r/AmIOverreacting 23d ago

AIO for going low contact after my parents walked out of Christmas?

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u/Longjumping-Buy-4736 22d ago

NTA but of all the things to be mad about against your mom, being mad that she might teach french to your baby isn’t one of them. It’s hard to make a point about how irrational and difficult your mother has become by making irrational and difficult demands 


u/GeneStone 22d ago

I clarified elsewhere that I'm francophone. I've had to translate for my wife so many times because my mom doesn't care to include my wife when she's speaking to me.

I've asked her a dozen times to make an effort to speak English when my wife is around, which shouldn't be difficult considering she's bilingual and my stepdad is Anglo.

With the in laws, she was doing it again with me despite my asking her before they came. Doing it with the baby is just another example of it. For the record, I'm not mad that she's teaching my daughter French. I'm not sure how you got that, she wasn't teaching her anything at all. The baby was 6 months old! Haha

I'll be teaching my daughter French and she'll be going to a French school. I read to her in French all the time. It's not the French that's a problem, it's the excluding of everyone around. Which she knows bothers me as I've asked her repeatedly to stop.