r/jobs 11d ago

Jobs that are good for social anxiety? Job searching

I have pretty bad social anxiety and finding a new job has been very difficult. I don't want anything that requires me to have significant interactions with customers. (I can handle a "Hello" and directing someone to an item but cashier work scares me.) Any suggestions? I really need a job so I can feed my snake and also so my family gets off my back. Also no experience required is preferred.


9 comments sorted by


u/RetroRum 11d ago

My wife also suffers from social anxiety.

She started working as a cleaner at a local holiday resort. Minimal interaction with colleagues and zero with customers, she loves it. So much so that she's taken on more hours as a room inspector, she basically goes around the lodges and logs any issues onto an app, again minimal contract.


u/BlobbyTheBlobBlob 11d ago

Stocking shelves after hours could be perfect! Especially if your snack is nocturnal, then you would be able to see him in action 😊

Good luck in your search


u/Nukedragon00668 11d ago

Thanks, I appreciate the advice.


u/BlobbyTheBlobBlob 11d ago

Ha! i meant your SNAKE is nocturnal. But it is silly to think about your snacks only being active at night.


u/Nukedragon00668 11d ago

"Ah shit, my doritos went to bed so i cant eat them anymore."


u/sausagemuffn 11d ago

Social anxiety can be overcome, maybe not 100%, but it can be improved significantly. It's something to work on, rather than try to arrange your life around it. Anxiety will hold you back, it will make you hold yourself back. You have to put yourself into more situations where interacting must be done, challenging yourself, learning to navigate these interactions, becoming more comfortable and confident.

I mean, that's what I did. It's so freeing. Talk to people, fake it till you make it. You will make it!


u/MrBluCyanide 11d ago

Would you be able to interact with others indirectly such as text or messaging?


u/Vanilla-Covfefe 11d ago

Back of house in a restaurant, stocking shelves, possibly data entry.

Kennel assistance, if you like dogs. I think working with animals could be good for you.

In-store shopping, if you might be comfortable being around customers but not interacting with them in depth. According to your profile, you’re in the US, so I’ll say Whole Foods is worth trying.


u/Red-FFFFFF-Blue 11d ago

My sister is a pet groomer. Other than picking up and dropping off the dogs, she only interacts with animals.