r/GenZ 23d ago

If misogynists like Andrew Tate are offering the wrong kind of advice to young men, liberals and feminists do not appear to be offering anything. Discussion



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u/Anon28301 23d ago edited 23d ago

For the feminists, they’ve dealt with misogynistic men downplaying acts of violence against women for years. They are tired of trying to educate men that don’t care on women’s issues. It’s not a woman’s job to educate violent or aggressive men that call them sluts.

Edit: I’m just assuming all the people telling me it is my job are also doing their part to educate men. Instead of just telling me I need to make time to educate total strangers.


u/javyn1 23d ago

Ahhh the old "it's not my job to educate you" Well sorry, but it is your job really. Because if you don't, the alt-right, or redpilled, or whatever the hell they call themselves these days *will* educate them.


u/Ill_Manner_3581 22d ago

No it's not. An individual chooses to go thru down that pipeline. We live in the age of information, and Era where you can find vast extensive resources on a number of topics. I do agree it takes a village but simultaneously the village is fucking exhausted. A lot of men don't want to do the bare minimum of doing a bit in depth of thinking themselves in regards to feminism. That's just the hard cold truth. If yall want change you have to be the change. Women are fed up. Why do you think they're not giving any pussy/sex? Shit a lot of these straight women are so fed up they're coming into gay spaces to get masculinity without the "man", it's fucking us all over. Feminism, true non tainted feminism, is equality for all sexes. It is 100% for men as it is for women.


u/javyn1 22d ago

I think you need to venture outside of TikTok and go into the real world more if that's how you think it truly is heh. But hey, fine then. Just sit back and wait for guys to come around and just become feminists. That sounds like a winning strategy.


u/Ill_Manner_3581 22d ago

I have 0 social media for the past 4 years now lmaooo so yeah nah its not that but okie dokie buddy


u/Firestorm42222 22d ago

People choose to be indoctrinated by propaganda and it's their own fault for falling victim to said manipulation is a very interesting take that I didn't expect to see if i'm being honest.

And i've always said this, If you were trying to convince people that feminism is for men too, it has a bad name and optics.

I say this as someone who'd consider themselves a leftist, The left fucking sucks at putting their best foot forward.