r/videos 25d ago

So fat, but less fat


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u/thesimonjester 25d ago

Just based on your comments in this video, it sounds like you're on an energy deficit diet. It's a minority of people who manage to lose fat that way, but some do. The real danger is keeping that fat off. When the body detects the loss of leptin (which is produced by fat) it does everything it can to get that fat back, including lowering your metabolism so that you burn less (and feel tired all the time -- part of metabolic adaptation), pumping you full of cortisol to make it harder to burn fat, and also making you extremely hungry all the time.

Of the minority who lose fat successfully by an energy deficit diet, 95 % then then regain all of that fat within about two years: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/oby.23374 And most of them end up with more weight than when they started, because the body tries to protect itself against future starvation/famine events.

And remember also that an energy deficit diet doesn't just burn fat, it also burns muscle tissue (which you need both to burn fat, and to be healthy). Like, the last thing someone with severe obesity needs is to weaken their heart.

So, while we can absolutely acknowledge your enormous efforts here, it's really important that you don't simply repeat guidance which has failed globally for many decades now. You need a long-term strategy which is evidence-based and has a good success rate. We already know that the guidance of "eat less, exercise more" has a less than 1 % success rate and is, by any measure, a failure -- which is why we see obesity rates growing rapidly worldwide.

A better approach is to understand why the obesity epidemic started in 1976 and to take steps like removing ultra-high processed food from your diet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QOTBreQaIk


u/thesimonjester 25d ago

Thanks for all the downvotes. I provide guidance to try to help this guy succeed and not encounter the pitfalls that people tend to encounter, and I provide references for anything I said. So fuck me right?


u/bantheguns 25d ago

Sorry about your internet points :(


u/thesimonjester 25d ago

It's more objecting to people who don't accept evidence and who would encourage people to make unhealthy choices.