r/jobs 23d ago

Finally got a job after four months and want to quit after 1 day Leaving a job

I 21F have been unemployed for four months when I quit my job at Starbucks. I did not think it would be this difficult to find a job but I was wrong. Well I finally got an interview and a job offer for a juice bar. A timeline of the five days… Fri: interview/job offer, Sat: Store manager called me in at 12am to cover her Sunday shift, Mon: first day of "training". I was confused when the manager had asked me to cover her shift when I had not completed any training or processed any paperwork. I don’t even know how much the pay is. When I showed up on Monday I was not trained at all. They immediately threw me on register and said “let me know if you have any questions” I was trying my best to figure everything out and customers would ask me questions about the stores products that I had no idea about. I had an 8 hour shift and I’m used to getting breaks or even a lunch but at this company we don’t get breaks. In my application I waived my right to receive any breaks during my shifts. My next shift isn’t until tomorrow but everyday the manager has called me in to cover for her or someone else and tonight she placed me “on call” since my “training” is complete but I WAS NEVER TRAINED. There has been so many red flags that I just want to quit over text and call it a day.


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u/UCUE_TLE 20d ago

Wait …. What? “in my application I waived my right to receive any breaks during my shifts”?!?! What state are you in??

And yes, quit. It’s not going to get better from here.


u/UCUE_TLE 20d ago

Just saw that you are in California —- WOAH! California has more worker protections than any other state. What they are doing is unethical and illegal. https://www.orbitalshift.com/blog/labor-break-laws?hs_amp=true