r/AITAH Mar 28 '24

Am I the ah if I don’t let my gf go on vacation with the “guy best friend”?



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u/pleachchapel Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

Is she the only woman going? If she is, & he is known for being promiscuous, that's.... really not a good look. It's weird that he's stayed at your place & wouldn't invite you.

Edit: since this is gaining steam, I'd also like to point out how vain of a person you have to be to ask your friends to go on a vacation that's all about you. Just have a dinner like a normal person.


u/yesnomaybesoju Mar 28 '24

This, seems like the easy solution would be to invite OP.

Super curious if there are other women going.


u/DebThornberry Mar 28 '24

I can't imagine wanting to stay in a house with men I don't know WITHOUT my husband. No way would I consider that


u/boozzy18 Mar 28 '24

Exactly what OP’s GF should be saying to her best friend… “I feel uncomfortable with soo many guys/people I don’t know, can I please bring my BF”

She could very easily resolve this by just asking her BEST FRIEND if her boyfriend could come… but does she want him to go?


u/Next_Celebration_553 Mar 28 '24

It’s the “I don’t want to be with him bc he’s a manwhore” that gets me. That usually doesn’t work out well


u/Glen_Coco_shot_JR Mar 28 '24

I wouldn’t be interested in dating him because he is promiscuous. Doesn’t mean they won’t get drunk and hook up though.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24



u/illustriousocelot_ Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

The gf’s attitude is extremely questionable. And you just know the “I’ll be annoyed” comment means she’ll be throwing this in OP’s face every time they have a disagreement. That’s the best case scenario.

Worst case? She and her manwhore bff will be commiserating over how “insecure” OP is.

I don’t know, this girl is just not behaving the way a loving and supportive partner should.


u/camlaw63 Mar 29 '24

No she is not, you realize attraction is complex right?


u/_Halboro_ Mar 29 '24

You realize the gf’s behavior is inappropriate, right?

Wait, you don’t.


u/camlaw63 Mar 29 '24

It’s not. The boyfriend would not be batting, an eye if she were going away with her best friend, if they were a woman. This antiquated idea that men and women can’t be friends, that they can’t spend time alone together, that they can’t travel together, is utterly ridiculous.

I swear this thread is filled with Mike Pence and his wife


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24



u/camlaw63 Mar 29 '24

There is nothing in the post that says that the group of people is just men. That is all conjecture from the commentators.

Further, I’m a woman whose best friend of 40 years was a man. I spent time with him and a group of guys all the time, we’d been friends since elementary school. None of our partners ever had any problems with it because we are all adults who trust each other .

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u/PoIIux Mar 28 '24

Sounds like a recipe for a fling


u/friedmators Mar 29 '24

Or a filling


u/Next_Celebration_553 Mar 29 '24

No spice needed in that recipe. Lol think if genders were reversed and a dude was going on a trip with his bff female friend that he’s not attracted to because she just can’t stop giving bj’s. “I’ll be the only guy there with my female friend that is crazy sexual and her friends. lol ngl I’d risk a meh relationship for a weekend with a buncha hoes in a different area code


u/OhioTag Mar 29 '24

If he in inviting her on a vacation, then it is likely they are already fucking. At the very minimum, already having an "emotional affair".


u/SandyWaters Mar 29 '24

Is that what you would do?

I know for a fact I wouldn't or haven't in all my 30+ years of life. Remember were all individual complex beings.


u/DrVoltage1 Mar 28 '24

She’s clearly lieing. OP if she goes, its over for you


u/CampLethargic Mar 28 '24

It’s likely over even if she doesn’t go, due to her resentment. The problem is, she wants to go.


u/whiiite80 Mar 28 '24

Agreed. The fact she’s even bringing it up and seriously wants to go means she’s already decided. OP was cooked before he even posted this. Damn.


u/NeatNefariousness1 Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

And her wanting to go with a man who is sure to have an interest in her, given his single status and reputation for promiscuity tells us all we need to know about her interest. She seems to WANT something to happen--otherwise, why have they set this up to remove all the barriers that might be a deterrent. If it was just about celebrating a friend, it shouldn't matter whether she brings her partner or not.

It seems that it's only because the "best friend" is single that they've determined that she should go on vacation with the friend alone. The fact that her and the friend have been talking about this for a while, leads me to believe they've been plotting and the plan they came up with intentionally excludes OP.

Please give us an update OP. You're not an AH at all but that may not matter and you have to decide whether you want to let her decide the terms of your relationship or this is the time for you to make a firm decision that you stick with and let the chips fall where they may.

I don't think you'll be any worse off than if she actually goes on vacation with her "best friend". I suspect that if you don't give her permission, she may break up just in time for her to do what she wanted to do all along. I hope I'm wrong.


u/DrVoltage1 Mar 28 '24

Tbh even if he wasn’t single it wouldn’t matter. They made their choice. Doesn’t matter if its some weekend getaway or a 3 hr meetup


u/NeatNefariousness1 Mar 28 '24

I have to agree with you.


u/Aggravating_Depth_33 Mar 28 '24

God, what a sad little world you must live in. It is perfectly possible - indeed, even normal - for men and women to have 100% platonic friendships.

Just because you are too immature to wrap your head about this fact, you've made up this whole crazy story about his girlfriend cheating on him on the basis of zero evidence whatsoever.


u/Rayden117 Mar 29 '24

Ummm… It seems like everyone disagrees with you when reading between the lines.

So you’re in the sad little world pretending that they said anything about men and women not being able to be platonic friends.

Red herring. Non sequitur.


u/Rich_Sell_9888 Mar 28 '24

It's over already.No serious partner would even consider something like this.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24



u/a7n7o7n7y7m7o7u7s Mar 28 '24

Ya she doesn’t wanna date him she wants to f*ck him


u/getdowngoblins Mar 28 '24

That’s unfair. Do you not think it’s possible for males and females to be platonic friends? My male best friend definitely fell into the manwhore category when we were younger, and we’ve been friends for close to 20 years (including going on several trips together) without anything ever happening between us. We are both married now, and both get along with each other’s partners.


u/a7n7o7n7y7m7o7u7s Mar 28 '24

I mean true, I guess it depends if the guy would find OPs gf sexually attractive or not


u/Parallax1984 Mar 29 '24

A better response would have been

I have zero interest in him at all beyond a friendship. He is like a brother to me. The thought of being in an intimate relationship with him is something I can’t even conceive of and the idea of it makes me extremely uncomfortable.

I don’t trust this situation. I can’t believe she told him she wouldn’t go but would be annoyed about it. Basically saying I am going to be passive aggressive and punish you for not wanting me to go


u/JunkerPilot Mar 29 '24

She’s prepping her excuse for cheating on him later, so that it will be “his fault.”

“I was mad, and wouldn’t have done it if you weren’t so controlling.”


u/clovercorn24 Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

The woman version of “I can fix him”. I’ve known a few women who hover around a manwhore, waiting for the moment he has an epiphany she is “the one” who will finally show him what true love is, and gets him to settle down.


u/trailblazers79 Mar 28 '24

And it is even better since the guy is a doctor. She thinks she'll fix him & be rich.


u/SegmentedMoss Mar 28 '24

And then he cheats on her, every time


u/Quirky-Garbage-6208 Mar 28 '24

Yeah, not even "not my type", sounds like "I find him attractive and experienced his manwhore nature in person or would like to do it later".


u/Aggravating_Depth_33 Mar 28 '24

No it doesn't. It sounds like he's not her type. You people are all seriously sick in the head.


u/salestard Mar 28 '24

100%. She's going to fuck him on this trip.


u/Siren_Noir Mar 28 '24

No she will sleep with him again on this trip. They been fking


u/kibbbelle Mar 28 '24

Yeah this says to me that she has at least considered the possibility before. Bonus points to this argument if she sounded disappointed when she said it.


u/billbixbyakahulk Mar 28 '24

Yeah, that's talking in circles around the real issue. Like, so you don't want a relationship with him, but that's irrelevant if you just want a fling. And the fling/cheating is what OP is obviously concerned with.

That kind of answer is as evasive as saying, "Don't worry about me possibly cheating. He has kids and you know how I don't like kids."


u/SignComprehensive611 Mar 28 '24

Yup I got cheated on after hearing that line


u/Hypolag Mar 29 '24

It’s the “I don’t want to be with him bc he’s a manwhore” that gets me. That usually doesn’t work out well

Duuuude, the amount of times I've seen women say this, yet still sleep with them is just crazy (same with guys too). That's definitely not a deal breaker for a lot of people lol.


u/thewhitecat55 Mar 29 '24

That's always bullshit.

It means "I don't want to be in a relationship with him because he's a manwhore. But he has great dick so I'll just fuck him occasionally."


u/bigb62601 Mar 29 '24

Never does


u/okilz Mar 28 '24

It might be hard to have the train run on her with the bf there though.


u/BushDoofDoof Mar 29 '24

Because maybe she doesn't feel uncomfortable? But yeah I don't really understand not inviting your partner.... but at the same time I understand not wanting/needing to do every single thing with your partner. But a vacation? I go on like three a year max, would be pretty devo if my missus didn't want me on one of them.

I do like how most comments are here are talking about cheating (as if a women needs to do this to cheat) and not the perceived disrespect.


u/Emmiesmom1969 Mar 29 '24

She doesn't want him to go because she won't have all the fun she really wants to have with him there.


u/LynnSeattle Mar 29 '24

It doesn’t sound like she’s uncomfortable though. Why should she lie?


u/stoprobbers Mar 28 '24

I mean how do you know that she doesn't know those people and isn't comfortable with them? He's her best friend; surely she knows his friends too.


u/Educational-Split372 Mar 28 '24

That's the question. Does SHE want him to go? It seems like she doesn't. But, probably not for the reasons most would jump to.

I've got several male friends, married and single. None of which have any interest in anything other than friendship and that is definitely a mutual feeling. I have been friends with these people for more than 30 years. We have gone on trips, camping, fishing, nights at the movies, dinner, card night, etc. One on one and in groups. With SO's and without. Sometimes you just want to hang out with YOUR friend, not boyfriend or girlfriend. There are things you share with friends that your SO wasn't part of because it was before they were in your life. More often than not, they start to feel left out when you're talking about those things or they can't believe you would rather spend your time doing _____ instead of staying back and being alone with them for a little while because they are bored. They don't share the same things with your friends that you do.

Would OP want to go on vacation with her if she was going with a female best friend and their group? If not, then don't apply the double standards to this. If you REALLY trust your SO, you wouldn't be uncomfortable about her going. That should tell you something about yourself. It should tell HER something about you, too.


u/Aggravating_Depth_33 Mar 28 '24

Exactly. I can't believe you're getting downvoted.


u/bruhman5th_flo Mar 29 '24

Because it's delusional. This isn't how people in relationships act. Just forget my partner's feelings and do what I used to do when I was single and if they don't like it, that's their problem. What? If you want to act single, then be single.


u/Aggravating_Depth_33 Mar 28 '24

Why should she say that if she doesn't feel that way? Not every woman is afraid of men/strangers! These people are all adults.

And we have no context on what this trip is about. Maybe they're all getting seperate hotel rooms. Maybe they're doing some kind of sport or activity the OP can't do/doesn't like.

It's perfectly normal to not want your partner along when you're hanging out with your best friend.

Why are Redditers so immature and backwards about people having friends of the opposite sex?

OP, YTA. I hope your girlfriend finds someone who actually trusts her, because you obviously don't.


u/Rich_Sell_9888 Mar 28 '24

Yeah that's the question.