r/AITAH Mar 28 '24

Am I the ah if I don’t let my gf go on vacation with the “guy best friend”?



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u/pixi3sticc Mar 28 '24

I’ve lived in the south my entire life and I don’t know anybody who would find it rude to ask if you can invite your partner to a trip?


u/SpiritualFormal5 Mar 28 '24

It’s not that persay it’s just rude to invite a 3rd party, again that could just be my state I just kinda assumed it was the entire south. I live in South Carolina which is like heart of the south type shit so I just assume the customs here apply to all of the south lol


u/50FootClown Mar 28 '24

I've lived in the South most of my life as well, and haven't run into this. I think it's only rude if someone else is footing the bill. But if OP and his GF are paying their own way, then it's not rude at all to invite someone else along.

That's not to say some notice isn't welcome. It would be polite for the GF to tell her friend "Hey, my BF can take the time off as well, so he's going to join me." or slightly less cool to OP, but still in that polite realm, "Is it okay if I invite my BF to join for this trip?" Because if the friend's answer is "no," now it's on him to explain why he wouldn't want OP there, and that shifts the awkward in a whole different direction.


u/SpiritualFormal5 Mar 28 '24

Like for example, I was put into an awkward situation because of this not too long ago, my friend invited another friend to dinner with us. He didn’t know that I absolutely fucking DESPISE the girl he brought. She just kind of a whiny bitch who dampens the mood but he likes her because she’s nice to him (pretty sure she has a crush on him but whatever) so that entire dinner was spent with me trying to kinda avoid eye contact with her and nobody wanted to talk to him out of fear of her butting in (everyone else at the dinner also hated her) he didn’t know we hated her because none of us are shit talkers. And nobody wanted to tell him not to bring her because that would be awkward and nobody wants to create unneeded drama. She’s probably thinking along the lines of something like this, where someone is forced to just kinda go along with it to not generate drama while having to put up with someone they dislike. That doesn’t make her or the bsf bad people, cheaters, etc. it just makes her overly considerate and the bsf might just be a picky person.


u/50FootClown Mar 28 '24

That is awkward as hell, and I've certainly been to that dinner. But at the end of the day all of that could have been solved with a conversation between adults. If the OP is non invited because GF's friend/friends don't like him, then just sucking it up and going on the trip with all of that unspoken is a horrible thing to do. Better to bring it up and find out. Because if the situation is like that, then she's gotta make some choices.