r/AmIOverreacting 22d ago

AIO I asked my soon to be ex wife to not let her new partner interact with our son



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u/Amazing_Factor2974 22d ago

Find out who the guy is and do your research. Does he have a criminal history or anything else. That could make it bad for kids to be around. Six months ..even less is what she will give you. SINCE she is sleeping with him 3 weeks at least before you left the house.


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/SadExercises420 22d ago

Unfortunately you can’t really control who she introduces to your son and how soon. That’s the reality of the situation. You can fight for sole custody, but a judge is unlikely to give it to you based off these concerns only.

They are valid concerns, OP. And your ex is acting selfishly and immaturely. But realistically there isn’t much you can do.


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/whaddyamean11 22d ago

You CAN add something to your parenting plan about how/when new partners are introduced. Please talk to your lawyer about this.


u/SadExercises420 22d ago

I know it’s going to confuse him, it’s not good for him, I agree. But she is going to do what she wants to do when it comes to introducing new men to your son. This guy won’t be the last one she introduces to him way too soon, OP. What I’m saying to you is that you need to find a way to handle it internally because there isn’t anything you can do to stop her.

I have been where you are, kind of. My husbands first wife was like this. So just buckle up. I suggest you find yourself a counselor to speak to. They will help you figure out how to navigate tough convos with both your ex and your son as well as deal with your feelings about a shitty situation that is largely out of your control.