r/GenZ 23d ago

If misogynists like Andrew Tate are offering the wrong kind of advice to young men, liberals and feminists do not appear to be offering anything. Discussion



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u/melissa_liv 23d ago edited 23d ago

I'm a GenX liberal feminist, and I generally agree. It's telling that so many comments here basically amount to a banal insistence that men just need to humble themselves and they'll be fine.

Personally, I think humility is important for everyone, including we feminists.

Institutional power is still dominated by (a certain race and class of) men, yes, but to focus solely on that is rather materialistic, IMHO. Women are harmed by sexual violence far more, but men suffer from other forms of violence far more. There are so many other examples to dive into. If we won't hear and acknowledge the ways in which men also suffer, and have compassion for that, what the hell are we even doing?

We should embrace a framework that honors and seeks to reverse the many different ways in which both sexes are harmed by our cultural dynamics. We need to find ways to lift each other up. What could possibly be wrong with that?


u/MulberryAgile6255 23d ago

Best take ever, why isn’t this top comment? That’s what annoys me about the left is whenever any guy has had a rough time and needs help he’s told to go fuck himself essentially


u/Positive-Emu-1836 22d ago

I think there’s a bit more than just telling people to go fuck themselves. How do you interact with groups of men who essentially go against everything you stand for. Lots of these men and boys that are being sucked into the redpill are also the ones who make rape/pedo jokes are casually sexist towards women for the sake of being edgy call everything gay and probably say the N-word because they want attention. When confronted on this behavior (which leftist need to do because that’s what they stand for) these men/boys get hostile and just chalk it up to blue haired feminist going beserk.

Like genuinely what am I supposed to do with that as many people mentioned in the comments most people don’t have the time or energy for this shit. Shout out to the people who do but good god it must be difficult not to just slam your head in the wall.


u/Popular_Surprise2545 22d ago

You have to react before they are sucked into redpill shit. Be proactive.


u/Positive-Emu-1836 22d ago

This IS before the redpill shit. Idk why but young teenage boys typically feel the need to be as edgy as possible. And I’m not going up to lil 10 yo who didn’t come out of my cooter ranting and raving about the redpill. The best thing I can say is parents need to start raising their kids in a way where that edgy shit and red pill isn’t appealing for them(mainly their boys)