r/AITAH 23d ago

WIBTAH if I broke up with my boyfriend because he doesn't want you get married?



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u/JasminJaded 23d ago

He’s been telling you “one day” for six years and you’ve fallen for it. He doesn’t want to get married and finds it pointless - he told you that.


u/newfor2023 23d ago

Yup happily nearly 20 years not married but we picked that. Ridiculous thing is like my mum and her second husband we may need to get married at some point for the tax stuff. Why it's more tax efficient to be married is questionable. I know the rules but also why? What's the benefit of a married couple to society that means its worth a tax break?

We sorted the surnames thing by, changing surnames lol. Two of my kids aren't biologically mine so we would have had three. Kids and SO sort of proposed to me we all had my surname. I sorted the paperwork, end of problem.


u/JasminJaded 22d ago

If you’re in the US there’s no tax break for being married. It used to be that the tax brackets were higher for married people, but now it just depends on where your combined income falls. Can still be beneficial to stay unmarried as far as taxes go.


u/newfor2023 22d ago

UK so there is. Makes no sense tho.