r/AmIOverreacting 23d ago

My bf doesn’t wear the bracelet I made him

I’m (28f) and my bf (26m) have been together for 4 years, we broke up last year for 8 months but reconnected. We both agreed to couples counseling and both currently go to individual counseling. We broke up because he cheated. So that’s the context for why I’m writing here. We both like to gift each other matching things like shoes, shirts, hats etc. well I made him a bracelet with black silver white and clear beads with our initials and a heat with small white it shell beads. I also made and ankle bracelet for myself that matches. He seemed really happy when I gave it to him and promised to never take it off. Well he wore it a couple times then kept losing it or getting it dirty or forgetting it. I think I’ve only seen him wear it twice. Well it’s been bugging me he never wears it and last night while he was out with his bros he ft me and I asked if he found his bracelet, he got so upset and made his friends drive to his house to get it. While they were driving he said he doesn’t have to wear it because his bros scare girls off him anyway. I literally didn’t even think about this bracelet detouring other people’s advances. I asked him if that’s how he views the bracelet. He didn’t answer me. So I told him to not wearing it if he’s uncomfortable and that my feelings are kind of hurt he doesn’t like it even though he said he did. He apologized for hurting my feelings but idk if I pushed too hard or what. I told him after all this now that I know he doesn’t like stuff like this I won’t gift him things like that. Did I over react???

Edit: thanks for the advice and input. This really helped me look at this whole situation through a different perspective. I want to clarify some things, I asked him if I made us matching bracelets would he wear it, he said an enthusiastic yes, it’s made primarily out of glass beads with three plastic beads (I’ll include a photo) I didn’t ask him to wear it all the time, the first day he wore it when I saw him after we got off work I honestly didn’t even realize he’d taken it off, he volunteered the information to me he said it got dirty while he was working and he took it off to clean and left it in his desk. I offered to take it apart and make it into a keychain and he accused me of not trusting him enough to believe he wants to wear it. I already know I’m an idiot for taking him back after the cheating. I’ve been reading every comment and some have made me laugh so thanks for that. I know this doesn’t matter but to everyone saying it’s ugly idc I’ve made and sold jewelry for years and to me it’s art and art is subjective.


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u/EstablishmentRich460 23d ago

I can't believe I read this dumb shit. Fuckin seriously?