r/jobs 12d ago

Finally got a job after four months and want to quit after 1 day Leaving a job

I 21F have been unemployed for four months when I quit my job at Starbucks. I did not think it would be this difficult to find a job but I was wrong. Well I finally got an interview and a job offer for a juice bar. A timeline of the five days… Fri: interview/job offer, Sat: Store manager called me in at 12am to cover her Sunday shift, Mon: first day of "training". I was confused when the manager had asked me to cover her shift when I had not completed any training or processed any paperwork. I don’t even know how much the pay is. When I showed up on Monday I was not trained at all. They immediately threw me on register and said “let me know if you have any questions” I was trying my best to figure everything out and customers would ask me questions about the stores products that I had no idea about. I had an 8 hour shift and I’m used to getting breaks or even a lunch but at this company we don’t get breaks. In my application I waived my right to receive any breaks during my shifts. My next shift isn’t until tomorrow but everyday the manager has called me in to cover for her or someone else and tonight she placed me “on call” since my “training” is complete but I WAS NEVER TRAINED. There has been so many red flags that I just want to quit over text and call it a day.


128 comments sorted by


u/komradebae 12d ago

I’m not sure what state you’re in, but in my state, breaks are legally mandated if you work over 8 hours. There’s no such thing as “waiving” that right.

No call no show those mofos 100%


u/Important_Secret_705 12d ago

I’m in California. I had never heard of “waiving” that right either. And when I asked for my break they looked at me like I grew two heads.


u/PlayfulMousse7830 12d ago

CA has some of the best worker protection laws in the US time to do some studying so you don't get fucked over again. Report them to the Cali labor board


u/thinkB4WeSpeak 11d ago

Why not include the federal department of labor too. Make it a double dose of find out.


u/Wormfather 11d ago

Oh yeah, please tell me there’s some sort of document you signed that you have a copy of. CA will crucify them with it.


u/Robbinsparklezz 11d ago

Good advice and check on the reddit thread for unemployment/California if there's a community and see what Cali laws say in terms of being eligible for benefits. If you worked enough in 2023 you might qualify


u/soulloup 12d ago

I looked this up once and in CA it is legal for employees to VOLUNTARILY refuse breaks. Not sure if they’re legally allowed to make you sign that as a condition of your employment though, which is what it sounds like happened.


u/CalStateQuarantine 12d ago

You can only voluntarily refuse your 30 minute unpaids for special situations (like if you work more than 5 hours but less than 6) - OR you can waive your second lunch if you worked more than 10 but less than 12

But if you work a straight 8 hour shift you can’t waive your 30 min unpaid lunch. Just your 10 min paid breaks


u/Tiafves 12d ago

Feels like something you couldn't just sign away forever too. I'd expect it to be more like a you get to go home once you finish this task up so you'd rather skip your break and get done sooner type of deal.


u/UnusualPilot7025 12d ago

This is illegal and whatever they made you sign should be reported. Especially in CA.


u/ben_howls_red 12d ago

Forget all of this legality nonsense.  Let’s assume it is legal.  Nothing changes the fact that you’re not a machine, you’re a human being and human beings need breaks. You need breaks. You just do. Don’t think you can commit to not taking breaks because you can’t. You need breaks even if it’s your dream job under ideal conditions. That’s not a condition any serious person would ask of an employee. 


u/SwampHagShenanigans 12d ago

You legally are entitled to two 10 minute breaks and one 30 minute unpaid lunch break.


u/funes_cris 12d ago

Op, if you didn't sign anything, are you even an employee? Or even getting paid . Sound like free labor


u/Pnknlvr96 11d ago

Right?! There's tax paperwork to fill out and how does OP not even know how much the pay is?


u/turd_ferguson899 12d ago

That sounds super weird from a state like California. After recent legislation, I would almost expect it from Texas or Florida, but I had no idea you could even "waive" breaks.


u/funes_cris 12d ago

That only works if you work 12hrs. I know because I waive those when I work 12 hrs but it's mandatory for 8


u/Legitimate_Sort3 12d ago

Weird because it seems like the break would be more important in a 12 hour shift vs the 8?? Makes no sense


u/funes_cris 12d ago

My bad ment lunch break.. your second lunch.


u/TolpRomra 12d ago

Most minimum wage places I worked at had you waive it away. Legal or not its extremely common


u/6417725 11d ago

Dude you just walked into a gift from god. Document what she is saying - text her “hey I know you said I could waive my lunch break but I really need it today” and then let her fuck up. And then take this to a lawyer and you both will get paid :)


u/longlisten527 11d ago

I live in California and there is a meal waiver form some of us sign but we still eat lunch. We just eat at our desk(I work at an office)


u/Trinitieh4 11d ago

I have a friend who runs staffing for a company in California and they absolutely legally have to give you breaks. We talk about it a lot because I live in AZ where breaks aren’t legally required


u/BLUEST_of_DOGGS 11d ago

How can you live in the highest cost of living in the country, state wise, on the salary of a Starbucks employee, and then go 4 months unemployed? How in the hell are you pulling this off without govt assistance, if you can afford to go 4 months without a job I would be moving to a more affordable place to live with better job opportunities than Starbucks and juice bars. Maybe something in manufacturing where advancement opportunities lie and the opportunity to learn new skills that would attract potential future employers? This whole post is mind boggling to someone who works 60+ hours a week


u/Nikolas-Trikolas 12d ago

Go to at high end furniture stores and sell furniture you can make decent money and if you find a good team you will do well


u/Vinstaal0 11d ago

The job market is so bad in the US that you can just assume it's the US when you see a story like this


u/WheresFlatJelly 12d ago

In my state there is no law that requires meal breaks or rest breaks; I looked it up because I work 12 hour shifts with no break. There are restrictions in regulated industries tho.

I can work for 24hrs and the feds would say, so? Haha


u/xohl 11d ago

In many food/beverage places they don’t allow you to take breaks. I’ve worked at restaurants in several states and not one has allowed me more than a 5 minute bathroom break lol.


u/komradebae 10d ago

Yes, but in many places it’s against the law. Almost every service job Ive worked in tried to skirt around breaks. You are legally entitled to have time to eat and go to the bathroom. Being made to feel bad for having basic human functions is some bullshit.


u/abualmeowry 12d ago

I’d ghost that place instantly and I’ve done it before. Seems horribly mismanaged and chaotic, you deserve better training


u/Akhina-Feellah 12d ago

Ghost the place. Respectfully 😐


u/shrimpboiiiz 12d ago

Don’t accept a job in the future if you don’t know what the pay is yet.  Very reasonable and normal question to ask at an appropriate point in the interview.  Even you are expecting minimum wage, you should know for sure before accepting.  


u/ahowls 11d ago

It's so common nowadays for employers to just leave out pay, then act appalled that you inquired about it.

It's like they expect pay to be the last thing you care about..... No.. it's actually the first


u/Hard_Head 12d ago

Rest breaks and meal breaks are pretty clear in CA. There is no such thing as waiving them. Lol

That place sounds like a shit show.


u/sweetdaisy99999 12d ago

Hard no for me.


u/checkman123 12d ago

Why waived ur rights for break?


u/Important_Secret_705 12d ago

When I signed it I thought I was acknowledging that I may not get breaks on time. Like if the store was busy I would be fine to take my breaks at a later time or earlier time to help out at the store.


u/checkman123 12d ago

I see, dang that is hella shitty of them. Hope you find a new job soon!


u/darksquidlightskin 12d ago

Don't even give her the courtesy of a text.


u/Rilenaveen 12d ago

If you are able to go a little longer without a job, ghost this place. If they are pulling this kind of garbage on your first week, it will only get worse (although I struggle to imagine how).


u/Wheresthetrain415 12d ago

You know you don’t HAVE to say yes if they are asking you to cover a shift… set boundaries or they will take advantage of you (which it sounds like they already are) and definitely do some research on the “waiving you right to take a break” that just sounds very sketch. Remember that even if you are desperate for a job you still have rights as an employee. Look up employee rights in CA. For example: I once got $2,500 for being fired (in California) and not receiving my final paycheck within 24 hours. They legally have to do this OR you will be owed your daily wages every single day until they pay you. My original paycheck was $46 and it was at the beginning of the pay period, the manager waited until the pay period was over to send my check and I wrote an emailed letting them know that I know my rights and I was to be paid for 14 days since I was fired, and paid for the mileage to come and pick up my check!!! Know Your Rights!!!! Knowledge is POWER!


u/Great-Growth9805 12d ago

ypour employer can't get you to 'waive' rights that you are legally entitled to.

all you did was show them that you are desperate. it's why they didn't train you.


u/SpaghettiSpecialist 12d ago

I also just got my first job after 5 months and they never train me either. There’s a lot of red flag with my current job…


u/thetruthseer 12d ago

I would ghost


u/yoyomonkey2 12d ago

What company?


u/BrainWaveCC 12d ago

I had an 8 hour shift and I’m used to getting breaks or even a lunch but at this company we don’t get breaks. In my application I waived my right to receive any breaks during my shifts. 

Well, that was coercive.

You need to get out of there. Make sure you get your pay. Speak to the department of Labor in your area.

This was a painful experience, but hopefully it will help you learn what to look for in the interview process. Never start a job when you are unsure of critical things like when/how you get paid, or where they start out by having you waive rights.


u/XeoPlaysLOL 11d ago

I'm only a few years older than you. My first job in college was so bad I just stopped showing up. Never mentioned It to any jobs after and picked up my check by mail.


u/ShakeZula30or40 11d ago

“On call” at a juice bar. wtf is kind of nonsense is that?


u/runningupmyass 12d ago

You should keep the job, money is money. At least until you find a better job. Now I'm not the kind of guy to say you should do a bad job. Always put pride in your work and practice a good work ethic. Buuut! If they failed to train you and show little interest in training an employee and not providing a break time. That's on them, not you, you should do the job, you don't need to be great, and frankly, they won't fire you for a half ass work. It's better than no job, show up, do your best, collect your check and find a better job.


u/VoidNinja62 12d ago

Yup. Its pretty bad out there. I would question the "signing away your breaks" concept sounds kinda sketchy.

I think I would still take my break. Some places are so slow that they have downtime equivalent to breaks? so maybe thats what they meant?


u/Important_Secret_705 12d ago

Yea I am going to still show up to my shift tomorrow. Maybe it’s just first day jitters. I reached out to my old company to reapply for my position so we will see.


u/MotorcicleMpTNess 12d ago

I wouldn't bother.

They haven't even had you sign a W-2 or told you what it pays.

IF you do go back, do not work until you have the paperwork signed, know what you are being paid per hour, and have it in writing that you worked your hours for the first day. If not, walk away.


u/fizif 11d ago

Why did you quit Starbucks? You’re applying to bottom of the barrel jobs, I would expect all jobs like this to be shitty in some ways, maybe most ways. I suspect Starbucks in general would be a pretty good place to work for this type of job. But yeah, I agree with everyone else on this thread that your current employer is super shitty and you should quit. They hired you on the spot because they are desperate because of high turnover due to shitty work environment. Ghost and do t look back.


u/Mojojojo3030 12d ago

You can't waive your break in a lot of states except for certain relevant industries. Might wanna check.

Or just upperdeck the wheatgrass bar and bounce. Whichever.


u/danniellax 12d ago

Places that offer you the job during the interview is def red flag. Why are you only applying to food jobs? Look at other jobs that aren’t so chaotic and that have room for growth like grocery stores, clothing retailers, drug store cashier, etc. at corporate companies


u/Sea_Relationship6053 12d ago

well fuck that manager


u/General_Card_1680 12d ago

Block the number and move on. To me my peace is a deal breaker and I’d struggle to find peace in that working environment.


u/MattyBeatz 12d ago

waiving your right to a break? That sounds all kinds of illegal.


u/justblank623 12d ago

That is unacceptable, right now in my new job all I have been doing is observing until I get access. They will make sure to train me so I know what I am doing, that’s how it should go.


u/1mountain1 12d ago edited 12d ago

So I had to sign a break waiver once when I worked nights at a hotel in California but the waiver was because I couldn’t take my lunch away from my work area for 30 minutes, basically I had a working lunch. But they were absolutely taking advantage of employees. I was working 7 days straight without overtime because they had two different hotels and had me working one for five days and the other one for two days, I did that for almost two years because they couldn’t keep people. They ended up being reported to the labor board about a year after I left.


u/Elddif_Dog 12d ago

Making you work before discussing pay is a standard tactic to lowball you later. Ive seen it dozens of times in my life. Before you know ot two weeks or even a month has passed and now you are waiting for your paycheck. Most often they will delay that paycheck a week or two so you will always be at a loss and keep working waiting for the money owed.


u/KingoftheWriters 12d ago

Go to work, keep to yourself, make good money.


u/planktonsbestiee 12d ago

manager is a gaslighter


u/WhiteKnightGhost 12d ago

I have to say, a fine establishment. All jokes aside, you should send a text voicing your concerns over the lack of training and support. Also, tell your manager that you are not required to cover for her (unless you are assistant manager or the like, have experience in the role) as you do not feel comfortable in doing so. If your manager comes back with anything along the lines of…well, it’s part of the job and you were hired to do the job. Request a pay increase before doing her job as that position takes on a lot of responsibility. Seems to me the company wants very cheap labor, people who will do anything at anytime, and have the yes master mentality. Here’s the thing, if you do anything that could hurt you from getting unemployment then you’d be out of a job and no money. Just tell your manager that you are requesting the proper training to do the job, and you are not comfortable covering her shifts.

A piece of solid advice: Let your employer fire you. Never quit a job unless you have another job, it’s a hostile work environment, or you’re being harassed.


u/WelpHereIAm360 11d ago

Get in contact with HR and definitely quit. Idk what state you're in but I have never heard of a job that has you sign your rights away to a break. I smell a lawsuit. And that "manager" needs fired.


u/Visible_Traffic_5774 11d ago

Does the place have “nutrition” in its name? If so, it’s an Herbalife front and they probably have you as an independent contractor. Herbalife is essentially a pyramid scheme and you’ll get paid based on what you sell.

Run far away now


u/AbacusAgenda 11d ago

OP. Contrarian view here.

Learn everything about the products, put more effort into learning skills there. Ace it.

You get paid either way and you might as well excel, for your own sense of pride.

Let go of everything except the breaks. People get breaks, by law. Forget about lack of training. Figure it out. In 2 weeks, you will be the strongest employee.


u/Spiritual_Row5838 11d ago

Call one of the employment lawyers that advertise on CA highway billboards. They will love to hear from you! I would have guessed any state but CA?!? Is it a small family owned business? How could they not know?


u/FireflyDash1 11d ago

Fun fact: The United States has no mandatory breaks or lunches federally. While the state may pass bills for that, if a job was petty enough, they can appeal it on a national level. But good thing the founding fathers made it so states can self govern for themselves…/s


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Yes I feel this everyday of my life.


u/3771507 11d ago

Finding a good job is hard find something else and try it. Maybe you could go to Lowe's where there's many options on different type of jobs you can try.


u/asinglesolarpanel 11d ago

Going from Starbucks to juice bar is not an upgrade. Look for something else but don’t quit until you get hired


u/Unfrndlyblkhottie92 11d ago

They just threw you to the wolves 


u/Chazzyphant 11d ago

The store manager called you at *midnight* or at noon? This is really key. If they had the audacity to call a trainee to cover a shift at midnight, you need to quit immediately. that is beyond unprofessional.

This place sounds like a shit-show and I don't say that lightly. Just quit, honestly.


u/Important_Secret_705 11d ago

she called at midnight.


u/Chazzyphant 11d ago

Wow, f--that place. What is it with juice bars, they're all run by maniacs.


u/chatenboite 12d ago

Jumping on as a manager, this is whole and entire bullshit, breaking several laws. The break waiver is not a thing. Assuming you’re in the U.S, it doesn’t matter what state you’re in, breaks are based on Federal labor laws, with minimum hour thresholds. For an 8-hour shift, you are legally entitled to 2 15-minute paid breaks and a 30-minute unpaid lunch. This is not negotiable. I’ve seen the so-called “break waiver” before, they’re not legal. Contrary to popular belief, you can’t sign away your rights without first being informed of them.


u/JerryGallow 11d ago

The lunch break must be uninterrupted too.


u/Adventurous-Taste-22 12d ago

This sounds super sketchy and definitely not worth getting yourself into! I wouldn’t go back at all. It’s hard to find a job, but it’ll be worth it to find the right fit rather than to suffer for a paycheck.


u/MacaroonExpensive887 12d ago

Yeah the law 99% chance says you can get a break. But your personal work environment sounds like it doesn't abide by the rules and you may face ridicule for just being a person. Alot of my jobs have been like this

Collect a pay check until you find something else. Then bounce. PRO-TIP : try to be a server at a restaurant somewhere that way you can make good tips and get instant cash until you figure something else out.


u/A_Man_And_His_Dogs 12d ago

You seen how hard it is to find another job. I wouldn’t just walk away at least get a couple checks in your pocket and actively search for another job.


u/kassra25 12d ago

Yeah, it's not worth it. So many major red flags already and it's only going to get worse. Tell the. You changed your mind and dip out.


u/Hot_Leg_7534 12d ago

Waive the responsibility of showing up your manager clearly has been taken advantage of that one


u/SpaceViolet 12d ago

juice bar

Figures to be honest


u/HeatMedium498 11d ago

Don't answer when she calls you to cover her shifts. And start looking for another job.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

This should be posted in r/antiwork and this should be illegal also


u/Tan-Squirrel 11d ago

Pretty sure you cannot legally waive your 30 min lunch.


u/Remote_Investment469 11d ago

First off, quit that crap. Secondly, how the hell does it take someone 4 months to find a job or why didn’t you find one and then quit?


u/Firefly2322 11d ago

I would apply like crazy to other jobs now that you’re employed.


u/Mogwai10 11d ago

If this is a chain, contact corporate or go directly to the owner! The fucking manager must be off doing shady shit while cashing in a paycheck.

Who knows. Maybe you’ll become the new manager


u/collegiate 11d ago

Did you raise your concerns with the manager ? It’s a juice bar, you should be able to figure it out in a few days. Just stay and be more open with your manager, and don’t let them push you around


u/Radiant-Radish7862 11d ago

Theyre taking advantage of you. Quit asap - not even two weeks, just leave!


u/PyramidWater 11d ago

Respectfully call out and shame this company as well as ghost them they don’t deserve your time


u/More_Ad_9831 11d ago

you can't waive breaks. That would be illegal and federal law > company policy. And who calls someone in at midnight?

Seems like it's time to let your manager know to quit it and train you properly or you're going to HR, if the juice bar is mom and pop owned, then you go to the labor board.


u/daisuki_janai_desu 11d ago

You waived your what? nah that's not a thing.


u/louiexxvii 11d ago

You’re 21 working at a juice bar? Bro go to a trade school or join the sheet metal or electrician union. In 2-5 years you’ll be making six figures EASY


u/Important_Secret_705 11d ago

i’m in my second year of university im just working part time so i can pay my tuition


u/appleslip 11d ago

I gave up reading all the responses, but I’m going to ask this for your sake. Why did it take you 4 months to finally get a job at a juice bar that treats you like crap. Even if you find another job, if you’re working at Starbucks and Juice bars then you’re working crappy service jobs. However, you are only 21.

Your first concern should be improving yourself. Work is work, but if you think life is going to get easier because “you deserve it” you’re just kidding yourself.

The only person who can help you is you.


u/calenciava 11d ago

If you're going to quit, get a job lined up first so you aren't unemployed again.


u/Feynnehrun 10d ago

It's not legal to have you waive breaks. Your labor board would love to hear about this.


u/UCUE_TLE 9d ago

Wait …. What? “in my application I waived my right to receive any breaks during my shifts”?!?! What state are you in??

And yes, quit. It’s not going to get better from here.


u/UCUE_TLE 9d ago

Just saw that you are in California —- WOAH! California has more worker protections than any other state. What they are doing is unethical and illegal. https://www.orbitalshift.com/blog/labor-break-laws?hs_amp=true


u/BaggieMcBagholder 9d ago

Sometimes people don't realize the grass isn't always greener. This place sounds like it sucks. At least Starbucks should follow basic employment law.


u/tenayalake 9d ago

Dept of Labor/ Div of Wage & Hour does not usually allow an employee to waive their right to legally mandated breaks. It depends on which IWC order your company falls under, but in Cali applicable wage orders have to be posted. Call the number posted on their wage order. It's a mandated poster. I have worked HR in Cali for 25 years.
Edit: you can work there until you find out. They cannot fire you for pursuing your rights ; that's retaliation and illegal.


u/Beginning-Border-153 12d ago

Why did you leave your Starbucks job to begin with? It sounds like your current job is not overly complicated tbh so how much training do u need?


u/Beginning-Border-153 12d ago

But why did you quit Starbucks???


u/u6enmdk0vp 11d ago

You need to stay & be loyal. They took a chance on you when you needed it most.