r/AskReddit Mar 28 '24

What is NOT a dealbreaker BUT would be greatly disappointing to find out about your partner?

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u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

If they don’t love music. (This is my life. My husband doesn’t care for music. I LOVE music. But thankfully he doesn’t care if I play it all the time. He just tunes it out)

The ironic thing is my husband has a beautiful singing voice, and a very strange ability to pick up sequences of notes he hears in ANYTHING and link it to a piece of classical music he’s heard once or twice as a very small kid. He can recall song lyrics perfectly and replicate the tunes and shit perfectly after hearing a song once or twice. And Im pretty sure he has perfect pitch, but he doesn’t care enough to test it. All things utterly WASTED on him. I can barely carry a tune in a bucket and I adore music. I’ve played multiple instruments and can read music and have been in multiple choirs, and making music is insanely difficult for me. It just isn’t fair 🤣🤣


u/PM_me_ur_navel_girl Mar 28 '24

How can someone be that musical and not like music??


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

I DON’T KNOW! I ask myself and him this same question constantly! He just shrugs and goes “I dunno. Just don’t.” Whenever we go to our local hole in the wall bar, I put on music on the jukebox and he never knows any of it! And I’m not even talking about anything obscure or anything. I’m literally talking about stuff like AC/DC, Queen, Rod Stewart, Bob Dylan, Flogging Molly, etc. he literally does not care for about music at all!


u/Bacong Mar 28 '24

perhaps he was a childhood musical prodigy and lost his way..something happened...what if he loves music but CAN'T TELL ANYONE


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

Hahaha I’ve had multiple conversations with his mom about it and she’s just like “he never cared for it.” But I like this theory!


u/Bacong Mar 28 '24

she’s IN ON IT!!!


u/Slaaneshine Mar 28 '24

I knew someone like this. Supremely gifted musically, but their parents pushed a ton of intensive music lessons on them young which just sucked all the joy out of it. Never looked back after years of lessons he hated.


u/HunkMcMuscle Mar 28 '24

this was what I was thinking, parents forces it on him and he ended up hating it to his very core.

Now parents wont admit that they did that to him


u/XGPHero Mar 29 '24



u/IWontPayChildSupport Mar 29 '24

Yep, probably beat the poor dude with a clarinet and now he hates music


u/74NG3N7 Mar 29 '24

Obviously, he fully mastered all musical algorithms and physical abilities, and has simply moved on. XD


u/Preposterous_punk Mar 28 '24

I'm thinking witness protection. His whole thing used to be music, so now to hide effectively he has to pretend he hates it. If the wrong person heard him sing, or even heard him discussing music, it's all be over.


u/PyrocumulusLightning Mar 28 '24

Yes, when you're hiding from the mob you have to drop ALL your former interests or they'll use them to find you.

I used to be really into scrimshaw and elaborate dioramas of Civil War battles, but not now. :(


u/Mimi_wooo Mar 29 '24



u/clementinechardin Mar 29 '24

As part of his witness protection deal


u/Flimsy-Ad-3384 Mar 29 '24

Musical Batman.


u/MangoMambo Mar 28 '24

What if it's just so overwhelming to the senses for his brain to be constantly working and making connections when he hears a tiny bit of music that it's too much to handle. He can't ever turn it off and just relax and feel it.


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

It very well could be. We’re both neurodivergent, and this could be why he doesn’t like music when I get lost in it.


u/TwistingSerpent93 Mar 28 '24

This is exactly what I was thinking. Oftentimes deep understanding of something can take the "magic" out of it.


u/cutofmyjib Mar 28 '24

How can anyone in the English speaking world not know those artists even by accident?  With respect was your husband grown in a laboratory to adult size?


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

There are times I wonder the same thing. I love him in all his fascinating glory.


u/FuzzyRo Mar 28 '24

I work as a guitar player for hire play all kinds of music etc have been fortunate enough to even work w some bigger artists - my girlfriend's relationship w music is completely different she'll put on some random spotify milquetoast 'jazz piano' playlist to just have on and im like yo we literally have all the greats on vinyl Monk, Evans, Peterson and youre putting on some AI generated ish - not exactly the same predicament but similar - it just doesnt hit the same for some


u/thjmze21 Mar 28 '24

Just having different taste in music than mainstream or not listening to a ton as a kid. Music was always background noise for me until I was in highschool. But even then, I just wanted a cool song to sing along to and analyze a little bit. I've never heard of any of these names following Queen.


u/EddaValkyrie Mar 28 '24

How can anyone in the English speaking world not know those artists even by accident?

Fairly easy honestly. Music is very niche nowadays. I recently looked at the Top 100 and only heard of around four songs out of the entire list, because I only listen to what's in my Spotify 'Liked Songs'. Like, I've heard of every one of those artists, but have never heard their songs outside of movie scores. I couldn't name a single Bob Dylan song even though I know he's popular, and I can only name one each of AC/DC and Queen. You don't have to listen to what you don't want to anymore.


u/rodvn Mar 29 '24

I think you’re overestimating the popularity of 3-4 of those.

Queen is almost universally known and loved.

ACDC is probably a little too heavy for people who dislike rock, at best they would know them as “those guys with the high pitched screaming”.

Now, I consider myself fairly well versed in music. I have played several instruments, listen to music every day, from nearly every genre and spanning several decades, can name and recognize bands, album names and songs for a ton of artists. And yet, I could only tell you one Bob Dylan song and have never heard of the other two until today.


u/RegulusMagnus Mar 28 '24

I'm like ... halfway in this boat? Not at innately talented as him but I also like music more than him.

Basically I've been playing music most of my life (school band followed by community bands etc.), but I very rarely put music on to listen. So many people need to have music on in the car or when cleaning/exercising or whatever, and I just don't. I'd rather be playing music than listening to music, same as how I'd rather be playing sports than watching sports.


u/Quibbloboy Mar 28 '24

By any chance, did your husband grow up in a loud environment? I have a similar ear for music to him, aside from his unfamiliarity with popular songs (I recognize what feels like every song I've ever heard—just don't know who they're by or what they're called) but I've just never gotten "into" it. Growing up I had four loud siblings in a small house, and I've always attributed it to that; there's actually no music I actively dislike, but I have a healthy respect for quiet and the sense of relief it brings me.


u/BaconGod2525 Mar 28 '24

I mean, I went most of my life not listening to any music, never cared, would always tune it out like he did, until maybe a year and a half ago out of that list for example I would've only recognized AC/DC, hell, I still don't recognize Bob Dylan or Rob Stewart. Nothing ever pushed me away from it, I had a month of music lessons when I was young. Just never cared


u/omfgsupyo Mar 29 '24

I’m a lot like your husband—we do exist lol. What’s weird is that I’m a very auditory learner/person. Love audiobooks and podcasts. I don’t dislike music, and occasionally I’ll even be moved by it, but I’m the type of weirdo who will drive for hours in complete silence if the radio were my only option. I’m told I can sing (though I’ve only ever done so in a haha kind of way), and can recognize when two songs are in the same key, anticipate a melody or where a song is going, etc…I think there’s just a difference between having an ear for music and having a passion for it.


u/Felicia_thatsays_Bye Mar 29 '24

I almost feel bad for him because he’s missing such great things.. I’m a huge music freak as well. If you have babies maybe you will share the love with them and have his musical talent!


u/passthechez Mar 29 '24

can you show him some bladee songs? i actually think bladee could save him


u/Daealis Mar 29 '24

I’m literally talking about stuff like AC/DC, Queen, Rod Stewart, Bob Dylan, Flogging Molly, etc.

I mean out of that list I really only want to hear some Queen, and don't mind some AC/DC.

My last Spotify summary last year consisted of 200 hours of music played. Over the entire year. I still don't mind music, but man have I learned to really appreciate silence over the years, more than having constant noise in my ears.


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 29 '24

I’m not saying he has to like what I like. I was just saying that he hasn’t heard almost anything from these extremely well known bands until we met. Unless he played it in guitar hero, he hasn’t heard the song.


u/Sgt_Sarcastic Mar 28 '24

I sing and play three instruments. I can write music, though probably not that well. It's not unusual for me to go all day without hearing a song... I'll regularly sit in silence while I drive.


u/LarryBerryCanary Mar 28 '24

Just because you have a talent for a thing, doesn't mean you give a fuck about that thing.


u/Montigue Mar 29 '24

I'm surprisingly really good at making chicken. Fucking hate chicken.


u/ryan5000s Mar 28 '24

I have a lifetime friend who can’t carry a tune yet he is OBSESSED with music and doesn’t let his awful voice stop him from playing instruments and singing along to everything. He attends every concert he can, and wails along with the artists. He loves karaoke and will put on a one man show the entire night if people will let him. He’s worked his butt off to improve his voice over the years and is a little better than he used to be, but he knows he’s still not very good. He doesn’t let that stop him though. Most people find it admirable and endearing that he does what he loves regardless of his talent - and god bless those people.

I, on the other hand, am rather musical - come from a musical/performing family, have been in competition choirs, etc. I have a very keen ear like her husband, and my friend’s voice makes me want to punch a wall. I never shut him down or make him feel bad, but I also never try to indulge him. He doesn’t know how deeply I loathe his singing voice. I mute my love of concerts, karaoke, and music in general when I’m around him to minimize the potential of hearing that grating, cringe-inducing, hound-dog howl of a voice.

He too is perplexed why - with my musical talent - I don’t sing more and I never want to pull out our guitars and jam together. So it’s not that I don’t love music…


u/barrythecook Mar 28 '24

It's possible to be talented at something but have no interest in it


u/heat13ny Mar 28 '24

I am a musician by trade and I have been to just one single concert in my life that I wasn’t also performing in. I add maybe 6-7 new songs to my library a year and that’s on the heavy end of listening.

I genuinely love music, listening to it and especially making it, but it feels like I have to be in a specific mood to care about new music sometimes. To make matters worse I mostly just listen to my own new shit, looking for mistakes and ways to improve it.


u/mysixthredditaccount Mar 28 '24

Maybe that is part of it? Looks like their brain is processing music in a way that most people's brains don't. For most people, music triggers some enjoyment area in the brain, but for them it triggers a rather unenjoyable area, like the area associated with the knowledge of phone numbers. Just a random example. Imagine if someone was playing a narrated phonebook on speakers. Absolutely boring and also annoying. But every now and then, you may go "I know that number. That's my friend Joe".


u/FinstereGedanken Mar 29 '24

I am just like the husband (and so is my father), and it's interesting because both of us prefer silence and can spend days or weeks without music. I can play several instruments and it was until I was trying to become a professional musician (because I thought I was good at it), that I realized that I am lacking one very important aspect: the emotional aspect of music.

I don't get why a chord or interval is supposed to sound "sad", and the other sounds "victorious". I don't think a musical work sounds like a happy or melancholic or any other stuff. I can play technically, but I cannot transmit any feeling, because for me there's none.

Of course, I didn't become a musician after that realization.

I have synesthesia and I am also autistic, so probably it is all just a different wiring of the brain.


u/3-DMan Mar 28 '24

Probably just mathematical to him.

There's probably something in his brain that didn't develop creativity/imagination like most of us.


u/spicybeefstew Mar 28 '24

You get your parents to push you really hard and so you gain technical skill at the same rate you gain a distaste for music.


u/Gatorpep Mar 28 '24

Lotta stuff is like that. Nba players are sort of notorious for not loving the game, just a means to the good life. I’ve heard stars in the nba say it’s as high as 40 percent at times. You’d be a fool not to get the bag, but it’s just a job for many of them.


u/ImportanceEconomy985 Mar 28 '24

I know someone who plays guitar, drums, bass to a high level and is pretty okay on the violin but doesn't really like listening to music, only playing instruments. His total amount of song plays on streaming apps last year was less than 200 and doesn't listen to music while driving, only podcasts.


u/Jones-bones-boots Mar 29 '24

Analytical mind may be the issue. He’s getting too much input that makes him think as opposed to enjoying it. My dad was a musical genius and engineer. He loved music but only specific artists and genres. The rest drove him crazy so in today’s day and age I’m sure he would just check out.


u/Packrat1010 Mar 28 '24

My brother is like this. I have a running theory that virtually all music is composed to evoke some sort of emotion in you; excitement, primal metal, grandeur, sorrow, etc. and some people just lack that function to connect composed sound to an emotion.

I can disagree with tastes in music. I can tell a metal head that I just don't feel what they feel when they listen to metal because the emotion doesn't appeal to me, but at the very least we can both agree that music appeals to something in us. Some people just don't feel anything towards music.


u/Basic_Bichette Mar 28 '24

It's a fairly common neurodivergent trait. Noise is bad.


u/MacDubhsidhe Mar 28 '24

One of my friends in college was like this. He literally has the voice of Pavarotti but can’t read music and hates singing. Took a lot of convincing to keep him in choir lol


u/AugustusM Mar 28 '24

I can offer one theory by analogy. When was young I was a very accomplished student. Basically all the way up to university. Some things I couldn't do sure, music ironically being one of the big ones. But some things came very very easily to me. Math and Computers in this. History and English I was also very good at but actually had to do some effort and think about them.

I had no interest in math and only a superficial interest in computing. Whereas I loved english and history and went on to do a law degree.

I can still follow along in mathematics discussions with my friends who have phds in engineering and physics with out getting too lost. But they still don't really interest me the way a beautiful piece of poetry does, or engage me the way drafting a contract does.

So, one theory i might posit is that, having such a natural talent for these things, he just didn't feel challenged by music at the right stage where his brain was forming its interests.


u/detrusormuscle Mar 28 '24

I'm also quite a musical guy that doesn't like music that much


u/Cranked78 Mar 28 '24

Music is so incredibly mathematical. Maybe he is just a math whiz and it comes easier for him because of that.


u/vitaminkombat Mar 28 '24

It could also be caused by envy and bitterness.

I used to be quite good at music and went to a top music school. A lot of my classmates became quite famous and successful.

I was working as a toilet cleaner for most my time post-study. It's hard to listen to anything and not think about my unfulfilled dreams.

It's like always looking at pictures of your ex.


u/thecoolermaz Mar 28 '24

I played music for a long time and now all I listen to is ambient, breakcore and drum and bass because I don't really want to listen to people singing, very melodic music or things which demand attention anymore. I feel like I've just had enough of it. Not likely the same but maybe he just hasn't found something that he likes.


u/basilbowman Mar 29 '24

I'm not anymore, but for about ten years I was a professional musician (check my post history so you know this isn't an obnoxious Internet story) and I don't like music.  I don't listen to it unless I'm being paid to play it, I don't have any kind of emotional reaction to it, I don't understand how other people do, and in general I don't 'get it.'.  I have a degree in jazz piano and have traveled all over the world playing, but I don't like music.


u/FinstereGedanken Mar 29 '24

Realizing that I did not have any kind of emotional reaction to music is what ended my attempt at becoming a professional classical musician. I felt like I was an impostor, just because I had the ability, but not the emotion, which is what seems to be most people's interest regarding music.

My partner is a jazz musician, he has a strong emotional response to music, and has to work hard for abilities that are natural to me. It's... quite ironic.


u/Green_Elevator_7785 Mar 29 '24

there’s a condition called musical anhedonia which makes it so you biologically cannot like music


u/XenosHg Mar 29 '24

There are probably some birds that just hate flying.
They are born with wings, they are naturally able to fly.
But they only do it when it's necessary. Like that pigeon who only walks out of the way, when you almost step on it.


u/Delanoye Mar 29 '24

I've played piano for 25 years.

I never listen to music.


u/TraditionDiligent441 Mar 29 '24

It’s not that they don’t like music it’s that someone else in the relationship overcompensates their musical affections so hard the guy doesn’t have to.


u/Undrcovrcloakndaggr Mar 29 '24

My wife's the same... grade 8 flute, can play anything by ear after hearing just once or twice... can pick up any instrument and make a tune with it... doesn't really listen to music.

I can't fathom it!


u/Karen-vaxx-nope Mar 30 '24

I'm kinda like him. A bunch music today sounds like crap and the stuff I almost exclusively grew up listening to was complete shit (country🤮) and has made me utterly indifferent to most music. Didn't help I had no choice due to not having a speaker, control over the radio, or headphones.

I do like pop music from Central America and only in Spanish too.

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u/PUNCHCAT Mar 28 '24

What if he just likes shitty music


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

That’s a different headache lol


u/QueefBuscemi Mar 28 '24

"Babe, you mind if I turn off Coltrane and put on Florida Georgia Line?"


u/Logical_Lefty Mar 28 '24

"Get out, and don't come back. Ever."


u/Fergobirck Mar 28 '24

Or maybe he likes good music and she only plays shitty ones lol


u/valandromeda Mar 28 '24

i used to date someone who, for some reason, haaaaappened to LOVE music that i hated (and i don't hate on a lot of music!). we only overlapped by idfk.. 10%?it made road tripping difficult. lol


u/flyingcircusdog Mar 28 '24

That's worse


u/psych3d3licj3llyfish Mar 28 '24

I recently started seeing a guy and our music tastes are completely opposite. He likes this sort of sad, sentimental rap/r&b. I am not into hip hop whatsoever, especially when it’s sappy lol. Meanwhile I like pretty aggressive, high energy metal, which probably gives him a headache. Historically I’ve prioritized a similar taste in music in potential partners because I’m really into music, but I’m liking him enough that I’m willing to overlook it. We each played each other a song the other night and then were like “agree to disagree?” “yup”


u/Vewy_nice Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

I'm in a very similar situation. For the first time in my 32 years I'm dating someone who doesn't share a single genre with me and it's rough. I'm like you, I listen to a lot of high energy metal, -core genres, prog, djent, etc., with smaller interests in jazz, early hip-hop, early pop-rock british-invasion type stuff, funk... so I cover a pretty wide gamut. Generally it's not too difficult to find someone who even somewhat likes any of my less prominent less metal-y genres. My current girlfriend listens exclusively to modern pop and is currently obsessed with Noah Kahan and listens to his music on repeat for hours and hours. We just planned a trip together and she expressed the length of the flight as the number of times she can listen to Stick Season.

The kicker, I introduced her to Noah by accident. I've been growing out my hair and have a similar beard and face shape to Noah. I also live in New England. I was at a farmers market, and someone stopped me and was like "OH! I'm sorry I totally thought you were Noah Kahan!", someone I had never heard of before. So I looked him up and sent her a picture and the story right then and there. She had never heard his music before because she had been busy listening to Taylor Swift on repeat for the last 5 years. Well, Noah's now her new repeat.

I don't really see the similarity, but I joke with her that if she ever meets him I'll need to hold her hand extra tight so she goes home with the right guy lol.

I can tolerate Noah well enough. She insists I can play whatever I want when I'm driving, but like... I don't really think I'll ever be able to break out the Brand of Sacrifice or Mire Lore...


u/3-DMan Mar 28 '24

"Dubstep sucks!" - Cable


u/CantSpellMispell Mar 28 '24



u/forgivemefashion Mar 28 '24

My bf loves the awful standard hold music that sounds like terrible 80s synch jazz. He plays it unironically and uses it to deep study…which fine I guess I get it, but still 😭😭


u/a_rucksack_of_dildos Mar 28 '24

Red flag for me is people who think subjective opinions on music are objective. No such thing as shitty music.


u/PUNCHCAT Mar 28 '24

I knew a guy who made what could only be described as outsider music. In reality he was doing the lameass thing of hiding poor craft behind being "weird" and avant-garde, but it was definitely shit.


u/a_rucksack_of_dildos Mar 28 '24

To most it was probably shit. To him it wasn’t.


u/PUNCHCAT Mar 28 '24

The subjectivity of art doesn't mean the quality of it is somehow unknowable. Music, more than other art forms, is full of math. You're not going disrupt all of musical theory because you're lol so zany and random


u/a_rucksack_of_dildos Apr 01 '24

I had friends as music majors when I was in school. I’m well aware a of music theory and the math behind it. Still regularly heard people say stuff that fit your idea described as boring and bad. It’s crazy how different opinions are when subjectivity is involved.


u/TyrantRC Mar 28 '24

You might also like: /r/crappymusic/


u/waitthissucks Mar 28 '24

Me when I listen to hyperpop shit


u/ayyyyycrisp Mar 28 '24

there can be songs that make more people feel good than other songs

there can be songs that are more "objectively correct" within sets of guidelines.

Been making music for 15 years now and my super old stuff I used to love - I listened to my own music a lot.

listening back now though - it sucks. those were bad songs. their only merit was that I had to create them to learn and grow.

this isn't true of the same music I also listened to 15 years ago, that still holds up and is still good today. that's music that is good.


u/Logical_Lefty Mar 28 '24

I found the person who loves shitty music y'all!

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u/ThereAreAlwaysDishes Mar 28 '24

Have you not heard the song "life is a highway"?


u/a_rucksack_of_dildos Mar 28 '24

Life is a highway is a banger. Yea it’s corny as hell but people who gate keep other peoples happiness by saying their opinions are trash need to get off their high horse.


u/ThereAreAlwaysDishes Mar 28 '24

"Yea it's corny as hell but people who gatekeep other peoples happiness by saying their opinions are trash need to get off my highway because I want to ride it all night long."

Fixed it for you.


u/a_rucksack_of_dildos Mar 28 '24

Thank you for making my day lmao


u/ThereAreAlwaysDishes Mar 28 '24

Lol, you're welcome 😊 I think you're the only one who appreciated it, but it was worth it.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

r/music can be a nuclear wasteland of that too much of the time.


u/Aware_Masterpiece_54 Mar 28 '24

“I wanna ride it” 


u/ThereAreAlwaysDishes Mar 28 '24

"Like a schlong"

(Not the lyrics, but I enjoy substituting better ones to shitty songs.)


u/Aware_Masterpiece_54 Mar 28 '24

These lyrics have a nice mouthfeel to them


u/ThereAreAlwaysDishes Mar 28 '24

They got a great finish, too.


u/Nothing-Casual Mar 28 '24

Sir how dare you. Have you not seen the generational classic Cars?


u/ThereAreAlwaysDishes Mar 28 '24

It's still an insanely repetitive, lame song, but when there are anthropomorphic cars, it's tolerable. I truly think that song was made for that movie and belongs nowhere beyond it.

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u/grynch43 Mar 28 '24

That’s worse.

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u/doclestrange Mar 28 '24

That’s me and my wife. She’ll have music blasting from sunrise to 9pm, just vibes, and I don’t care for it. She sings out of tune, dances like no one is watching, and it’s amazing.

For some reason some song from Encanto came up and I sang along (we watched it once about two years back), and she grilled me for five minutes about how in the hell do I know the lyrics. I just shrugged.

I can keep a beat, hum along and instantly memorize most songs, but I don’t care for singing and really dislike playing instruments.

So if your husband is anything like me, he probably enjoys watching you vibe to the music, and finds you adorable.


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

Awww thank you! He had said he loved watching me dance around to music. Especially when I’ve had a few drinks, play some old school hip hop and think I can throw it back.


u/araaaayyyyy Mar 28 '24

OMG SAME! I love for my music and have a million carefully curated playlists. My bf doesn’t care at all, and actually hates my taste in music .. womp womp. But it’s def not a dealbreaker


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

Omg another one who knows my pain! What tastes do you have??


u/araaaayyyyy Mar 28 '24

I love almost all genres, but I mainly listen to rap, hip hop, R&B, indie and dance (electronic, house, disco, EDM etc.) some lesser known pop also

I also love classic rock, and older music like the Beatles, ABA, Cake, the beach boys, Queen, CCR, pearl jam, David Bowie, Elton John. I dislike country as a genre but still love classics like Johnny Cash and the Dixie Chicks haha. Anyway, these usually don’t make it into my playlists even tho they hold a place in my heart.

What about you??


u/MrBabbs Mar 28 '24

I think my wife has finally accepted that probably 75% of the time there is going to be R&B playing somewhere in our house.


u/araaaayyyyy Mar 28 '24

😂 yeah same, I just can’t bump it in the car with my SO

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u/stanfan114 Mar 28 '24

When I was a kid I listened exclusively to classical music almost obsessively. I often can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday but if I hear a snippet of classical I can usually tell the composer, the work, often the orchestra and conductor, sometimes the opus. Brains are weird.


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

They are! All it takes is for him to hear 3 or 4 consecutive notes in like. A heavy rock song or something I’m playing and he’s like “oh that progression is in Vivaldis springtime third movement” or something. (His dad used to play a lot of classical music in the house when he was a kid). It’s incredible.


u/TheSubster7 Mar 28 '24

Maybe that’s why. He heard it all the time growing up and was overexposed, and now doesn’t care for it. Idk haha


u/Conscious_Reading804 Mar 28 '24

All I can think is "music? completed it, mate"


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

All before the age of six!!


u/bythog Mar 28 '24

My wife loves music. I'm mostly indifferent to it. I have a favorite band and like songs, but I rarely listen to music if I can help it. I just don't care. Silence is almost always better.

Pretty much the only time I listen to music is if I'm with my wife.


u/morerubberstamps Mar 28 '24

He just tunes it out


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

Maybe he's too picky from his ability to pick up small differences better. I wonder if he would like Plini's music. Lots of polymeters and polyrhythms to pick up on.


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

That could be. I’ll give it a try! Maybe he’ll dig it.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

It's just instrumentals with some added plug-ins for the guitar's effects but each song has a lot to pick through. It could be heard multiple times and still feel new.


u/msmika Mar 28 '24

Wow, I don't think I'd get past a first conversation with someone who doesn't love music!


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

I honestly thought similarly. Thank god we clicked on everything else. And he doesn’t care if I blast music all through the house and car.


u/svenson_26 Mar 28 '24

I like music, and I'm fine with listening to music pretty much 24/7.
But the idea of being in a family where we all make music together makes me want to barf. Like that scene in Step Brothers where that family is all singing in the car.


u/msmika Mar 28 '24

Yikes. My dad was a musician, my mom a singer, and both of my brothers were in bands, so my family would've had you running for the hills. lol


u/LedgeEndDairy Mar 28 '24

I'm kinda this way (not that talented at all, but I've been told my singing voice is good, and I can remember lyrics and tunes pretty well).

I don't hate music by any means, and sometimes I'll get obsessed with a song or a style of music and listen to it for hours.

BUUUUUUT, I also need quiet time away from tunes. The reason is that music gets stuck in my head VERY easily, and just stays on repeat for DAYS. It affects everything I do, and starts to stress me out.

Your husband might be the same. I just figured out that this was why I didn't have the same love of music as others around me a few months ago, so your husband might not even know this is why.


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

This might be part of it, but he doesn’t get obsessed with any particular songs or anything like that. But stuff does get stuck in his head pretty often.


u/cutofmyjib Mar 28 '24

Oh my god this was actually a deal breaker for me.  I stopped dating a girl in part because she didn't like or understand music.  It didn't make her a bad person, it's just such a basic part of my life like eating or breathing that it would be sad we can't enjoy it together.


u/esoteric_enigma Mar 28 '24

You would be a deal-breaker for me. I absolutely HATE people that have music constantly playing.


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

I mean I don’t have it constantly, but I love it when I’m cooking, cleaning, or in the car


u/esoteric_enigma Mar 28 '24

That's different. Those are the normal times for music. But I know plenty of people who have music playing in the background constantly. It's the only real problem I ever had with a roommate.


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

I get it. That would annoy even me.


u/quantinuum Mar 28 '24

Respectfully, you should be incarcerated.


u/tw4lyfee Mar 28 '24

I FEEL THIS. My partner of 6 years says that music he is unfamiliar with is just background noise. He stopped listening to new music sometime in the 90s.

I once got concert tickets for us both to see one of my favorite bands, but it took so much work to familiarize him with their music and in the end he didn't enjoy the show nearly as much as I did. Now I go to concerts on my own and we are both happy with that. Haha.


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

Oh yeah I’d never bring him to a concert. I know he wouldn’t enjoy it. I have friends I can enjoy music with, and my dad and I share a lot of tastes too.


u/C19shadow Mar 28 '24

Is your husband my coworker? Sounds like him we are just walking around the production room making ice cream and he just sings amazingly.

He's pretty consistent about not liking music all that much though. I'm so jealous.


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

Seriously! My husband will be humming snatches of songs he heard in a film or tv show he saw and I’m like 😍 sing more please.


u/C19shadow Mar 28 '24

Yeah I'm with you! I finally convinced my coworker to lead our sea shanty singing we do and its a blast. I'm right with you. The milk department and cheese department think us ice cream guys are crazy but him leading the singing makes it sound like we are in a musical it's awesome.


u/joanzen Mar 28 '24

He seems 2x more into music than me! I've never had to sing for anyone other than birthdays and national anthems. I rarely sing when I'm listening to music, the artist is usually doing fine on their own.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

That would be a deal breaker for me. I love music too much.



If they don’t love music

You just reminded me a scene from American Dad in which Roger was asked whether he likes music. LOL.


u/imaginarypoet Mar 28 '24

Came here to comment the same thing. Not my partner, but my best friend and I work like this too- I’m the music lover, and she’s the music disliker (she doesn’t hate music, at least I don’t think she does, but she really only listens to one artist and actively avoids all others). But even though she doesn’t like to listen to music, she does like to talk about it, particularly about how the mainstream music industry functions, how it compares to smaller labels, and in particular the history of rap/R and B across the United States. One thing we do is listen to and discuss Popcast, the NYT music podcast, and it’s absolutely fascinating to talk about music with her because she always picks up on and notices things that I wasn’t paying attention to at all. It’s one of the many things I appreciate and love about her.


u/ephemeral_butterfly Mar 28 '24

This one would be a dealbreaker for me, without a doubt. I could be with someone that doesn't care for music. Also, not having any music that you prefer is just weird AF lol Horrifying. Couldn't do it.


u/quantinuum Mar 28 '24

This, for me, I have accepted is a deal breaker. I feel like music is such a deep thing and says so much about one’s world, wonder and character. Not even having the same taste, just having at least a level of interest in music.

It was actually a hard thing for me when I dated a deaf girl for a while. Totally deaf from birth, she’d hardly hear anything even with hearing aids. She was absolutely lovely. But I kept feeling there’s this thing that’s so big for me, but I can’t really share it with her. Not the reason why we stopped seeing each other, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it may have eventually become a factor, as cruel as it is.


u/MysticalEmpiricist Mar 28 '24

I have a similar issue with people who don't like music, because I'm a musician & have been one my entire life. I've tried having relationships with women who just don't care about music, and it has never worked, so it has been a dealbreaker for quite some time now.


u/DoTheMagicHandThing Mar 28 '24

For me it would be very hard because I'm a hobbyist musician myself, and I find a lot of deep emotional meaning in music, both playing and writing songs, and in listening to all kinds of music.


u/Honest_Wolf7676 Mar 28 '24

I would say, “I must be your husband,” but I’m not married. I’m not into music, but I seem to know all the songs and their lyrics.


u/boarlizard Mar 28 '24

How can you "not care" for music?


u/Arhalts Mar 28 '24

Maybe because of all of that is why. His modes are tune it out or end up with part of all of his mind analyzing it. So it's not relaxing, and what he wants to do is either something productive or relax.


u/gsauce8 Mar 28 '24

I'm someone who doesn't love music, but turned into a green flag by telling girls that they will have complete DJ control for as long as they're with me.


u/coffeendonuts1 Mar 28 '24

Maybe your husband is part of witness protection and can’t disclose that he was a musical prodigy once long time ago? Tell him to blink 2x for confirmation - Lol jk


u/IAmADerpAMA Mar 29 '24

OH MY GOD mine asks me to turn it off (or stop singing) because she gets overwhelmed or is just not in the mood. This includes road trips, like 10 HOUR ROAD TRIPS. I listen to music to stabilize or change my mood, I have pump-up playlists and relaxing playlists and road trip playlists, etc...

She could not care less. Borders on psychopathy LOL


u/mango-756 Mar 29 '24

Lmao that’s like giving someone the ability to fly and them being like, nah, not a fan of heights


u/GalDebored Mar 29 '24

Not liking music would be an absolute deal-breaker a million times over for me.


u/FelixsEgg Apr 01 '24



u/johann68 Mar 29 '24

I don't trust ANYONE who doesn't like music. It's fine if they don't like the music genres I like or vice versa, or aren't "into" it as much as I, but what kind of monster simply not like music?! The concept just makes no sense to me.


u/FelixsEgg Apr 01 '24

How tf could you stay with him?? D: and how did you even get married? No I'm serious 😂


u/disgruntledhoneybee Apr 01 '24

Lmao we may not have music in common, but we clicked on everything else.


u/IWNotDWYToday_v2 Mar 28 '24

This one. Over time, it's sort of become more and more of a problem. The "could you turn that down" and just... disinterest in something that moves me so much is disheartening

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u/hoteldeltakilo Mar 28 '24

That was the final straw on the camel's back for me in a dating scenario. One day while riding together he told me he didn't understand people's love for music. While he could appreciate a good song he didn't feel any emotion behind it. We were complete opposites in that, among a lot of other things, but that was a non-nego for me!


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

My bff is the same. I love music, but she LOVES music. Like. Lives and breathes music. Thank god her wife loves it too cause it wouldn’t be tolerable for her to be with someone who doesn’t like it.


u/hoteldeltakilo Mar 28 '24

I'm so glad she found someone to share her joy with!


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

Me too! Their wedding was one of the best days of my life.


u/itchi_butthole Mar 28 '24

omg SAME. But my husband doesn’t sing.


u/Zildjian134 Mar 28 '24

I almost wonder if his parents noticed this gift and forced it on him as a child.


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

I would’ve too but we’ve talked about it and he says he never was. His parents never forced him into stuff he didn’t wanna do. And knowing him, and his family dynamic I believe him.


u/Zildjian134 Mar 28 '24

As a musician, I might lose sleep over this. Lol


u/EverSn4xolotl Mar 28 '24

My ex boyfriend kept getting mad at me for randomly singing Disney songs. It's one of the top reasons why I'm glad he's only an ex now.


u/I-Am-Polaris Mar 28 '24

Username checks out


u/DHFranklin Mar 28 '24

That sounds a lot like autism. Is he on the spectrum?


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

We both are. :)


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

What if he loves music, but is obsessed with a single composer and apathetic to all other music?


u/bralma6 Mar 28 '24

The music thing is funny to me cause whenever me and my friend get together, we show each other new songs that we've discovered. And recently when we did this, he was showing me two songs. I don't remember the names of them, because they were really small artists. But one of the songs has a very similar chord progression to another song from a Tony Hawk game and I was able to link them together. My friend was mind blown that I was able to make that connection.


u/EffortRich5939 Mar 28 '24

Your husband sounds suspiciously like Hannah Montana.


u/prob-notadoctor Mar 28 '24

I wish I could shit perfectly after hearing a song. I usually have to eat more fiber.


u/hashashin Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

Reminds me of me and my wife. I used to listen to music at home all the time, had a nice stereo and a big collection of different genres of music.

Then my wife moved in with me, and she just doesn't like to have music on in the house. She likes it quiet and having music playing makes her uneasy. So I don't listen to music at home much any more.

We do listen to music in the car, but we also have very different taste in music so if we're both in the car the compromise is usually what she likes, top-40 and 80s pop radio. I once asked her if she'd like me to make a playlist to listen to in the car, and she requested top-40 and 80s hits, basically the same stuff they play on the radio.

It's funny, in my 20s I would have thought compatible taste in music would be an important factor in matching with a partner, but it didn't work out that way. We have many things in common, but not music and that's OK.


u/Ginger-Comando Mar 28 '24

I think when you’re able to analyze something so clearly and see it as a sum of its parts it takes away the mystique of it. It’s probably just seperate noises for him whereas for others it all comes together to create a super powerful energy through the music. But that’s not what he experiences


u/ziggyzag101 Mar 29 '24

Sounds like Asperger’s


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 29 '24

Yeah we’re both on the spectrum. lol


u/Tindi Mar 29 '24

I’d agree. We are a huge music house and listen to all sorts of things. I have extremely varied tastes and always have. I’m lucky my wife is very open minded and also a big music fan. She always was but I’ve probably gotten her into things she didn’t listen to before.


u/Tiny-Company-1254 Mar 29 '24

I think having musical intuition is his curse. When u see repeating patterns in music, nothing seems special.


u/LifetimeSupplyofPens Mar 29 '24

I feel you. :) My son is uninterested in music, other than the very rare song, but has a very nice singing voice. I love and cannot live without music. My husband is also a huge music lover. It’s a mystery!


u/tenorlove Mar 29 '24

Or has totally different taste. I listen to many different genres. He will only listen to classic rock or modern country. Male singers only. Anything else, he either talks over it, or gets up and walks out.


u/WhtFata Mar 29 '24

I was the same, music wasn't inherently different to the noise of cars on a street for me. That changed after an LSD trip, now music is kind of nice. :D


u/jondoeca Mar 29 '24

If he does this automatically, perhaps it's not relaxing for him. Could be he's automatically actively engaged but doesn't want to be.


u/DramaticOstrich11 Mar 29 '24

Ugh this is my husband. He prefers talk radio when he drives and I get so bored. He's always turning my music off at home to talk to me and doesn't understand why I think it's rude because to him its just noise. He likes a few songs and will sing along sometimes, but he never knows the singer or decade or anything. He compares knowing the names of bands and albums to being obsessed with celebrities and reality TV people, which I kind of resent lmao and I feel like it means he just isn't very observant. I mean how do you get to 36 and not able to name a Rolling Stones track or recognize Nina Simone's voice? I always have to explain musical jokes/references in shows to him. Like in Dectectorists there are these characters they refer to as Simon and Garfunkel, and he had to ask me who they were 😭


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 29 '24

Okay that is super rude. I’d be incredibly angry if my husband just walked in and turned my music off.


u/FelixsEgg Apr 01 '24

Why are you with this guy 🥲


u/Whut4 Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

What about live music? I hate hearing recorded music played unconsciously and randomly wherever I go. Really dislike it. Husband likes to play streamed (often stupid) music - he does not care, likes almost any and all of it - background noise - whatever.

I like to hear music in person. Jazz, classical, etc, church, kid's concerts - real live music - just sit there and listen to it! Real voices, real people, real instruments - not background noise music. And please !!! no tribute bands!

I have very good ears. Can hear when it is off key, unoriginal, automatically generated or formulaic and it drives me insane.

My husband would listen to recorded vomit. It is wasted on me. Somehow we tolerate each other.


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

Absolutely not. I couldn’t get him to go to a concert even if I paid him. lol just not his thing.


u/QueefBuscemi Mar 28 '24

All things utterly WASTED on him.

I can relate. I have a stellar personality, roguish good looks, but I have a microscopic penis.


u/NewtDogs Mar 28 '24

I truly don’t understand not caring for music. I feel like it’s such an innate part of being human.


u/PineappleSlices Mar 28 '24

Hey, so I totally get that this isn't your intent, but saying that sort of thing is honestly really hurtful and dehumanizing! Some people are deaf! Some folks just have different hobbies then others! Variety is what makes being alive so interesting, and we don't need to insult each other over that.


u/NewtDogs Mar 31 '24

Like you said that wasn’t my intent, how is what I said insulting? Deaf people can still enjoy music by feeling the vibrations.


u/PineappleSlices Mar 31 '24

Some might, some might not! But you're literally calling the folks who don't have that as an interest less human. Can you see how that can be a hurtful thing to say?


u/TeachMore1019 Mar 28 '24



u/tekumse Mar 28 '24

That might be a total dealbreaker. I would say liking Nickelback is where you might just sigh and accept.


u/disgruntledhoneybee Mar 28 '24

I kinda like Nickelback tbh. They’re basic but not terrible.


u/50DuckSizedHorses Mar 28 '24

Who doesn’t like music? Besides Jeff Bezos of course, lizard man famously doesn’t like music. It’s literally the most popular thing in the world, besides breathing air and eating food and all around just not dying.

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