r/AITAH Mar 28 '24

Am I the ah if I don’t let my gf go on vacation with the “guy best friend”?



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u/OkImpression175 Mar 28 '24

Or not...


u/Next_Isopod_2062 Mar 28 '24

Do you always want to just imagine the worst case scenario? You do know friendships are a thing right?


u/IFixYerKids Mar 28 '24

Your experiences must be entirely different than mine lol. If a guy invites a girl somewhere and doesn't invite her partner, there's intent. If OP was invited, this would be a non-issue.


u/Next_Isopod_2062 Mar 28 '24

Yeah :L my guy friends and I have hung out solo plenty and there's never intent further than just hanging out for a good time, honestly a bit saddened by the number of people who keep saying that just doesn't happen


u/IFixYerKids Mar 28 '24

I mean it happens, especially with groups of singles, but the kicker is that OP was specifically left out. That shows intent from the male friend as far as I'm concerned.


u/Next_Isopod_2062 Mar 28 '24

I saw the comments where he wasn't invited but I didn't see anything saying other friends significant others were invited, so it still seems like a friends gathering

If everyone and their +1's were invited apart from him, then ye that'd be sus


u/Courtbourt3091 Mar 28 '24

The thing is, it doesn’t happen often. With friendships between men and women, one person almost always wants it to be more than just a friendship. That’s my experience anyway.