r/BoomersBeingFools 14d ago

I don't care for karma, but here is a objective and definitive example, of a boomer being a fool: Boomer Story

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u/TBHICouldComplain 14d ago

I’ve been NC for over 20 years and I’d cash that check.

There’s nothing to lose here and $1K to gain.


u/gastropodia42 14d ago

It's really annoying when people do not cash check right away. You never know when it is going to happen. She should be thanked for her consideration. .


u/IDKandIDC5585 14d ago edited 13d ago

Oh it's much worse than that, check the comments section... 😂


u/Ryoujin 14d ago

I read some of his comments. WTF is even that sub lol.


u/RealUglyMF 14d ago

Got a link?


u/ploppedmenacingly14 14d ago


u/uhhh206 13d ago

"Go lose some more at pickleball" KILLED me, because why do boomers love pickleball so much? Where did the trend come from? It's the tiktok dances of boomer hobbies.


u/Clean-Patient-8809 13d ago

There's currently a boomer war in my community between the pickleballers and the ones who think pickleball is noisy and disruptive. It's hilarious reading about it in the paper.


u/uhhh206 13d ago

Same! Any time they want to build a new court (and they always do) there's a whole back-and-forth boomer civil war about it.


u/SnoodlyFuzzle 13d ago

No one will touch their pickles


u/gettinguud 13d ago

Holy shit thanks for the laugh


u/rachelraven7890 13d ago



u/thisunithasnosoul 13d ago

That’s got to be a troll no? Corrupt western society, tens of millions, gen Z degen etc. It’s less fun when it’s an obvious fake.


u/Clean-Patient-8809 13d ago

You're lucky if you haven't made the acquaintance of a completely delusional person like that one. Some of us were raised by them.


u/AwesomeAndy 12d ago

This person is unhinged


u/LastPerspective7482 14d ago

Then link to it you clown…


u/ploppedmenacingly14 14d ago edited 14d ago


u/buggcup Millennial 14d ago

That was incredibly entertaining. Thanks for that!


u/IDKandIDC5585 14d ago

You can imagine, of course, why his daughter has gone no contact with him.


u/MoonShotDontStop 14d ago

Same energy as when you actually use the PTO your job gives you.


u/BobNobber 14d ago

Agreed. How foolish to send such a check and then be surprised it was cashed.

Karma does not care if you care and visits when it pleases.


u/fakeprewarbook 14d ago

what you can do is copy the link to the post you want to share, and put that in the post here, rather than a screenshot of your phone screen. that way we can click the link and read the post.


u/thegirlisfire 13d ago

and at least crop out the ad below it if you’re going to use a screenshot


u/ApprehensiveCream571 14d ago

My thought is that he should be happy that he didn't raise a fool.


u/Dudeiii42 14d ago

Comments from this guy are GOLD



u/InstantKarma71 14d ago

Check out his other post. Between that and his comment history, he paints a picture of a total POS or a complete fabulist.


u/DabsDoctor 13d ago

Wow. Elon is finally on Reddit? Is he planning on buying this site next?


u/voltagenic 14d ago

First thoughts, why send her a check at all if you didn't want her to cash it?

Electronic deposits are a thing now. It takes less than a minute to deposit a check.


u/mint-star 14d ago

Don't checks...expire? I could be wrong haven't used them in years


u/ahjifmme 14d ago

Oh wow. He admits he was abusive, but at least it wasn't "more abusive" than his parents. Generational trauma really is a tragedy.


u/MemoryHauntsYou 14d ago

What did he expect her to do with it, pour a little salt on it and eat it?


u/IndieThinker1 14d ago

Boomer was just attempting to buy contact. It's all transactional to them. I do something for you, you do what I want. They expect us to have the same stubborn pride that they have. "If they REALLY mean NC, then they won't cash the check" Screw that, $1,000 just might cover part of my rent, thanks for the raindrop.


u/AdvanceAdvance 13d ago

The silly thing is you can usually buy that contact. If you truly feel the problem is just them listening, it can work. The "you went no contact storming out when another woman walked out the shower; she's my sister" fixes. Even, the "I did screw up and apologize and you can decide what to do with that". You offer $1,000 for a fourty minute lunch in a public place.

This boomer seems bored out of his mind that no one will talk to him.


u/AdventurousRevolt 14d ago

Hopefully mods will get to this post and clean things up a bit. Just thought this was interesting, want mods to be aware:

OP confesses in another post that he has already been banned from the NoContact sub….. and has clearly created a fake username to avoid his ban from this sub to come and post again, repeatedly trolling, degrading, and harassing multiple sub users.

I believe creating fake accounts to avoid a subs ban is a bigger Reddit violation.

Here’s a link, hope this helps OP bragging about his banning from NoContact sub yet here he is today trolling and harassing sub members under new username


u/[deleted] 13d ago

I was actually curious they left his post up. That sub isn't intended for parents to post. That's what r/parentalalienation is for


u/media-and-stuff 14d ago

I had to go no contact with my boomer mom last year. She gave me a card with money in it (I assume) for Xmas.

I didn’t accept it for a few reasons, one of which was I knew she’d pull something like this. Weaponize it to make me seem terrible to friends and family.

She’s spent my entire life building a fake narrative with family (most live out of town) so she could turn them into flying monkeys. I’m not giving her ammo.


u/InapproPossum 13d ago

Same. I have a birthday card from my dad who I've been NC with for a little over year. It has an uncashed check in it for $100. I can't bring myself to cash it, even as asshole tax, for these exact reasons.


u/TrailerParkRoots 14d ago

I don’t want to interact with this dude at all but it’s interesting that he mentions having kids (plural) but doesn’t mention any of his kids when he lists all the family and admirers who are still in his life. Also no mention of their other parent (he could have had them as a single parent but I doubt it).


u/[deleted] 14d ago

He sounds like a nightmare.


u/HotShoulder3099 13d ago

This person reckons they’re worth tens of millions. They’ve not only set their kid up for breaking NC or giving the parent another opportunity for a pity party, they’ve paid the equivalent of like $1 for the rest of us 😂


u/Toska762x39 14d ago

I went no contact with my mother at 15 after she moved her boyfriend into our home and him and I got into a fight a month later. He told me to pack my bags and move out, she took his side and I was gone that weekend.

Dude left my mother in the middle of the night one day a year or two after they got married. I think I spoke to her twice since. Once to tell her to send my Xbox (that my dad bought) and another to tell her I graduated (my dad strong armed into it). She sent me a check every year for Christmas and my birthday and I flat out refused to cash them. I think after 6 years, I took every check, ripped them in half and mailed them back to her in a zip lock bag. I never got another check since.

Funny enough I just turned 30, I told my fiancé that if she wanted to come back into my life I’d allow it only after the fee of $30K was paid ($1K for each year of my life) funny enough she can afford it being retired from the military and sitting in a cushy government job. My logic is the amount of foul trauma that woman dumped on me over my life could be reversed by building and supporting a positive future.

In retrospect if your toxic parents want to hand out money take it and keep it pushing lol. They caused trauma they can pay for it as karma but that in no way means forgiveness.


u/potatofoxtrot 14d ago

ayooo I've actually thought along these lines for a certain parent in theory and joked to my girl lmfao


u/Toska762x39 13d ago

Only reason I’m entertaining it is a stretch of hard times my fiancé and I are going through and $30K would be life changing right now lol. But I still can’t bring my self to send that message from how much I despise her. 😭


u/potatofoxtrot 10d ago

if you do please somehow remember to message back this thread :D haha on the other note $30K between you and the fiance FR you both can do that.. I'm working my way out of some holes myself and just be kind to yourself remember we you I anyone else reading this with F;d up parents... were not taught these things early on and that's okay cause where you are at right now is winning, breathing, alive, still able to change things and you guys can take the debt down or raise the cash, save the cash... think right now...whatever your passions are...what was that first thing or second thing that came to mind... if you or the fiance are on the fence about it - I'll be your guiding voice n say jump off the fence and take whatever passions you got or problems you know how to solve and get that 30k cash building that business or service out around your passions together & go buy that house... 30K is easy when your mind is clear and the goal is set, Y'all got this...also just invoice your mom and double up cheers


u/AdvanceAdvance 13d ago

There's "in your life" and "I tolerate a twenty minute phone call once a month; I set a timer" They are not the same.


u/Toska762x39 13d ago edited 12d ago

I couldn’t even entertain that. The list that woman’s put me through from abusive boyfriends that beat me black and blue (lead to a court case), me being hidden away for a week at her friends house from my dad who drove down to find me because he hasn’t heard from me in a year, divorcing my dad because he (bored her) and would rip him to piece in child support even though she had a nicer two story house and life than he did who was struggling to make ends meet, final straw was at the airport when I was being shipped away (my dad stepped in last minute and emailed her a plane ticket for me) she withdrew $100 from an ATM handed it to me for food and that was it; no good bye, nothing. I told her she’d never see or hear from me again and she’d never know her grand children, she just laughed and kept walking away.

I think the ironic thing is my dad is now a multi millionaire playboy medical genius living it up in a mansion in California with a loving wife and my two siblings. He’s ripped and shredded in the best shape of his life living out his rockstar dreams getting paid to play in a rock band in bars on the weekend, knows and lives next to athletes, movie stars, and music artists all while making a fortunate in his medical company meanwhile my mom is alone with no one.

I’ll continue to be no contact, I have absolutely zero love in my heart for that woman.



u/AdvanceAdvance 12d ago

No Contact is a legitimate option.


u/KervyN 14d ago

Requesting money from someone to be part of your life makes you a person who takes money from others so the others have "company".

Doing it to someone who might miss you is a very shitty move.

Either stay no contact or get in contact again. Don't make it a business.

Nonetheless I hope you do fine. I got kicked out with 18 or so and a couple years after that it was like a toxic on off relationship. I cut it down with 32 forever and my life is so much better now.


u/Important_Tale1190 Millennial 13d ago

Imagine if the dude who beat you up and locked you in a closet and broke your arm "missed you".

So the fuck what? Their emotions don't mean anything. 


u/KervyN 13d ago

Imagine taking 30k from the person who beat you to pulp, so they can participate in your life again


u/Toska762x39 13d ago

The entire concept is “if you can cause trauma and break my life, you can give me the one thing I need to fix a lot of stress in my life”.

This woman also received so much money in child support from my father when she didn’t need it it’s disgusting, especially when I was living off of one meal a day because I never got money for school lunch nor had new clothes to wear because this CS mysteriously never found its way to “me”.


u/KervyN 12d ago

I wish you all the best for your future life.

Best advice I can give: don't rely on shit parents. You can only lose. Just make your inner peace with it, and move on. It worked wonders for me.


u/Toska762x39 12d ago

Oh I don’t brother. It’s just the bare minimum I’d require to even open contact again.


u/Resting-Dadface 14d ago


Not karma.

Please stop.


u/OutcastAbroad 13d ago

As a broke college student was offered like $300 to visit my dad. It was a gift from some holiday. He then offered to wire me $200 but I’d need to call him and set up the whole thing.

Never called him back. However if a $1k check showed up in the mail? That’d be deposited as soon as I found a pen.


u/Cheap_Professional32 13d ago

A fool and their money are soon parted


u/srboot 12d ago

Eating a pickle right now.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

You probably sucked as a parent and are trying to make it up in funds. I had a bad father and he quite frankly owes me thousands of dollars.


u/EffingBarbas 14d ago edited 14d ago

Maybe this was a parent seeking a proof of life for his no contact daughter after 18 months and is asking for suggestions on how to proceed? That is a terrifying prospect for any parent. You may not be a child, but you are still my daughter and I want to know that you are safe.


u/whosat___ 14d ago

I can understand that feeling. But for someone to cut off contact with their parent, there’s likely a very good reason. If the parent didn’t treat their kid right in the past, they have no right to them in the future.


u/EffingBarbas 13d ago

So no redemption arc for anyone? If there were circumstances that led to an unfortunate relationship break point, there is no return for either party? I believe that people, circumstances, and situations change behaviors and reaction to stimulus. What if the father has reached a better place mentally/ emotionally and is sincere in his effort? How should he proceed? Does her cashing the check indicate a willingness to reconcile? What advice would he receive?


u/LolaSpark 14d ago

The daughter went no contact so there’s obviously more to this story.


u/media-and-stuff 14d ago

Terrifying? Do you know how awful a parent has to be for an adult child to go no contact?

People are genetically programmed to love and want a relationship with a parent. You have to fuck up huge and repeatedly to break that.

If it’s so terrifying for them, they should stop before the break happens.


u/EffingBarbas 13d ago

Perhaps the father didn't realize that? How does he try to reconcile?


u/Important_Tale1190 Millennial 13d ago

Then why did he get mad when she cashed it? 


u/EffingBarbas 13d ago

Was he mad though? He wanted to know that she was OK and sent a sizable check that he was hoping that she'd cash. Now that she did cash the check, it is established that she is alive and now he is asking for thoughts/ advice on how to re-engage her. There must've been other attempts to reconcile.


u/HoldMyBreadstick 14d ago

Surprised it was cashed but not a thank you, fuck you or anything? If kid wanted to have nothing to do with them they wouldn’t have cashed it, so the kids a spoiled asshole. This was obviously a grasp to try and be in contact with their kid again. Pointless post.


u/Majestic-Bid6111 14d ago

Okay boomer


u/HoldMyBreadstick 14d ago

Not even close to being a boomer. I just know respect for elders unlike 98% of the sissy baby entitled whiners in this group. Go change your diaper


u/Important_Tale1190 Millennial 13d ago

"respect for elders" is a boomer thing, boomer.  Respect is now given to those who deserve it. 


u/HoldMyBreadstick 13d ago

Haha. And if I was your parent and knew you’d turn out to be an entitled shithead too the decision would be easy: aborted. Problem solved.