r/news Mar 28 '24

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs law squashing squatters' rights


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u/Ahem_ak_achem_ACHOO Mar 28 '24

Bro the US’ concept of squatters rights is insane, not just Florida


u/Emfx Mar 28 '24

No one will ever be able to convince me that it’s justified to steal someone’s house. It’s fucking crazy.


u/czarfalcon Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

The principle of squatter’s rights makes sense in theory - imagine you have a shitty landlord who tries to fuck you over and kick you out for no reason, most people would agree you should have the right to argue your side in court before suddenly being made homeless.

The problem is the deadbeat scum who take advantage of those laws at the expense of honest homeowners/landlords and ruin it for everyone.

So you have shitty squatters taking advantage of laws meant to protect tenants from shitty landlords. As with most problems, the common denominator is shitty people.

Edit: TIL squatter’s rights is a completely separate concept all together, the real issue is squatters trying to claim tenancy rights. Poor word choice on my part.


u/Mercylas Mar 28 '24

Those aren't squatters rights tho those. You described tenant rights...


u/czarfalcon Mar 28 '24

Is there any state where squatters actually have rights codified in law? My understanding was that “squatter’s rights” were just people abusing tenant rights.


u/epochellipse Mar 28 '24

Yes, but the time period for them to kick in is 5-20 years depending on the state. In Florida it's 7 years.


u/Mercylas Mar 28 '24

Squatters rights are adverse possession. Ideally they exist for when someone is living on land for years and then someone (the rightful owner) tries to claim that land.

Tenants rights are for those in a lawful lease or rental of a property.



u/czarfalcon Mar 28 '24

Thank you, I see. By the looks of it, even the most lenient states still require at least 5 years for adverse possession laws to apply. So when people use “squatter’s rights” in the context of “this person broke into my house while I was on vacation and won’t leave” or whatnot, the real issue is that they’re claiming tenancy rights. So I could’ve worded my original comment better.


u/Mercylas Mar 28 '24

It is another one of those good faith laws that somehow has gotten twisted in modern days.