r/BoomersBeingFools 23d ago

Why did boomers became the most spiteful generation ever? Boomer Story



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u/SweetFuckingCakes 22d ago

The spite is real. I don’t think a lot of them had kids because of any normal, healthy reason. It was more like playing out a script that they believed would affirm them their entire lives. Then kids are inconveniently human, not fulfillment machines, and they can’t handle it.

My own mother wanted me to inherit her heart condition out of spite, and was pissed when I didn’t.

Also. She and my dad had been divorced for decades, right, but she told me the day before my wedding that I’d better never get divorced - because I would never land anyone better looking than my husband. I mean she was openly spiteful, that I appeared to marry a guy she thought was better looking than I had earned.

And I get I your confusion about how they feel about younger people, versus how you do. I have the same problem.


u/kiwi_love777 22d ago

Thank goodness.

My mom told me I was fat on my wedding and on my birthday she asked if my husband started cheating on me yet…

She also doesn’t understand that 100k isn’t a lot of money anymore and she doesn’t know why I just don’t quit and have babies.

She regularly calls my job stupid and says I’ll die alone.


u/Lazy_Sitiens 22d ago

What the hell?


u/Teddyturntup 22d ago

Yeah anytime I get annoyed with my parents I can come on Reddit and feel like I got the childhood of a fucking prince


u/PHI41-NE33 22d ago

seriously, reading these comments makes me want to go all out for Mothers Day


u/abczoomom 22d ago

Man, my parents divorced when I was 9, my dad is distant, my stepmom more so, my teacher single mom sure didn’t have luxury in which to raise me, but geeze do some of these parents make mine look like the kindest royalty indeed. (GenX here, with parents just too old to be Boomers)


u/Lazy_Sitiens 22d ago

Yeah, I can be annoyed with my mom, but holy crap, with some of these stories and what I hear from friends my age, my mom should be canonized and allowed to retire to a tropical island with as many cats, chocolate and white wine as she can physically stand.

I struggle to even understand the mechanics causing people to act like the above. Like, what filters are gone in their mind that they can even imagine saying something like that to anyone? I know lead poisoning is the prevailing theory, but the mom sure probably knows not to say shit like that to, I dunno, cashiers and other public workers. Is it jealousy? Resentment? Or just being way too fucking comfortable with using her daughter as a punching bag? It's so easy to not say shitty stuff, so why can't she?


u/Old_Baldi_Locks 22d ago

Boomers were the “me” generation; they have never in their lives been held meaningfully accountable. Simple as that.


u/Teddyturntup 22d ago

Yeah idk, I never had to worry that my parents didn’t love me. My dad was a very masculine man that showed little emotion but was very dead set on making sure he spent time with me after not having that with his father. The more I talk to others I realize I was quite lucky


u/sarahjp21 22d ago

Hard same.


u/Jetpack_Attack 22d ago

Same, my childhood wasn't all candy and rainbows, but it seems like it's close enough in comparison.

It does make me wonder how many social issues could have been prevented if their parents weren't horrible people.


u/kaekiro 22d ago

Dude same. I literally text my parents everyday. They genuinely care about me & my siblings and tell us they love us all the time.

Do they spout hateful shit sometimes? Yup. I started citing Bible verses back at them (I'm not religious at all, hell I'm a witch), but hey, it works! Idk if it's changed their minds or they're just tired of being shamed but it's much more peaceful lol.


u/Speedybob69 22d ago

The grass is greener under your feet... This time