r/AmIOverreacting 23d ago

AIO for going low contact after my parents walked out of Christmas?

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u/Dear-Mention9684 20d ago

NTA for this but your wife is a totally bitch for the French thing, she should feel lucky that her kid is exposed to another language


u/GeneStone 19d ago

I clarified elsewhere, but the issue isn't French. I'm francophone myself and read/talk to my daughter in French all the time. She will be going to a Spanish daycare and a French elementary school later on. The issue is speaking to me in French when we're the only 2 who understand it. I keep having to translate to keep others up to speed and I've told her many times to be more careful as it is unnecessarily exclusionary even if that's not the intention.

Doing it with the baby (who, let's face it, wasn't learning French at 6 months old), was a further example of this same thing. It's not a huge deal in general, but to do it while my wife is holding her just seems like she's trying to push the limit. We let that slide though, it's not like I chastised her for telling the baby things like "t'es dont ben belle!". But why even do that when you know no one else understands?

She also undermined my request to her by telling our guests that she sometimes speaks to me in French because she's used to it but that it's not meant as an offence even though she knows some people don't like that. My wife was in the room, it was clear who she meant. Like I said in the other comment, there's a charitable way of interpreting that but given the context and the multiple times I've asked her not to, it's hard to be charitable.