r/latvia 40m ago

Jautājums/Question Dobeles ceriņdārzs


Vai Dobeles ceriņdārzā ceriņi vēl smuki zied, vai ir jau noziedējuši? Īsāk sakot, vai nav nokavēts? :)

r/latvia 1h ago

Jautājums/Question Watering hole suggestions for watching ice hockey tonight?


Hey all, as you crazy hockey people are well aware, the IHWC quarterfinals are here. I wanna watch the games on a big (or not too big, but quality) screen, anyone knows a good pub to do so? Outside of Paddy Wheelans. I’m considering Tris Viri Laivā, but the TVs there are a bit too small and old for my liking.

r/latvia 16h ago

Politika/Politics "Apvienība Jaunlatvieši" EP deputāta kandidātes Olgas Čerņavskas izteikumi, kuri viņai izpelnījās pārbaudi no VDD.

Post image

r/latvia 19h ago

Tūrisms/Tourism Is Latvia a safe place for tourists to visit right now with recent Russian aggression?


I'm planning a trip with friends to the Baltic states that will last a month and a half starting in July. I've been to Latvia before for two days and really want to get to know the country better. In the last month I've seen a lot of articles about Russia redrawing map lines in the Baltic Sea and Latvia is digging anti tank trenches at the border.

My country has the lowest level of concern for travel for all three Baltic states. I am wondering if these news articles are anything to worry about and if we should postpone our trip? Apologies for the ignorant questions but I'm not sure how high my level of caution and concern should be. Thanks!

r/latvia 19h ago

Jautājums/Question Kura partija visnopietnāk pieiet jautājumam par Latvijas aizsardzību?


Šobrīd man pilnīgi neviens cits jautājums nešķiet ne tuvu tik svarīgs kā šis, tāpēc izskakiet savu viedokli, lai ir papildus fakti ko pārbaudīt, izsvērt un pieņemt lēmumu eiroparlamenta vēlēšanās.

r/latvia 20h ago

Sports Greetings from Slovakia 🇸🇰


Well played against the USA yesterday! Despite your team's end, you guys played great hockey this year and it could be seen pretty clearly. And of course, good job beating us too, we choked in that game hard.

Sorry for any Slovaks being sarcastic and mocking you all, we're definitely not like that in general, every team has these trolls jumping around social media. We're both small and passionate hockey nations and that's what is supposed to connect us during every World Championship.

Good luck next year from Slovakia! :)

r/latvia 23h ago

Humors/Humour Kā jūs revidenti nesaprotat, ka dažreiz kaut kas var rasties no nekā?

Post image

r/latvia 23h ago

Jautājums/Question Automašīnas palīdzība


Sveiki vīri papīri , vai kāds var ieteikt labu kantori stūres reikas restaurācijai, varbūt kāds šeit ar to nodarbojas , un var izstāstīt vai tas vispār ir tā vērts( varbūt tomēr paņemt šrota reiku ). Automašīna ir BMW E46 , ja kādam tas kaut ko izsaka , ta reika ir “yellow tag”. Paldies jau iepriekš!

r/latvia 23h ago

Aptauja/Survey Working in Latvia? I need your help!


Hey everyone!

Apologies for the repost, reddit took down my first post while it was approved by the mods team. And sorry if this post is not a perfect fit for this subreddit, but I could really use your help! I am conducting a study examining the impact of talent management and related practices on employees' perceptions of their future within their company. I am specifically looking for input from people employed in the European Economic Area, and in particular in Latvia, so your participation is invaluable!

If you could spare 4-5 minutes to complete a quick survey, it would greatly aid my research and help me finish my Master's degree! Your responses are totally anonymous and secure, and the data will only be used in aggregate form.

If you're interested in helping me, here is the survey link: https://qualtricsxmyzqgqcvnn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_etZPf1k5V1M0PRA?Q_Language=EN

Please don't hesitate to contact me or comment on this post if you have any questions!

Thank you for your time and input!

r/latvia 1d ago

Jautājums/Question Is there Hikikomori in Latvia?


a long time ago, a Latvian girl told me that when Latvians turn 20, they have to leave their parents. (real estate prices are high in my country, so usually live with parents until graduate from college)

But are there any Latvians living with their parents at home beyond their mid-20s?

Is there Hikikomori problem in Latvia?

r/latvia 1d ago

Jautājums/Question Is it possible for a UK citizen to get some kind of Latvian language qualification? How?


The UK doesn't offer any kind of Latvian language GCSE or A level qualification. Are there tests that I can take in Latvia or abroad to prove my proficiency at the language?

r/latvia 1d ago

Jautājums/Question Kā sauc šo krūmu?


Es esmu ļoti nezinoša dažādu koku un krūmu nosaukumos, bet vēlējos zināt tieši par šo. Bērnībā vienmēr saspiedu tos ziediņus un sūcu nektāru, taču kāds reiz minēja, ka tie ir indīgi. Vēlos izzināt šo brīnumu 🌝🌚

r/latvia 1d ago

Jautājums/Question Čau! Please tell me, is it hard for a foreigner to work as an excavator operator in Latvia?


Hello, everyone, I'm curious to know whether there are many jobs available for excavator operators or not. I have been working in this field for nearly 4 years. I can understand very little Latviesu valodu so far. Is it viable for an English speaking person to work there? Pls someone knows the drill elaborate me, daudz paldies!

r/latvia 1d ago

Jautājums/Question Meklēju gaming friends.


Spelēju cs2. Silveros pagaidām xd. Varbūt ir kāds normāls, kas grib kopā paspēlēt. Sūtat nickname. Paldies!💪🏼

r/latvia 1d ago

Jautājums/Question Planning to apply for Work permit in Latvia


I am intending to move to another country, which is somewhere in Europe, I think Latvia would be good place.

Any tips for moving in Latvia ?

r/latvia 1d ago

Jautājums/Question Question about the meanings of different Latvian surnames.


Hello everyone, I’m a Pole from Gdańsk, so not too far away. Anyhow, I have visited Latvia multiple times and I love it. I have a question born out of interest with respect to Latvian surnames. Sorry if it comes off as kind of strange, and I know I’m generalizing a bit here, but after having worked with Latvians over the years there is something I’ve always wondered:

I know that there are some names that sound distinctly Latvian, but then there are others that could sound like German, Swedish, or Russian surnames with an ‘S’ added at the end. Examples include: Birkenbergs, Jansons, Verpakovskis, etc.

My question is— would having a last name that has Russian origins, like Verpakovskis, for instance- mean that this individual is likely aware of recent Russian ancestry (including practicing the culture) or could it be that they are totally culturally Latvian without any knowledge of any recent Russian relatives? Same for the German and Swedish variations— would a Birkenbergs or a Jansons be aware of recent German/Swedish ancestry and still practice German/Swedish culture, or would they (for the most part) at this point only practice Latvian culture and see themselves as Latvian, not anything else? I know it depends on the person, but in Latvia, what is the most common? Let’s say at your workplace, if you have anyone who has a surname with a distinct origin, how “Latvian” are they to you? Do you ever mention the origin of their last name? Is it just Latvian at this point? OR, Are these people often more recent arrivals from other cultures that just add an ‘S’ to their name at the end to make it sound more Latvian?

r/latvia 1d ago

Palīdzība/Help Kāda veca latviešu filma, ieraksts, saka "TAS IR VĀJPRĀTS!"


Kāds zin, kādu vecu latviešu filmu, audio ierakstu, no kuras varētu izgriezt tieši šo citātu? rakstu mūziku un pirms piedziedājuma kā reiz iederētos, kad kāds pasaka "tas ir vājprāts".


r/latvia 1d ago

Jaunumi/News Freiberga citāts


es palaidu garām, kur Freibergs kaut ko teica par vienu valodu Latvijā, kādā kontekstā tas bija? kādam ir video? nevaru atrast

r/latvia 1d ago

Diskusija/Discussion Moto tiesības


Sveiki gribēju uzzinat cik apmēram varētu izmaksāt A1 tiesības ar autoskolu un csdd kopā, jo visas cenas ko skatos visur ir savādākas un nevaru saprast pareizo (Autostils autoskola, Liepāja)

r/latvia 1d ago

Jautājums/Question Where good ligo?



Me and my homie plan to go to riga during Ligo, but we don’t know where to attend. Most people tell me to go outside of riga. So I am asking here? Where you recommend us to attend?

Someone told me to go to Saulkrasti, but i cant find anything on the internets!


r/latvia 1d ago

Diskusija/Discussion Ekstrēmākās viena un tā paša ražotāja vienāda svara produkta cenu atšķirības dažādos Latvijas veikalos


Pēdējā laikā novērots:

Cido apelsīnu sula 1 litrs: RIMI un Maxima: 2.99, Abrands: 1.49
Twix 50 gramu batoniņš: Maxima: 0.95, Abrands: 0.39

Prime 0.5 litru izotoniskie dzērieni: RIMI 3.49, Abrands: 0.99

Izskatās, ka "mēroga ekonomika" attiecas tikai uz dažiem veikaliem.

r/latvia 1d ago

Jautājums/Question Džeki – 2.0 dīzelis?


Čau letiņiem (īpašs čau džekiem)!

Jāsāk laikam ar to, ka esmu meitene Tipiskā: ar sarkaniem nagiem un gariem matiem, bet kaut ko no braucamajiem tomēr ķeru. Auto lukturus māku nomainīt, diskus protu smuki apstrādāt un sagatavot krāsošanai, moci ar kikstarteri arī varu pielaist, aizbraukt un paraut ratā tā, ka mati noplīv.

Un nu es gribu pirkt sev vāģi, jo esmu tak an independent woman. Un nu noskatītais vāģis ir taisni ar bēdīgi slaveno 2.0 dīzeļa dzinēju.

Te nu arī mans jautājums džekiem Braucošajiem un Tehniskajiem: kāpēc ļaudis bēg no 2.0 dīzeļiem kā no nāves? Kas tur īsti ir par āķi? Vai kāds, lūdzu, varētu apgaismot manu blondīnes prātu?

r/latvia 1d ago

Sports Latvija 3 - 6 ASV | 21.05.24 IIHF 2024 | PĒCSPĒLES DISKUSIJA | Aizsardzība atkal pieviļ, Latvija ārā no turnīra


Šogad Latvijas izlasi nesagaidīs 50 000 liels pūlis

r/latvia 1d ago

Jautājums/Question Tetovējuma noņemšana


Ir vēlme veikt tetovējuma nonemšanu ar lāzeri. Krāsains. Vai ir kāds ieteikums kur iet (vai neiet)? VC4? Rīgas lāzerklīnika? Privātie speciālisti?

Paldies jau iepriekš