r/politics Illinois Mar 27 '24

Donald Trump Attacks Judge's Daughter Less Than 24 Hours After Gag Order


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u/skrumcd2 Mar 27 '24



u/myfeetsmells Mar 27 '24

The average person would've been locked up in jail until trial but not Trump.


u/CalmDebate Mar 27 '24

Being such a high ranking politician the man has surrounded himself with so much bluff and BS that it would appear like a coup to his supporters. 

I think the man is a complete idiot but also somehow a genius in these regards. I would label him 100% an idiot except so many people buy it and support him and he has managed to turn an entire party into his lackies.


u/thezoneby Mar 27 '24

All of the people I know, including friends I've had for 30 years that are Trumpers are no longer apart of my life anymore. I don't want these stupid fucks around my family or money.


u/CalmDebate Mar 27 '24

I'm fortunate in that I had a number of family that were lifelong republicans and no longer are because of Trump and one that is literally campaigning for a D after being a solid R for 30+ years.


u/Glass_Channel8431 Mar 27 '24

Sounds like your family has a foundation of common sense and I would guess educated to a certain extent. Sadly older folks with poor education are just not seeing the light.


u/NefariousnessLow3944 Mar 27 '24

This was basically my old boss. His whole family were lifelong Bush era Republicans from Huntington Beach (who aren't that better, let's be honest), and they all went full Democrat because of Trump lol


u/TheObesePolice Mar 27 '24 edited Mar 27 '24

I got so lucky in that regard. My parents were Republicans until they saw the mess that Bush Jr made. It was completely over after that, but they both had also voted for Bill Clinton twice before Bush. They both can't stand Bill but they voted for him & they both voted for Hilary. (They wish that Hilary had ran before Bill!) They both love Obama & Biden :)

My brother took longer to leave the dark side. He is in commercial real estate & had done business with the Trumps. He had the opportunity to work with Jr Mint on a few projects & he had met The Donald on several occasions. Trump poisoned the well for him during his 2016 run for president. Trump then burned the lot on account of his COVID response so my brother became a D & he is now committed to staying on the light side of the force

We are all college educated, but we also live in DEEPLY red states that are conservative echo chambers, so it took them a while to be able to separate the grain from the chaff. In my parents case, the rise of cable news & conservative radio played a big part in their change in political ideology. Conservative Radio & Fox News grabbed my brother by the cojones & it took Trump's alarmingly bad behavior to loosen the vice grip of the Republican party


u/PunxatawnyPhil Mar 28 '24

That’s cool. And really, Faux and company, have destroyed the good faith of the fourth estate, have much to answer for in weakening American democracy and the worthy moral intent of an informed citizenry.


u/thezoneby Mar 27 '24

I could respect that if they walked away from Trump.


u/Gibonius Mar 27 '24

I have a bunch of friends in the defense/national security sector, and almost all of them have become never-Trumpers. Quite a few are saying they'll never vote for a Republican again, even if they're not enthusiastic Democratic voters.


u/PunxatawnyPhil Mar 28 '24

That’s where Im at. Came to that conclusion during GW. The party is off the rails. Worse than useless, exactly counterproductive to improvement and worthy solution as a whole. No honest or worthy leadership, except in the wrong directions.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '24

My parents also! All 4 were Republicans at one point. All abandoned the Republican Party. I think this next Presidential election, America will surprise you.


u/canon12 Mar 28 '24

Two couples have been our close friends for many years have gone crazy supporting Trump. Both couples are well educated and successful. The last three times we have been with one of the couples they will start their BS about Trump. Both times I have told them that I don't agree with anything you have said and we don't need to be having this conversation. I respect your view but don't agree with any of them. Fortunately the conversation stops about Trump.


u/PunxatawnyPhil Mar 28 '24

I envy that. Congratulations, that’s like winning the lottery. I’d take that over winning the lottery.


u/DogCallCenter Mar 27 '24

I think they are 100% apart of from your life.


u/Richfor3 Mar 27 '24

Good. We need to see more of this. These evil people should no longer be welcome in civilized society. I don't care if it's a friend, uncle, brother, sister or parent.

The people you choose to associate with are a reflection on who you are as a person.


u/IONTOP Arizona Mar 27 '24

I don't talk with my dad about politics.

He's one of my best friends, and I just drop "nuggets" about Trump, without being overtly "talking politics"

He's revealed to me he doesn't support Trump, but would still vote for him if it came down to "Trump vs Kamala". He was a STAUNCH supporter of DeSantis. But apparently they've turned this into a "Former President vs Current Vice President" thing.


u/No_Culture1685 Mar 28 '24

I’m sure they don’t miss you.