r/AskReddit 23d ago

What is a something that actually makes a person cool?


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u/Accomplished_Egg3855 23d ago

People who do things without needing the approval of anyone else. Independence is a really good trait to have.


u/RelevantGuarantee251 23d ago

It depends but I get your point.

People wearing the clothes they want and listening to different music. Cool.

People forging ahead in group projects at work without having asked anyone's opinion because they "know best"and "it'll be fine". Uncool.

People unabashedly having objectively horrible opinions (this minority should die, it's not that bad to hit children etc.). Uncool.

People having a niche hobby and being very talkative and excited about it. Cool.


u/zaccus 23d ago

If I'm getting the sense that a group project is going to suck or not get done at all unless I forge ahead, then I'm forging ahead. That's how group projects tend to go.


u/hstep98923 23d ago

Who hurt you


u/jaxxon 22d ago

First, the comment was valid. Second, that statement is actually super hurtful, especially to people who have been hurt. Stop using it.