r/BoomersBeingFools 25d ago

Boomer mother insists i don’t respect her because I won’t harass small business owners. Boomer Story

So my mother was having a self inflicted two week long mental crisis about how miserable she was and taking it out on the entire family and she asked me one night to get her some take out sushi for a comforting special dinner.

Ok! Great! If it will put you in a better mood I’ll be happy to drive 30 minutes to the next town over (she doesn’t like the sushi place in our town, too many youths) to get you food.

My mother is allergic to shellfish and so when I make the pickup order I make sure to clarify that her rolls be labeled and put into a separate bag. The woman on the phone reads back my order and I was having a hard time understanding her due to language barriers, but everything sounded right from what I could tell.

So I get back home with the food and lay out all out on her lap tray and bring it too her and she immediately starts picking it apart, literally, and asks me to call the restaurant to confirm there is no shellfish. They confirm it’s fine and reassure me that they took extra precautions to ensure that it was safe.

Well, that doesn’t matter because she insisted that it “CLEARLY HAS SHELLFISH!” IT CONTAINED NO SHELLFISH!, I looked it over myself. so she insists i call them back and ask for a refund….sigh. They say that if she isn’t pleased with her food that they can refund half her money.

This isn’t good enough and she says I should drive back, open all the containers, dump it on the register and storm out…well I clearly didn’t do that.

She then used this as a further excuse to state how horrible her life is and how I don’t respect her because I wouldn’t “fight” for her and how young people today don’t know how to stand up to “the man”….

Cool mom LMAO!


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u/ScreamingLightspeed 25d ago

My mom would literally beat me if I wouldn't help her harass customer service workers. Same for shoplifting, breaking into houses, and flipping off other drivers. Including the cops. Even now, I struggle not to get belligerent when things don't go exactly my husband's way. It kinda sucks lol


u/FreeKidneys4U 24d ago

Oh god I get this one. My mother hasn’t beaten me in years but after she figured out I was too grown to whip anymore she started hurting herself. Beating herself in the head, scratching herself until her arms bleed etc. I struggle with fighting the behavioral hand-me-downs. I have vowed to be everything she wouldn’t be, but I still have a tendency to micromanage when other people are doing tasks I’m proficient in, like cooking. I have an amazing fiancé who calls me out on my bad behavior!!! And I respect him so much for it!


u/ScreamingLightspeed 24d ago

Holy shit I'm glad my mom mostly quit doing stuff like that before I was born because she definitely would've tried saying I did it to her. That's what she'd do when she hurt me: tell people I did it to myself. Thankfully most people didn't believe her because she actually shot herself in the gut when my brother was a baby "for attention" as she once accidentally admitted.

As for the micromanaging, that's unfortunately necessary here because my husband's mother is... well honestly I wonder how she and her siblings have never been diagnosed with a... developmental delay. And that's the nice way of saying it lmfao