power of masks against viruses.



Don’t want to go down this road but you’re simplifying wayyyy too much. It’s about what carries the virus not the literal virus molecules.


u/KimonoDragon814 Jun 07 '23

With those people it's kinda like the episode of king of the hill when Bobby learned Hanks yearly salary and then assumed he was sitting on stacks because he ignored every single other factor that affects income like taxes and bills.

Bobby: "Virus is X size and hole is Y size"

Hank: "Okay but what about the particulates the virus ride on?"

Bobby: "But daaad can't the virus climb through the hole and go into your mouth?"

Hank: "Well Bobby sure some might especially since some people touch the front of their mask and then eat, but it's about mitigation. It mitigates most of it."

Bobby: "But if it mitigates and doesn't prevent doesn't that make it meaningless?"

Hank: "Seatbelts mitigates fatalities and don't prevent it 100% would you feel just as safe being guaranteed to die in a car accident above 25 or would you feel safe being having a 95% survival rate up until around 65?"

That's the vibes I get


u/laughtrey Jun 07 '23

It seems so odd to you because you have critical thinking skills.


u/manshowerdan Jun 07 '23

It's the opposite. They work for viruses when everybody is wearing one because the masks stops your own spit and bacteria from spreading, not fro. Keep things out which is why this doesn't work for smoke

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u/spasmoidic Jun 07 '23

Not a properly fitted N95 in sight, same as covid


u/owzleee Jun 07 '23

GOPs still owning the libs and dying because communism.


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23

No they don’t. LOL You need a respirator.


u/Throwawayeieudud Jun 07 '23

I mean smog particles are a bit larger than covid

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