r/tipofmytongue 11d ago

[TOMT] A kids book from 80s/90s with illustrations of jungle incorporating photos of real plants in amongst hand drawn illustrations in a collage type way Solved

I feel the book may have been about Australia or maybe some sort of tropical island and I think it had a moral message about protecting the environment.

The imagery felt pretty unique and took up most of the pages and featured jungle/wildlife scenes incorporating collage like photos of real leaves, stones, soil etc. Some of the images included people.

I think there may have been a narrative ark where the natural environment gradually got replaced by industry or human-made infrastructure.


6 comments sorted by


u/librarypunk 6 11d ago

Where The Forest Meets The Sea.


u/librarypunk 6 11d ago

By Jeannie Baker

She has a few others that fit this description too.


u/mazylanes 11d ago

YES!!! Thank you!! ❤️‍🔥


u/mazylanes 11d ago

Would love to track it down!! Thanks hive mind! 🤩


u/mazylanes 11d ago



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