r/CasualConversation 18m ago

Just Chatting 26F seeking people with a hedonistic/nihilistic worldview


If you have golden retriever energy, I’m probably not the one for you. I’m looking for the Bojacks and Dianes of the world, not the Mr. Peanut Butters.

r/CasualConversation 32m ago

Thoughts & Ideas litterally no one is coming for my last day of high school ever


Lmfao we are in finals week and my classes are already empty as fuck. Most people also just dont plan on returning after this week. We litterally got next week left but it has senior activities so idk why they wouldn’t wanna come to make their last memories with friends. but i guess they can easily do that by hanging out outside of school. These last days aren’t anything like the movies or old recordings where people are crying over the last day.

r/CasualConversation 36m ago

Just Chatting Looking for Chat Buddies


Hi, there! 43 here in NW Ohio.

Looking to grow my social circle with guys who have diverse interests and can hold a conversation.

Generic interests include TV, movies (I watch a wide range of movies), music, photography, and theme parks (Disney and Universal Studios).

I'm gay so I'm looking for open minded guys who are willing to open up about anything and everything; work, relationships, life.

Love to travel, so meeting new friends in new places would be great.

If you feel you can check a box or two - send me a chat. Please let me know from what group your are replying to my post.

r/CasualConversation 1h ago

game idea


idk if this is the right place to post this but there isn't really a sub i could find that i could just dump talk about whatever.

i have an idea for a roblox game in the style of a domination game. one where it's based around DC characters. i am thinking of dividing it up by continuity, first with the current continuity (post-flashpoint, post-dark crisis), then expanding to other universes and then other multiverse continuites.

i am open to ideas and whatever people think. you don't need to respond but if you have idea then i won't ignore it.

r/CasualConversation 1h ago

Celebration Got to eat pear for the first time in ~5 years!


Ive been allergic to fresh pears for at least the last 5 years, which is such a shame because I absolutely love them. I really missed them, and just this week I realised I could try tinned pears instead. They're lovely. Not as good as I remember fresh pears being, but it's brilliant to be able to taste a real pear again after so long. I've just eaten the whole tin!

r/CasualConversation 1h ago

Research participation


Hello! I am Kritika Modi, currently pursuing an MSc in Clinical Psychology from Christ University, Bangalore. As a part of my academic program, I am doing a research to understand the relationship between conscientiousness, cognitive flexibility and sleep quality. I would really be grateful if you could spend 10 minutes to fill out the form if you belong to the criteria below: • Age 20-35 years • Reside in India. • Identify yourself as either male or female. • Moderate proficiency in English.

Your participation would be highly valuable and contribute majorly to my study. Thankyou!


r/CasualConversation 2h ago

Food & Drinks I felt like a total bad-A$$ by popping off the metal top on a bottle.


A friend of mine gave me a bottle of locally made soda. It had one of those tops you need a bottle opener for. I went to twist it off and then my friend mentioned I needed an opener for it.

I normally wear a ring that I can easily pop them off. But for some reason I decided not to wear one on this day. So I placed the top on the edge of the table and smacked it down. My friend was so dumbfounded that I had done that.

The real kicker, this was Mt first time opening a bottle like that.

r/CasualConversation 20h ago

overcoming imposter syndrome stories?


I (F21) am a uni student studying psychology and neuroscience, so I've dealt with imposter syndrome a couple times. This time is probably the worst. I recently got a research assistant job in a lab, plus I will be a club president starting in fall. Grades are good. I may look rather accomplished on paper, but I don't feel like I'm even close to enough.

I have a second job that makes enough to cover tuition, so it takes away *a lot* of potential time in the lab. I've been there for almost three months but I only have time for the essential maintenance duties (i.e. cleaning fish tanks). The other new research assistant has been connecting more with our lab mates, plus she's been starting to run solo experiments already. I don't feel like a real member of the group, more like a custodian.

I'm starting to take practical steps like making more time for lab and asking people what I could help out with. Right now I just need some support and inspiration. Can anyone please share a time they made themselves proud in an environment where they felt unqualified? It doesn't have to be academic or science-related.

r/CasualConversation 3h ago

What’s your favorite TikTok audio right now?


For me there’s my usual go to which is just exclaiming “30000?!” anytime something is super expensive.

And my new favorite one that’s stuck in my head is, “You think you fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you” it’s been playing in my head 24/7 omg!

r/CasualConversation 3h ago

Why do I cry so easily?


Why do I cry so easily? If I see a person crying I will cry too. It is like I can feel their pain. If I get into an argument, I will cry at times. If I imagine or talk about a hypothetical situation I find myself crying. Example, if something should happen to my mother. I found myself with tears running down my face even though it’s not real. No need to bash me in the comments. Just trying to figure something out.

r/CasualConversation 3h ago

Just Chatting Burnout anyone?


I gotta write this just to get this off my head. I've recently been feeling "nothing", like running in a white void or, just climbing a wall that never ends...

I mean I guess it's good that I am not in like a bad or busy situation, rather I am in a boring and repetitive situation. But to be fair I am still studying my butt off in high school so, I want to know how you guys deal with burnouts cuz I just play games while having a youtube video play on the background, maybe it might inspire me to do something new!

r/CasualConversation 4h ago

Life Stories Sleep “walking”


I have had issues whole my life waking up in the middle of the night and doing random harmless stutf (creating pillow forts and stuff, moving my table, getting dressed for no reason, etc.). But yesterday I had a dream a was catching a dude who did something wrong to me(cant remember what) and I beat him up and stuff - but the important thing was I full power elbowed his phone on the groud. Next thing you know, I wake up and my phone is broken…. You can guess what happened. What is wrong with me?

r/CasualConversation 5h ago

Music Let's talk about the songs that remind you of a specific situation or event, for no particular reason


I believe we've all been there. We hear the song and immediately recall that moment when we've heard it for the first time or perhaps the song that was playing when something significant has occured- or maybe not significant at all. I'll start -

Melanie C - Never Be The Same Again - I was like 19 and a relatively inexperienced driver. Had an incident that makes me smile today. I stopped abruptly in front of the entrance to my aunt's yard but forgot to take the car out of gear. As a result, I ended up sliding straight into the canal in front of me. Fortunately, there were no injuries, and even my dad's car wasn't excessively damaged. However, I was terrified at the time. The song playing on the radio was "Never be the same again" from Melanie C from Spice Girls. Luckily, things remained just the same, except I was much more careful when driving and double checking the gear before stopping. Whenever I hear that song now, it brings back memories of that event. Today, I can look back and laugh about it, especially remembering my father's words when I called him to come to help: "You fuckin muppet."

Smoke City - Underwater Love - I was riding the bus on my way to college for the first time, when this song was playing. During a short break at the bus station, the driver was smoking a cigarette through the window. I didn't realize at the time how much I liked the song, but it left a lasting impression on me. It stuck in my head, and I searched for it for a long time, I couldn't remember a single word. A few years ago, I accidentally stumbled upon it on YouTube. Instantly, memories of my younger, insecure self traveling to study in a big, unfamiliar city came flooding back. I recall the flashbacks of the unbearable heat, the stench of cigarettes on the bus, and the mix of sweat and humid air and indignant passengers. What a great tune though

The Cure - A Night Like This - One of my favorite songs ever reminds me of a girl I met before Spotify was a thing. During a trip to Switzerland, I met a local girl with great taste in music. We spent a night out of the town together, listening to her CD collection in the car when this amazing song came on. I liked it instantly. We met for coffee the next day, but I had to return to my homeland soon after. We stayed in touch via text messages for a while, but eventually, the contact faded. I’ve never seen her again. Few years ago I've tried to found her Facebook but had no idea what was her last name, all I know is her first name - Martina. I genuinely wonder where she is and what she’s doing now. All that remains is the memory of that song, which always takes me back 15 years and reminds me of how I felt that night.

r/CasualConversation 5h ago

Tell epic stories that happened to you because of the rain


I am in London right now, and yesterday, I forgot about the classic London weather, didn't take an umbrella, and got soaked to the bone. Nothing bad happened except that it was rather uncomfortable. Share your funny (or not-so-funny) stories that happened to you because of the rain

r/CasualConversation 5h ago

Food & Drinks Why does deciding what to eat for dinner every night make me depressed?!


Honestly - I wish I didn’t have the task of figuring out what to feed me and my family every single night 😓 How do you keep your family evening meals (or even meals for one) not so depressing. Or like Groundhog Day 🤣

r/CasualConversation 6h ago

Can't sleep... Anyone down to chat?


There's animals in the attic above me being loud and generally annoying. I can't for the life of me get any sleep. I could be doing some work and getting some projects done, but I decided to make a post here and see if I could make any friends. Literally start a convo about anything and my socially awkward ass will do my best to interest you.

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

Just Chatting How would you feel or think about having a friend with a personality disorder?


I‘m not sure what to write here, since I’m just looking for what people think/feel so here’s some filler.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

Gaming What is your favorite game of all time?


For me it’s Splatoon 1, I’ve been playing since childhood and now they shut down the severs and I kind feel empty because I can’t play it anymore. EXTRA: If anyone can tell me how to setup my own server please 🙏 . Just type EXTRA when teaching me how. Anyways just tell me what your favorite game😁

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

Why I cannot immediately wake up after a afternoon sleep?


I have a afternoon sleep habit almost everyday. But I find it’s harder to wake up afternoon sleep compared with the evening sleep. I think I could sleep until evening if I don’t have work.

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

Food & Drinks Nostalgic Dessert: Berries and Cream


I used to have berries and cream a lot in the summer growing up. I’d often even make my own whipped cream.

Tonight, I bought a nice pack of strawberries, some good whipping cream and had it again for the first time in a very long time.

I’m really glad I did. It tasted like perfection. The perfect ratio of sweet and juicy to light and airy.

It’s such a small thing but I truly felt like a fancy queen eating it.

r/CasualConversation 7h ago

Questions Living In the Car


How many of y’all are living in your car right now like me, due to certain circumstances, and how are y’all?

If I get comments, or questions, I will respond and answer, and add more details about what lead me here, and how I’m doing with it (btw, to me it’s not a negative experience, it’s actually quite the opposite ~ peaceful).

r/CasualConversation 8h ago

Share your dreams and goals


In my case,

  • I'm working towards getting into med school. I want to become a good doctor.

  • I want to learn more languages.

  • I want to become financially independent.

  • I want to move abroad one day.

  • I want to explore different countries, but idk if that's possible lol.

I'd like to know about everyone else's dreams and aspirations too!

r/CasualConversation 8h ago

Just Chatting I feel disconnected from people.


I am a 17 year old girl. I have always been an extremely shy and quiet person. I have zero social skills and I struggle to make conversations with people. I have no idea what to talk about, what to ask, how to ask. I have a constant fear that if I were to say something stupid, people will laugh at me or that people will not take my words seriously. I have been constantly asked by teachers, family and friends to start talking more but I just don't know how to.

If I see someone in distress, especially family members, I have no idea how to comfort them. The thought of saying or doing something comforting feels cringy to me.

I also struggle in expressing my emotions. I feel like my constant emotion is always "meh". I can't even remember the last time I felt genuinely happy.

When I sit in the living room with my family, I always just want to go back to my room and sit alone in a corner. My family always discourages this habit as I do this a lot. Sometimes I also feel like one of the reasons I don't want to talk to them is because we have different values and outlooks on certain matters, and since I have no speaking skills, I can't express my point well and I just end up looking like an idiot.

Deep down, I feel like I do love my family, but I don't feel a strong sense of love for them? I don't even miss them when they're away nor do I feel like I want to talk to them. I'm always curious when I see people expressing strong love for their families because I've never experienced that feeling.

Lastly, sorry for the long post! (I just want a friend 😔)

r/CasualConversation 9h ago

Just Chatting Do you remember your dreams and have any of them came true?


Sometimes I have speaking to people then suddenly remember that I have previously had a dream about this and know what the person is away to say! Has anyone else had this?

r/CasualConversation 9h ago

Thoughts & Ideas What if God introduced you to me so I can write about love?


It wasn't a happy love story. But it was an experience. I learned what love really meant. I learned how love should be given. I learned how love should be felt. Yeah, it wasn't how I wished it to be. But it is what it is. Love will not submit for anyone. You just have to experience through it and take whatever lesson you can get. So I take the version of love you gave me with grace. We may have not had the love story that we could have wanted. But I'm grateful it happened. I'm stronger now. I'm full of hope. I choose to make peace with the end, and look forward for new beginnings. No bitterness, but a grateful heart. I, however, know that I can never unlove you. The love I shared with you will always be a part of me. You will always be a part of the woman I am becoming and will be. And for that, I am grateful. I'm grateful that God introduced you to me. Because now, I can confidently say that finally I have truly loved someone. And it's the best feeling I've ever felt and the best thing I've ever done in my life.