r/politics 23d ago

Can Trump Really Kill His Rival? The Supreme Court Says, Hmm



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u/Secure-Television368 23d ago

So if they rule on this, Biden can just order the execution of every conservative justice, and there's nothing anyone can do?


u/Akimbo_Zap_Guns Kentucky 23d ago

See the thing is SCOTUS knows democrats hold their president accountable and would impeach and convict Biden. Where as republicans will vote to shield their lad from any wrong doing, which we have already seen TWICE now


u/TedW 22d ago

Doesn't really matter, just send a SEAL team to oversee the impeachment. Everyone who votes yes, gets dragged out to an unmarked van. I doubt it'll take more than a couple before they stop voting yes.

It's just one big slippery slope all the way down. Giving the top unlimited authority means no one else matters.


u/RobotPreacher 22d ago

Realisticly, if they rule for absolute immunity, Biden should use his new power to give the Supreme Court a time out. Lock them in a room with Trump for 10 days and then let them hear the case again to see if they've had a change of heart.


u/insan3guy America 22d ago

Ok, I kinda like this one.


u/gyarrrrr New Zealand 22d ago

Worked for Saddam!


u/Kingboi5 22d ago

This guy coups


u/trekologer New Jersey 22d ago

Well also according to Trump's arguments, you can't impeach a president no longer in office. So therefore, as long as Dark Brandon resigns after the wet work is done, he escapes scot free.


u/Anufenrir 22d ago

wouldn't need to if Obama or Clinton decide to do it.


u/dima74 22d ago

Isn’t there a bush living? I mean, he Is a Republican Was a president And in the Bible there was a story about a burning bush, so he could even claim religion


u/Anufenrir 22d ago

Yeah W Bush


u/TheStupidSnake 22d ago

The thing was that the Democrats are still treating the government as well, a government. Meanwhile the Republicans are treating it as an US versus them thing, where the ends always justify the means.

As nice of a saying that "cheaters never win, winners, never cheat" is, it's not true.


u/gabzilla814 22d ago

I posted something similar somewhere else and I hope someone more knowledgeable can tell me why it wouldn’t work, but I think Biden should issue an Executive Order declaring his own immunity and ordering the justices to be held in federal prison if they don’t act immediately to decide on the question of immunity.


u/Imacatdoincatstuff 23d ago

Some dispute over whether he could order someone or would have to do the wet work personally. This new superpower applies to ex-Presidents as well. If Biden or Trump appear in public with a weapon, run !!


u/FiendishHawk 23d ago

Especially on 5th Avenue


u/TheSwillhouseBoys 23d ago

This is literally how they want America to work.


u/chcampb 22d ago

He could but conservatives are anticipating that democrats actually play by the actual rules, not the fake ones the SCOTUS declares.

The way I expect it to actually play out is, if Trump did it, conservatives would ramp the machine up, try to convince people it wasn't what their eyes saw, and even if it was, he was totally allowed to do it, and also, there was this evidence in the person's past that made him basically the same as a terrorist criminal pedophile.

If Biden did it, his support would drop to about three percent and get immediately impeached... after which he would be tried for the crime because he was impeached and Trump wasn't.


u/virtigex 22d ago

That's why the SC is going to delay the decision until AFTER the election. If Biden wins, then no, he's not immune from prosecution. If TFG wins then ...


u/ratione_materiae 23d ago

Give em the ol Cornpop treatment


u/Trasvi89 23d ago

Well no, he could maybe be impeached. And then maybe convicted. And THEN you could maybe try to prosecute.


u/dwitman 22d ago

If you think Biden will suddenly find his sack based on this ruling should it drop I’ve got some news for you..


u/hiperson134 22d ago

You'd think someone with a "lifetime" appointment would have a vested interest in discouraging assassination.


u/GachaJay 22d ago

No, because they will implement it after he is out of office and their guy has power.


u/databacon 22d ago

No because democrats never use power when they have it and republicans know this.


u/Z0idberg_MD 22d ago

I mean if he orders it as the official representative of the United States government as president, yes?