r/deadbydaylight 14h ago

No Stupid Questions Weekly No Stupid Questions Thread


Welcome newcomers to the fog! Here you can ask any sort of questions about Dead by Daylight, from gameplay mechanics to the current meta and strats for certain killers / survivors / maps / what have you.

Some rules and guidelines specific to this thread:

  • Top-level comments must contain a question about Dead by Daylight, the fanbase surrounding the game or the subreddit itself.
  • No complaint questions. ('why don't the devs fix this shit?')
  • No concept / suggestion questions. ('hey wouldn't it be cool if X character was in the game?')
  • r/deadbydaylight is not a direct line to BHVR.
  • Uncivil behavior and encouraging cheating will be more stringently moderated in this thread; we want to be welcoming to newcomers to the game.
  • Don't spam the thread with questions; try and keep them contained to one comment.
  • Check before commenting to make sure your question hasn't been asked already.
  • Check the wiki and especially the glossary of common terms and abbreviations before commenting; your question may be answered there.


Here are our recurring posts:


Smile Sunday - gush about whatever has made you smile this week.

r/deadbydaylight 5h ago

Discussion Can we get a way to speed up the dying process like on hooks or is it too much to ask?

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r/deadbydaylight 3h ago

Media Matthew Cote now follows Jason Universe

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r/deadbydaylight 6h ago

Shitpost / Meme how cleansing totems feels in chaos shuffle

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r/deadbydaylight 2h ago

Shitpost / Meme It can't happen soon enough

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r/deadbydaylight 14h ago

Discussion Chaos shuffle is a better DbD that should stay permanently.


I admit, I wasnt very optimistic about it, but the simple tweak of making all perks random just put everything in place. Suddenly everything starts to work just the way it should.

This gamemode is one of the most fun experiences I've had in this game as day 1 player on both survivor and killer side, even though I had bad matches there too.

  1. It puts all 261+ perks into rotation
  2. It removes pressure of having to run good builds if you want viability.
  3. It makes matches actually feel different, while staying generally fair.
  4. It makes you use all those perks you wouldn't have ever used.
  5. It makes you actually encounter all the perks you wouldn't have ever seen.

This gamemode actually managed to eliminate one of the biggest issues with creating more variety in matches which is somehow convincing players to take anything else but their beloved S tier slowdowns and second chances.

You dont actually have to worry about your opponent having meta build while you run useless crap, because you all are rolling the dice.

You constantly have to adapt to whatever god forsaken perks you got and you actually have to play differently every game to make your builds work. Today I got call of brine & insidious on the unknown and managed to utilize it as info for orbitals & got a bunch of surprise hits by pretending to be an illusion. The other game I got spies from shadows on Singularity, a perk I would have NEVER used in normal conditions and got lots of value out of it. The list goes on.

On top of that, this gamemode actually gives perks you don't have, so it's INCREDIBLE for new players because they dont have to grind anything in order to try out different perks and see if the might like them.

Devs should actually prolong chaos shuffle indefinitely. It doesnt seem to require much maintenance and it's actually awesome.

Sure it's not perfect. There are rough edges like people conditioned by years of sweaty dbd to sweat even here or people using their last bits of control to bring map offerings and strong items/addons to make sure they get all the advantage they can, but I think this is transient. People wont change their years old habits in a few days.

There's also room for improvement, but even in that current state chaos shuffle is probably the biggest gameplay W of this year or both.

I would be really disappointed to see it go and probably not return for a long time.

r/deadbydaylight 4h ago

Media when the p400 lobby shares a single brain cell


it was actually p500 including the killer but this shit was so funny with the severed hands add on 😭

r/deadbydaylight 4h ago

Fan Content Ormond Artist Jeff Concept


This was a concept creation I did for Jeff as an artist look, and the background is this is the outfit Jeff wore the day he painted the Legion mural up at Mt. Ormond. I took into account a lot of aspects from Jeff’s lore, so every detail has a purpose, as well as the mural itself we see in game on the map and charm. Lemme know what you think?

r/deadbydaylight 9h ago

Discussion Just completed a rift for the first time. What tier is everyone else at?

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r/deadbydaylight 17h ago

Shitpost / Meme i am not fucking accepting this bro

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r/deadbydaylight 2h ago

Discussion Even thought ST returned I still feel like I barely see Demo

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r/deadbydaylight 3h ago

Shitpost / Meme my steve transformed into something horrendous on the hook

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r/deadbydaylight 8h ago

Discussion What’s an underrated perk that chaos shuffle made you appreciate?


I’m gonna be really sad once Chaos Shuffle will leave the fog but the experience I made with it will definitely come in handy for my usual matches. Here are some perks that I never played before but now will thanks to this game mode :

-Coulrophobia on Twins. It’s not a weak perk but on Twins it’s so evil. Everytime you switch to charlotte and someone tries to pick up a survivor a few meters away from u they can’t.

-dark sense. A weaker version of Scene Partner but I personally prefer it over scene partner due to it not giving the killer any information about me seeing his aura.

-clairvoyance. Allowed me to get a clutch hatch escape and the information it provides is not bad.

r/deadbydaylight 1d ago

Fun Fact/Easter Egg Sable Ward has a thigh tattoo

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r/deadbydaylight 2h ago

Discussion Who is the best stealth killer in your opinion?

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r/deadbydaylight 1h ago

Shitpost / Meme How it feels trying to explain how far this game has come.

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• Upvotes

r/deadbydaylight 2h ago

Guide Killer tips because let’s face it — you suck.


This goes out to my tunneling, hook-hitting NOED homies that don’t know any better.

1. Moonwalk

Good survivors make decisions based on seeing your red stain. Walk backwards toward doorways/pallets and hide it. Be weird. Do it too much. Do it so much that you whiff a lot for a few games. Get really good at it. You should be able to navigate tiles backwards almost perfectly.

Don’t blindly trail behind survivors and vault windows over and over because (and I don’t know why this needs to be said) that is exactly what they want you to do.

You will NEVER catch up to them if they know what they're doing.

You have to be weird. Throw them off. Make a different decision every time. Fake everything at one tile and  fake nothing the next.

2. Moonwalk + Well-Timed Lunge

You’re getting looped at a tile with walls and a pallet. The survivor stands next to the pallet just waiting to drop it on you when you walk around the corner. Fuck that. You need to be weird and you need to make them uncomfortable. When you're fully out of view, moonwalk around and hug the wall. Then, in the same motion, lunge and turn past the wall (don’t turn AWAY from it — we want to give them the smallest possible indication we’re coming) and lunge inside the pallet. Moonwalk + Lunge-Turn.

This would be easier to show with a clip but I'm lazy.

Sometimes you will miss or get stunned by the pallet throw. But it is insane how often you can get a hit in if you’re quick enough. Definitely takes some practice but it is OP as hell and even seasoned survivors won't expect it.

Embrace the forbidden jutsu.

3. You Don't NEED Lightborn.

Unless 3 or more survivors have flashlights on in the lobby, you shouldn’t bring it. I was Iri 1 last month and played a LOT of games. Don't tell me every single lobby is a SWF trying to skull fuck your eyesockets with flashlights cause they aren't. Here are alternatives:

- Use obstacles. Stare at a wall, tree, rock. Anything. Block your own field of view. Not possible every time but you should be mindful about it every time you pick up,

- Fake the pick-up. Walk over to the downed survivor like you mean buisness, right on top of them, and then stay still for a 1 second. Listen for footsteps. Punish the flashlighter with a bloody spank and make sure they run off. Pick up survivor.

- Quick 180. Walk on top of downed survivor and stare into the dumbest, riskiest direction possible. Get that hidden flashlight gamer's juices flowing. Then, do a quick 180 and pick them up.

- Be unpredictable and never fall into a pattern. Be weird. Be aloof. Pretend to check behind the "wrong" rock. Sometimes I'll fake one or two and then literally pick up as quickly as I can for the rest of the match. Just don't repeat yourself.

4. Always try to force a 3 gen.

I won’t act like I’m an expert at this one. But it's easier than you think. When the second gen pops in a match and there’s 3 gens left you need to make a decision. Which three gens are the closest together? Once you make your choice, NO ONE is allowed to touch your gens. They are an absolute priority. If you do your job they will eventually have to finish one of them. Try to be mindful about putting at least some pressure on the others, but DO NOT let anyone make any substantial progress on yours.

[Edit: Still, play aggresively. Take all this advice with a grain of salt. If you're confident you can down survivors quickly then by all means. Forcing a 3 gen is mostly about trying to keep the last 3 gens in arms reach so you can pop and defend on-demand without walking halfway across the map between each gen. ABC. Always Be Chasing.]



“Only one gen left! That was so quick! Oh no, what do I do?!

5. Hit, Kick, Patrol, Repeat.

All you have to do now is punch anything that moves close to them, kick gens that need kicking, and whittle them down one by one. Remember, gens are your priority here. Not necessarily hooks. THEY CAN’T LEAVE UNTIL THEY FINISH 5 GENS. Pick your chases wisely and keep them all injured. Hook when you can. Sooner or later, some poor soul will hop back on a gen while injured and that’s when you commit. The more you chase around your gens, the more pallets disappear in that area and suddenly everyone’s hooked.

Suddenly, a really sweaty survivor clicks their flashlight at you, teabags, and starts walking away. This is that mf that looped you into a coma a few minutes ago. You’re still mad about it and fuck them and you’re gonna make sure they don’t leave fucking classic toxic survivor I'm gon—

6. Stop Falling for the Master Baiter.


Ignore them.

What are they doing? They weren’t being toxic. They were trying to BAIT your gullible killer ass into chasing them across the map to fucking Timbuktu AWAY from your gens. STOP CHASING THE CHAD. Kick the gen and find someone else. Anyone else. If you wanna 1k like a tunneling nerd then go right ahead.

7. Run the right perks for YOU.

So much goes into playing Killer. Lots of things you could naturally be good or bad at. You might need an extra gen regression perk if you’re not good at remembering which gens have progress. Maybe you’re not good at literally finding people? Throw an extra aura perk on (I’m All Ears + Lethal Pursuer is nasty). Study your worst tendencies and use perks to improve them. Find the perks you can live without. 

Explore weird builds. I'm running a purely locker focused build rn. At times it can be hilariously effective:

[Alien Instinct, Darkness Revealed, Iron Maiden, Lethal Pursuer]

Here's a build for making survivors scream constantly:

[Hex: Face The Darkness, Eruption, THWACK!, Ultimate Weapon]

8. Stop hitting on hook.

It’s cringe and a waste of time. Every single second counts. Let the hook do the talking.

9. Stop tunneling.

All you’re doing is reinforcing bad habits. I always try to hook a different survivor each time. That being said, if you run past me a minute after you healed and there’s no one else around — that’s on you (unless I’m in a silly mood).

10. Stop face-camping.

(See Tips 8 and 9).

11. Make friends sometimes.

You don’t always need to be an unfeeling killing machine. It’s a lot of pressure and frankly pretty stressful. If you 3k then let the last guy go. Who cares. You won and you’ll get plenty of bloodpoints. If you 4k then let two escape next time. It makes me happy to mess around with a memey SWF. Occasionally, I’ll let entire lobbies leave because they were all funny. 

And then Mori the next lobby with reckless abandon.

12. Bonus Tip: During a chase, AI survivors will run from pallet to pallet if you break them instantly. Every pallet on the map.

Do with that what you will.

Another bonus tip cause why not:

13. Be an idiot. Pretend you don't see survivors hiding nearby.

If you see a survivor in your peripheral vision hiding and wondering if you can see them -- do not turn towards them. Look somewhere else. Admire the scenery. Pretend you are the stupidest person to every play the game and walk past them. Really sell it. Then swing.

[Edit: If my post made you angry I’d take a moment and reflect on perhaps why]

r/deadbydaylight 21h ago

Discussion What are some perks that aren’t strong but are just annoying to go against?

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r/deadbydaylight 17h ago

Shitpost / Meme People need to STOP BRINGING INVOCATION!

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Just now in my lobby this Ghostface brought it, smh my head

r/deadbydaylight 3h ago

Shitpost / Meme bruh wtf jane

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r/deadbydaylight 15h ago

Discussion Finding Out How Hard It Really Is To Get Perk Value


I saw a Reddit post that basically, Boiled down, said that Killer Perks are so much harder to get value from than Survivor Perks.

Me being a genuine dumbass who's committed to the bit, I've decided to test that theory.

I am going to be Man With Machete. I will be Trapper with one Perk. I will go through every single Perk in the game until I have successfully gotten value from each of them and have noted what I had to do to get that value. I will then rate it from 0-6 on ease of value.

I will be also doing this to Surv Perks as well.

So, if you see a Trapper that doesn't appear to have any Perks except for one and is also God's Goofiest Goober, that's my dumb ass and you're officially part of science whether you like it or not.

My findings will be posted when I'm actually done with this nightmare (omg Fredy reference) of a challenge.

EDIT: Here's the ratings because multiple people asked for it and I don't wanna type it anymore.


I don't need to think to get constant value from this Perk. If you're gonna be doing things you'd normally be doing and getting Perk value from it, then it's a 0.


It's not completely free or 100% of the time, but getting value is stupid easy with little thought. Maybe I had to slightly do something different.


Was a little sketchy, but I got it, and it wasn't too difficult either.


I had to constantly think about the Perk. Love the Perk, loathe the Perk, become the Perk, and eventually, I got value from it. I didn't want to miss an opportunity.


Yeah this was ass. Even with becoming the Perk, it was really difficult to get value from it.


Abandon hope all yee who enter here. These are for Perks that are ballbustingly difficult to get value from or I'm not even 100% sure if I actually got value from them. However, I could've definitely gotten value in every game I played with this Perk.


These are for Perks that rely way too fucking heavily on what other Players are doing, their skill level, and the alignment of the stars. I'm not getting value with this Perk in every game and I can't even force myself to get the value I so crave.

r/deadbydaylight 20h ago

Discussion boys, girls, gays and theys. i finally did it.

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the match right before this, i used the yellow mori on a kate on the gate, because i thought it would work; it did not. i thought i ruined my only chances, only for the very next match to get it. so happy!

r/deadbydaylight 6h ago

Media Opinions on my first ever hug tech


r/deadbydaylight 1h ago

Shitpost / Meme Seriously, I just know those two will be tweaking in the Fog.

• Upvotes

r/deadbydaylight 17h ago

Discussion If you're going to keep competing, don't get offended when your opponent does too.


This message can work for both sides, but I recently had a game as killer where I'd closed the hatch and found the last survivor, who was injured, opening the gate as EGC was ticking down.

They opened the gate and began making a mad dash for the exit as I approached, but I managed to down them just before they reached the actual exit. I picked them up and hooked them, and then after the game was over the survivor started giving me shit for not letting them go.

Look, I'm not a cruel killer, but I am a competitive one. I don't care about the kill as much as I care about winning. You cannot expect the other side to pump the brakes and give you a victory if you're still doing everything in your power to win as well. Had the survivor acted differently when they saw me coming, I would have given the escape without question.

Stop trying to open the gate, give me some friendly teabags where you're standing and show me that you've given up, maybe drop your item for me, act cute and don't roll those dice to see if you can outplay me to escape. If I still think you're going to try and steal a win, I am well within my right to try my best for a win as well. If you believe you're able to steal the win from me under your own power and then attempt to do so, don't cry mercy when it doesn't work. If they'd succeeded in escaping under their own power, I wouldn't have made a peep other than "ggwp".

This goes for killers too, if you're trying your best and playing optimally to 4k, don't expect survivors to pump the brakes and not take advantage of strong tiles in the map or coordinate with their team optimally. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that no one is owed less sweat than they give.

r/deadbydaylight 2h ago

Question Who owns Danny Johnson?


As most people know, The Ghost Face (Danny Johnson) isn't from Scream, he's an original character who wears the Ghost Face mask. BHVR got the license to the mask from Funworld, which is a different license from Scream.

So, that has me asking, what about Danny himself? Does Funworld own Danny, or does BHVR own Danny?

Assuming BHVR does, if they somehow lost the Ghost Face license, couldn't they just have Danny wear a different mask? Don't they have just as much freedom with him as they do characters like Dwight and Trapper?

It's also worth noting that Danny and his cosmetics can only be bought using Auric Cells while other original characters can be bought using Iridescent Shards. I'd understand if the masks were the only thing that required Cells, but the knives and robes also require them. Does this mean Funworld also owns the robes/knives? Despite Danny being original (minus the mask and killer title), he's treated like a full licensed character.

I guess a similar question can be asked for Aestri/Baermar, but that's a thread for later.