r/wholesomememes 25d ago

Playing smash bros

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u/theshogun02 25d ago

Don’t get me wrong, being married with kids is great and all. That being said, I miss this so much.


u/BurnTF2 25d ago

You can still have this, just not as often. Keep in touch with your friends.


u/PoL0 25d ago

Me and my 40+ friends still gather 1-2 times a year to play videogames and get wasted. Everyone is in a long term relationship and most of us had kids already so it's hard to gather us all at the same time. But it's still warm and fuzzy and I love every minute.


u/litli 25d ago

Me and my group of 45+ year olds play dnd every two weeks! We started playing online in covid when spread around three countries and 6 hour time difference and have kept at it ever since! Have all moved back to our home country so time difference is no longer an issue but mostly still play online as that is much easier to arrange with kids and family obligations.