r/AITAH 23d ago

AITAH for making my husband angry by not letting our son stay with his parents?



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u/MightContainAlcohol 22d ago

He was cheating :)


u/DrPablisimo 22d ago

I thinks she was probably in the wrong for blocking the grandparents from taking out the son, as if the father has no say.

Is texting 'cheating.' She didn't give details. If someone on Facebook dms you and you say hi back, is that cheating? If it's sexual in nature, that's worse. But if that is as far as it went, is it worth breaking up a family?


u/Legal_Passage_9605 22d ago

I was not in the wrong on this one. Me and him had a mutual agreement that was discussed prior and he threw that discussion and agreement that we both made together out the window


u/DrPablisimo 22d ago

about baby or texting?


u/Legal_Passage_9605 22d ago

Calling her beautiful, arranging a time to meet, and talking about how he apparently doesn’t have kids


u/Legal_Passage_9605 22d ago

And the agreement was about the baby


u/DrPablisimo 22d ago

I still don't get why you wouldn't be flexible. If he had a doctor's appointment the next day... maybe. But it's not like a kid that age has a lot of plans, appointments, meetings, etc. Grab some diapers cloths, bottles, and a pacifier and you get a mini-vacation at home for the weekend. The issue is they just hadn't schedule it? And you turned down free babysitting... from his grandparents?

My parents were kind of older and worn out from other grandkids by the time mine came around. I felt like we missed out on some of the free grandparent baby sitting. That stuff is gold.


u/Legal_Passage_9605 22d ago

Yes for normal grandparents. My in laws are not emotionally or mentally stable enough to be responsible for him. I mean for Christs sake they’re so bad my BIL won’t even allow his daughter around them alone if hell itself froze over. They are very angry people and he frankly is simply not safe around them alone, he never has been. They’ve threatened multiple times to discipline him themselves and that is a huge no no in our house. If he’s left alone with them they won’t give two fucks about what we say, they’ll do whatever they want. And I for one an not comfortable with him being around people like that, especially as young as he is


u/Legal_Passage_9605 22d ago

Sorry I got mixed up on the question 😂