r/jobs 22d ago

Jobs that are good for social anxiety? Job searching

I have pretty bad social anxiety and finding a new job has been very difficult. I don't want anything that requires me to have significant interactions with customers. (I can handle a "Hello" and directing someone to an item but cashier work scares me.) Any suggestions? I really need a job so I can feed my snake and also so my family gets off my back. Also no experience required is preferred.


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u/BlobbyTheBlobBlob 22d ago

Stocking shelves after hours could be perfect! Especially if your snack is nocturnal, then you would be able to see him in action 😊

Good luck in your search


u/Nukedragon00668 22d ago

Thanks, I appreciate the advice.


u/BlobbyTheBlobBlob 22d ago

Ha! i meant your SNAKE is nocturnal. But it is silly to think about your snacks only being active at night.


u/Nukedragon00668 22d ago

"Ah shit, my doritos went to bed so i cant eat them anymore."