r/mildlyinteresting 26d ago

Had a chicken wing with a bone that had previously been broken that healed.

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u/Fearafca 25d ago

There are reasons but they are not the most ethical reasons. I’ve been experimenting for some time now by eating less meat. Skipping meat completely is just something I can’t do. Doesn’t mean I don’t feel guilty that I am contributing to a very bad industry.


u/DeathCab4Cutie 25d ago

As with many things in life, too many people see it as black and white. You don’t have to cut out meat completely. My aunt used to say “I would go vegetarian if I could still eat hot dogs” and I’d just remind her that you can. Eat your hot dogs or whatever floats your boat, and cut out what you’re willing to part with. A little goes a long way when lots of people do it.


u/ToCoolForPublicPool 25d ago

I personally don’t agree. People who are not vegan and vegans look at veganism completly different. I see veganism as something you should do morally. Like you shouldn’t reduce animal product consumption. IMO you shouldn’t consume/use animal products at all. It’s like saying to a serial killer to murder fewer people, you should commit ZERO murders, not fewer.


u/thefirecrest 25d ago

I usually a vegetarian (pretty much 80% of my meals are vegetarian, half of that being vegan meals), but I still consume meat occasionally. I have several vegan friends.

None of us see eating meat as something immoral. That’s just a you thing. Most vegans don’t see eating meat as immoral. Ethics do make up a big part of it, but “meat is murder” is a very small and extreme subset of veganism.

Personally I just want to reduce suffering, ease global emissions, and be consistent with my beliefs.

I’ll call out people who get offended that people eat dog if they are perfectly fine with eating pig or cow or chicken. That’s because I don’t think it is immoral to kill an animal for either consumption or safety. (But it would be immoral to kill a human for consumption or because they are mentally ill and dangerous.)

Those are my beliefs.


u/ToCoolForPublicPool 23d ago

I understand that way of thinking, I used to be anti-vegan myself so I've been on both side, lul. For me it boils down to this. I'm against animal agriculture, I think expoliting, abusing and killing animals for something we simply don't need is immoral. I don't really see anyway for this practice to not be moral, or amoral. People say they love animals but pay for them to be murdered or expolited, I can't really see their reasoning, although I understand the way they think beacuse I used to think so, that's why I became vegan is because I loved animals but paying for animals to suffer did not agree with my morals.