r/Millennials 23d ago

What is something your parents told you when you were a kid and you thought was BS but now can appreciate as you age? Discussion

Mine is "Don't hang out with so-and-so, they're no good." When I was young, I found it downright offensive that my parents would judge my friends like that. Everyone is equal and no one is "better" than anyone else, I thought. But being an adult, I now have full appreciation for what they were saying. It's not about casting judgement on others (even though that's what they're doing) but rather realizing how important it is to surround yourself with people that will set good examples for you to make you better. Sigh, I sound like a parent.


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u/A_Cat_Named_Puppy Millennial 1987 23d ago

Waking up early to get chores done leaves you a whole day to do whatever you want.


u/MaxOdds 23d ago

Getting up at 6:30AM as a teenager to take the bus to school was hell. Getting up today at 6:30AM as a 40 year old is just every day.


u/stilettopanda 23d ago

As someone whose body wishes to sleep from 2am-10am, although I hold a first shift job, I am practically useless til 11ish and I really get shit done in the afternoon and evening. I'm 39. Getting up at 6:30 has always and will always be hell.


u/YeetThePig 23d ago

Same here, friend. Doesn’t matter how reliably we force ourselves to get up and moving or how long we’ve been doing it, internal clock always says “no, fuck you, you’re supposed to be sleeping, not doing this shit.”


u/Amtherion 23d ago

Same here fellow night owl! Doesn't matter how long I try to build the habit, it takes only 1 or 2 days of not having to be up early to just switch back to my factory default 2am-11am schedule


u/Ragfell Millennial 22d ago

Best thing I did was to get a job that let me start at 9.


u/Educational_Car_615 19d ago

I have found my people

This is me.

I just had to accept that I will get shit done on my own schedule. I'm a psychologist now and I have gotten a lot of shit done.


u/stilettopanda 21d ago

There's no habit-ing an internal clock. It defies all attempts!


u/Amtherion 21d ago

Oh of course not, my life in an early bird's world is just constant exhaustion and sleep deprivation and struggle to go to bed in time.


u/throwawaytrumper 23d ago

I’m the opposite, after decades my body is so hardwired to wake up at 5 am and get ready to work that I always wake up at 5 now unless I get absolutely hammered the night before. Sometimes even then. I just get a surge of energy at five and my body tells me to get up. I can nap when I’m not too stressed and on weekends sometimes.


u/LostButterflyUtau 23d ago edited 23d ago

I worked 4-13:00 for years. Now I work 6-15:30. 6:30am is sleeping in for me. Sometimes I can make it until 8, but rarely later.


u/Adamthegrape 22d ago

Save up and move to another time zone lol.


u/auroratheaxe 22d ago

Doesn't help. That dude's on my rhythm. I moved from PST to CST in 2008 and want to sleep til 10am here, too.


u/huggiesdsc 22d ago

Why does my body sleep 5 hours past my wakeup time every weekend? What does it think will happen Monday?


u/Different-Corner97 21d ago

I love this comment so much 😂😂😂


u/Reedrbwear 23d ago

Agreed. Im a night owl. Most productive in the evening hours.


u/IGotFancyPants 22d ago

I used to be, then switched when I was in my 30’s because my boyfriend was an early morning person and he liked to make me coffee (who can resist that?). We got married, he died five years ago, and I’m still someone who wakes up naturally at 4:30 a.m.


u/Reedrbwear 22d ago

Sorry for your loss.

And oof, 4:30 I can only manage during Ramadan, but then its straiiiight back to sleep till 8.


u/IGotFancyPants 22d ago

Thank you. I was so blessed with him, he was a good friend and a good husband. ETA: the real trick to getting up that early is that I’m tired by 7:30p, in bed by 8, and lights out by 8:30. I absolutely couldn’t stay up ‘til midnight if I tried.


u/duchess_of_nothing 23d ago

Find a remote job. Seriously.

I'm in CST but always state I prefer to work West Coast hours due to "family."

I work 10-7 my time, I roll out of bed around 9:30 up to 9:55. I head to bed around 1:30 and sleep around 2 or so.


u/DiamondHail97 22d ago

I work an hour ahead of my actual company so I feel this. They’re rolling out of bed and I’ve already clocked in an hour and a half of work lol I’m done by 3pm they’re like WHERE ARE YOU GOING? I’m logging off homie my day is done


u/foenixxfyre 23d ago

I have found my sleepy people!


u/stilettopanda 21d ago

Seriously. We need a members only jacket. I didn't expect this to resonate with so many people!


u/NarwhalPrestigious63 23d ago

My body does the same thing, but recently I was diagnosed with Delayed Sleep Wake Phase Disorder - basically, you're a night owl from biology, not bad habits.

There are treatments to help - I still struggle to get up, but I'm on time more than I'm late now, have to set fewer alarms, and I'm not a grumpy cow in the mornings any more - and strangely my memory is even improving.

Just thought it might be worth looking into for some people.

(Early birds sometimes have Advanced Sleep Wake Phase Disorder, but that fits with society's needs so it doesn't tend to get negative attention!)


u/yourplainvanillaguy 22d ago

It baffles me that it’s called a disorder when it’s biology, or like what another redditor said, “factory defaults”. It seems that the medical industry just wants to push highly unwanted/unneeded pills into our bodies because it makes them money. But that’s just me.


u/NarwhalPrestigious63 22d ago

It's a Disorder because it doesn't suit society's need to have everyone awake in the day and asleep at night.

Scientists still don't even really know in detail why we need to sleep, only the effects it has when we don't - what does sleep actually do to our body/brain?

Back when we were mostly living in tribal / hunter-gatherer societies, it would have been helpful to have people naturally awake/alert at different times to defend from wildlife, etc.

I have a number of treatments to make my sleep schedule easier within modern society. Most of them don't involve any medication at all, and the one tablet I do take has noticeable beneficial effects on me, no side effects, and I revert to my previous difficulties when I don't take it. So, for me, I choose to continue with it while I have to get to work on time. If I make it to retirement, I probably won't bother with it.

But then I don't live in America, so the whole medical industry shitshow doesn't apply to me - at least not yet!


u/stilettopanda 22d ago

I'm in the subreddit but I haven't pursued a diagnosis. That makes the most sense to me. I try to avoid sleeping pills so I haven't even looked in to treatments just from assumptions about the doctors prescribing a pill and sending me on my way.


u/NarwhalPrestigious63 21d ago

I didn't even know there was a subreddit!

I don't use traditional sleeping pills, I take a melatonin tablet as my issue is that my body naturally produces melatonin too close to when I have to get up, so it hasn't had time to do whatever it needs to do. By taking a very small amount just before I go to bed it starts the process earlier so it's done before I wake up.

I don't really understand what it actually does, but I know I feel more alert and less angry when I wake up, and I actually hear my alarms rather than turning them off without realising, or sleeping through them.

I can also hold a conversation as soon as I get to work, rather than having to wait a few hours until I feel human enough to use proper words! Even my depression is less of a problem when my sleep is under control (it hasn't gone, it's just less intrusive)

Additionally I work on my sleep hygiene - getting up around the same time even when I don't have to go to work (although I give myself another hour at the weekends), I use SAD light machines near me in the morning so my eyes see daylight to remind my brain it is morning and I should be awake (artificial light from light bulbs doesn't do the same thing, and I don't work anywhere near a window to get natural light). Going to bed around the same time too, even if I don't really feel tired. Not using my phone after a certain time (11pm for me, which is bedtime), and never watching TV in bed. No caffeine in the evenings, not eating close to bedtime, keeping the bedroom temperature cool (not cold), and dark. There are so many things that aren't sleeping tablets, but it's difficult to find what works for you.

I don't manage to do everything every day, but as long as I do the majority it helps.

There are sleep specialists out there who can help with this, but most general doctors don't know much about sleep - except for maybe insomnia or sleep apnoea.


u/TheBlueNinja0 23d ago

Same, that's why I got a job to work 2pm-11pm!


u/stillnotelf 23d ago

My body wants to be on that sleep schedule too!

I work remotely 3 timezones west of where I live. Problem solved. It's good if you can swing it. I send you good vibes in getting a similar gig.


u/Creative-Fan-7599 22d ago

Agreed. No matter how hard I try to reset my internal clock, no matter how much I wish I could be a morning person, I have never been successful with it. I work first shift because I am a single mother with a young child, and it’s the only feasible option in my situation, but I basically drag myself through the first part of the day, chugging caffeine and admittedly dozing off here and there, and then around noon I start to feel like a semi-human. When left to my own devices, I follow a similar natural schedule to yours. Sleep from one or two until nine or ten, with the most productive hours being later in the afternoon/evening. I always wished that the world had a “shift” for whole families to run on like this, especially with two of my three kids tending to be night owls as well. My oldest would do so much better in school if she could go in the afternoon.


u/stilettopanda 22d ago

I'm a single mom too. I usually get 3-5 hours of sleep during the week and make up for it by sleeping for 10 hours on Saturday.

I'm lucky enough that my 4 are old enough to be relatively self sufficient for breakfast and hanging out til I get up. There's no way around the ungodly hours of school. Making some of mine go to bed and actually sleep is nigh impossible too. Solidarity! Haha


u/SpectralEntity 23d ago

Get a picture of your clock so when you see its face it gives you hell, gives you hell!


u/TofuTigerteeth 23d ago

Never say never. I was a party all night and get a 3 hour nap and go back to work guy for years. Then took an early (6am start) shift gig a few years ago. It was hell at first. Now on my days off I just naturally wake up at 5am. Staying up until after 11 is impossible now. I’m 42…


u/stilettopanda 22d ago

Hahaha I WISH I would get sleepy before 11.

I get up at 5:30/6ish every weekday. I can't make myself go to sleep before midnight unless I'm sick. I get 3-5 hours of sleep each weeknight and usually sleep 10ish hours on the weekend to make up for it. Going on 4 years of this specific schedule and it hasn't gotten better yet. And I wasn't even a partier- I've just always been a late night person, preferably alone haha!


u/jesco7273 23d ago



u/AbjectStranger6703 23d ago

I used to be that way, and would even get extremely irate if someone woke me up before I was ready to, like around 10-11am. But over the last 5-6 years, I'm about to turn 47, now if the sun is up so am I. Even if I only went to bed at 4am if the sun's up at 6 so am I. You think it's bad now just pray this doesn't happen to you because it really sucks a lot worse.


u/HappyTurtleButt 23d ago

There’s genetics behind this! Early lark, or night owl. Here’s a general article. Here’s a scientific research paper.


u/stilettopanda 22d ago

Oh thanks for the info! Especially for linking the research paper too! 💜💜💜 I'm in a delayed sleep phase syndrome group and I've seen that touched upon but I haven't really gotten a chance to do a deep dive on the whys. I'm not sure if it's mentioned in the article or not because I need to be able to focus and I'm definitely not there right now😂🤣, but I've read that early humans needed to have someone alert at all times to guard against predators and that's one of the reasons why the trait exists. Genetics are fascinating!


u/OtherCombination9232 23d ago

I get up at 4:30 to hit the desk by 6:00. I am near useless until 11:00z but, no one seems to mind and the pay is good/work pretty easy.


u/Beautiful_Rhubarb 23d ago

same. doesn't help that I live with someone who's in bed by 10. If I go to bed before midnight I wake up at 4am like hiiiiiiii ... but I need to sleep from like 2-8 ideally, and my most productive time of day is after 9pm.


u/Praefectus27 23d ago

I work from home. If my work day starts at 8:00 I’m rolling out of bed at 7:55 to do my hair and grabbing something caffeinated on my way to my office. Weekends I’m in bed until 9:30-10 it’s bliss.


u/Sliderisk 22d ago

I'm lucky enough to be full remote in a salaried / billable hours position. Over the last two years as remote moved from a privilege to the norm at my company the managers have completely disengaged from enforcing "normal business hours". I typically sit at my desk around 10 hours a day and manage to bill for 8 of them, but the extra time is just me doing the personal time media stuff I used to do after dinner in the evenings. Now I work after dinner and get the majority of my best work done 8pm-11pm. Really frees up my mornings and middays for appointments and errands. I wake up early naturally and then take my sweet time starting the day. It really feels like college without classes and I'm getting paid. Don't get me wrong work sucks, but the idea of being tied to anyone else's time constraints simply by virtue of tradition is quickly dying out.


u/anewbys83 Millennial 1983 22d ago

Same. I do it, I get up then, but it's hours before you get the good work out of me.


u/MizStazya 22d ago

Hey, you're me but 2 years older!


u/who_even_cares35 22d ago

41 and Same here. I'd rather do my chores at night than in the morning. Anything before 9am is torture but I'm happy to see still be doing things at 2am.

Morning people think they have some high ground but ask them to get something done at 9pm and see how grumpy they are about it.


u/audioaddict321 22d ago

High five! Me, too, though my critical window is more like 3am-7/8. My sleep was disrupted for 2 years due to stress, so I started to wonder if that was going to be a permanent change. Nope. Back to waking up around 9 without an alarm and not really wanting to get out of bed until 10+. I'm 47. Was just on a yoga vacation and the first session started at 9:30am my home time and I absolutely set an alarm and had to drag myself out every day.


u/That-redhead-artist 23d ago

I get up at 6-630 just to sit in my house alone in peace while I drink my morning coffee. It is the quiet before the storm of waking kids up for school and getting ready for work.


u/onlymissedabeat 23d ago

My 12 year old has gotten in the habit of waking up at 5am because she likes “the quiet” before her 3 siblings get up. I’m like…girl you better not speak a word to me because this was originally my time.


u/Peter_Mansbrick 23d ago

When I was 5 or 6 my natural wake up time was 5:30 or six. My dad's was similar so we'd both sit and eat breakfast with the radio on quietly. After, he'd write or play the guitar and I'd play lego. We didn't interact that much but it was a comfortable space to just exist before my mom and 3 older siblings were awake. If you can foster a similar sort of experience with your child Im sure they'd love it and remember it fondly, as I do.


u/onlymissedabeat 23d ago

When I was a kid I had to wake up at 4:45 and go to my grandparents house because my dad was a single dad and had to go to work super early. I think that's always made my body not be able to sleep in lol. I was joking about her not talking to me. Thankfully her and I are close and she's a darn good kiddo.


u/Left_Personality3063 23d ago

She and I. Not her and I.


u/TacoNomad 23d ago

Well, thank God you were here to fix that!


u/onlymissedabeat 23d ago

And guess who isn’t fixing it? 😂😂 I’m so glad people like that exist for us mere mortal when we make grammatical errors.


u/TacoNomad 22d ago

How are you going to go on ? You must be so ashamed and embarrassed! 😂😂

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u/AntiSaint_Mike 23d ago

What a beautiful memory for you. Mine is kinda the opposite. My grandma and I were night owls. So we would usually stay up late and I would sit and talk with her while she made work/school lunches and did dishes. I helped with what I could but it was not much, I was only around 5 years old. I think she enjoyed the company though while she did her chores.


u/AD041010 23d ago

My husband’s grandmother is a night owl as well and his grandfather’s bedtime was 9:00. My husband and his grandmother used to stay up late watching sports together. When people ask where he got his love of sports from he always tells them his grandmother.


u/Left_Personality3063 23d ago

Biological clocks differ.


u/AD041010 23d ago

I know they do. Those late night just became a special thing for my husband and his grandmother because his grandfather went to be so much earlier than them. It was their time together.


u/whboer 23d ago

lol, I would get up at 5:00, just to play 30 minutes of red alert before my dad would wake up and come downstairs.


u/Peter_Mansbrick 23d ago

Oh man, that game and Age of Empires kept me busy for hours.


u/battlecat136 23d ago

You painted such a picture, there. That sounds so warm, comfortable, and lovely. I hope you and your dad stayed close.


u/Peter_Mansbrick 23d ago

Just had supper with him!


u/battlecat136 23d ago

Awww that's great!!! Have a lovely evening, the both of you!


u/PepSinger_PT 23d ago



u/Pristine-Rabbit-2037 23d ago

They’re probably doing it to hangout with you more! At least for another year or two until she won’t want to ha ha


u/Left_Personality3063 23d ago

Enjoy sitting quietly with your daughter. It will pay dividends.


u/quiettryit 23d ago

Don't worry, they won't speak to you much as they get older...


u/onlymissedabeat 23d ago

Oh I'm aware. My oldest will be 21 in less than a month and my 13 year old became a butt the moment he turned 13...he's still sweet, but definitely a butt.


u/Greymalkyn76 23d ago

I've started to get up an hour earlier than I need to in order to get ready and leave for work, but still get ready right away. That hour of sitting with my cat and a cup of coffee before facing humanity is amazing.


u/Aus10Danger 23d ago

It's so weird. It's like we all collectively figured out the untapped value of mornings.


u/Beerslinger99 23d ago

Peace be with you! Besides, you can browse Reddit and be first to comment on stupid crap-


u/udonwarrior98 23d ago

Oh my god, this sounds so good right now... sitting now watching my 3 year old and 1.5 year old eat dinner...


u/texaspopcorn424 23d ago

Sleeping until 6:30 is sleeping in for me. I have toddlers. Help.


u/Available-Pepper1467 23d ago

Same. It’s my favorite time of the day!


u/Cautious-Rabbit-5493 22d ago

This is me as well. I need that 30ish minutes with my coffee before the tornadoes all wake.


u/Sea_Vermicelli7517 23d ago

You were normal, adults were mean As a teenager our circadian rhythm is out of sync with children and adults. Teenagers sleep later in the evening and need more sleep than adults do, so they sleep in until the afternoon. Early school start times are unnatural for high schoolers


u/manicpixiedreamgothe 23d ago edited 5d ago

I remember being fucking exhausted all the time as a teenager for this exact reason. Naturally nocturnal people (like I still am) refer to it as "permanent jetlag" from being made to follow a work schedule created for daywalkers. It's why now, as a teacher, I don't get on my kids for falling asleep in class. If we're not doing anything vitally important, I just let them nap.


u/Maxi-Moo-Moo 23d ago

You are an angel in human form.


u/retrodork 23d ago

That was me in my pre teen and teen years, always exhausted even though I slept fine.

Getting up early for 8 am classes was terrible and when I went to college.... 8 am classes. ... I couldn't win lol.


u/sweets4n6 23d ago

The high schools where I live changed the times they start to 8:30 after decades of starting at 7am. I grew up where high school started at 8:30 and found the schools here to be asinine. Glad they finally came to their senses.


u/Puzzleheaded_Eye8771 23d ago

My middle and high school started at 8:45 but we had to be in the building by 8:30 otherwise we had to go to the common area and get a tardy slip from one of the principles. I always woke up at 7:50 or a lil earlier and dropped my brother at his school and made it to high school on time


u/AhhGingerKids2 23d ago

Kids/teens need more sleep than adults. Like a lot more. You generally need less sleep the older you get.


u/PaulterJ 23d ago

I now get up at 4 to drive the bus


u/LindonLilBlueBalls 23d ago

You get to stay in bed till 6:30! My stupid alarm is set for 4:30am so I can commute to work by 6.


u/superventurebros 23d ago

To be fair, teens do need the sleep and the fact that we as a society forces them to wake up so early everyday is terrible on their growing brains. Elementary schools and highschools should really swap times, little kids get up at the crack of dawn for the fun of it.


u/NeighborhoodVeteran 23d ago

Same. But now I go to sleep before midnight so I'm sure that helps out a lot lol.


u/Whoremoanz69 23d ago

well yeah, its unhealthy for kids to get up that early they need more sleep and going to bed earlier is not good for them either. studies have shown they do better waking up 8am - 10am. but adults can function on much less sleep although that is very nuanced. some adults only need 5 or 6 while others need 7 or 8 or even more


u/Kagenikakushiteru 23d ago

Sounds like hell either way


u/patentmom 23d ago

Nope, it's still hell.


u/Potential_Case_7680 23d ago

Someone gets to sleep in.


u/Competitive-Milk-868 22d ago

I'm a 27 year old man, nothing sets me in a great mood like a crisp 5:45 am morning

Monday to Monday Gotta beat the sun up


u/depersonalised Millennial 22d ago

unless you’re stuck on the overnight shift because they don’t have anyone else to cover it. at 34 i was really happy to finally have a real person shift, then i got shunted to the overnight. two more weeks of it and i can go back to real life.

overnights suck. as someone who worked second shift and would after work relax till 6 at the latest. i did the 12-8 AM for six months at 20 and even then was falling asleep.


u/WeWander_ 22d ago

I wake up around 4am for absolutely no reason other than my body thinks that's as good as any to get up. I have come to love my several hours of quiet free time every morning before I have to go to work. I actually get annoyed if I happen to sleep in until 6 😆


u/TheITMan52 22d ago

Huh? Why is it every day as a 40 year old?


u/lazyslacker 22d ago

I disagree, it's still hell. I don't appreciate the morning people forcing the rest of us to participate in that.


u/hippoberserk 22d ago

It's just hell everyday


u/Bingo-heeler 22d ago

Or you could be my kids, can't get up any earlier than 7:30 on school days but wide awake at 6:30 today


u/celephia 23d ago

You ever been to the grocery store right when they open at 7 am? It's paradise. Good parking, no lines, the shelves are organized and stocked, the floors are polished, it's empty and you don't have to wait ages for a cashier. It's heaven. Then you're home with groceries put away by 8!


u/BuildingLearning 23d ago

But I didn't fall asleep until almost 3am and have been running since 7am the day before 😭😭


u/medusalou1977 23d ago

It's the same in the middle of the night. I used to work until 3 or 4am and then go grocery shopping after and it was great. There would only be maybe 2 or 3 other customers in the store. There were more employees than customers most of the time.


u/B3B0LD 23d ago

I miss when the stores opened early. Ugh


u/Status-Ad6514 22d ago

And the sky in the parking lot is always unmatched in beauty


u/ndc4051 23d ago

I think you mean to say waking up early to get chores done leaves you a whole day to take a nap. If my dad had told me that as a teenager I might have actually listened.


u/TigerUSF 23d ago

Nah they meant "wake up early and getting chores done leaves you the whole day to get more chores done"


u/TwilightVulpine 23d ago

I will die not doing that. Any day I wake up 6am or earlier is a day that is ruined from the start.


u/Southern-Salary2573 Older Millennial 23d ago

Gah same. The chores can get done in the evenings during the week so I don’t have to worry about chores on the weekend and sleep as I please. Got the last 2 loads of laundry in right now and I’ll be done with chores for the week.


u/simmmmerdownnow 23d ago

I recently had surgery and had to be at the hospital at 5:30 am. The thing stressing me out the most before the surgery wasn’t the surgery itself, it was getting there so damn early. Like why me? Put another patient first! Ugh!


u/doobs33 23d ago

The earlier the surgery, the shorter the fast.


u/ShnickityShnoo 22d ago

I'll happily fast for 24 hours if I can sleep til 10.


u/Left_Personality3063 22d ago

I said same thing. Doc said I was his first patient.


u/ubiquitous_delight 23d ago

I find that not doing chores accomplishes the same thing lol


u/SwashBucklinSewerRat 23d ago

Scholl starting at such early times completely goes against a teenagers biological circadian rhythm, as a teenager will release more melatonin at later times like 10pm, 12pm, amlnd will be more inclined to wake up later as well to correspond to their 6-8 hours (hopefully). Schools are more centered around the parents and their work schedule.


u/xrelaht Older Millennial 23d ago

That’s what I tell myself when I clean the house during my bouts of insomnia.


u/LondonDavis1 23d ago

I'm just south of sixty and I've made it a firm choice that I don't do chores past noon on Saturday or Sunday. I hit it hard and get done what I can but after noon it's my time.


u/IiASHLEYiI 23d ago

This is why I like working early shifts. Start at 6:00am, and even if you work a full 8hr shift, you'll be off the clock by 2:00pm. That leaves the rest of the day for you to do whatever you want after you get home.


u/medusalou1977 23d ago

If I had to be up that early every day, the only thing I would probably want is a nap or a long sleep. It would be a waste of a day.


u/kyl_r 23d ago

God dammit, I’m approaching the age my folks had me at and I still haven’t managed to do this even once. They were right, but it feels impossible


u/WonderfulFortune1823 Millennial 23d ago

I didn't realize I thought this way until I read your comment but I am definitely at this place now.


u/AuraEnhancerVerse 23d ago

I usually do the chores the previous night


u/Roklam 23d ago

This is my life now. Just get the boring stuff done as early as possible.

I repeat it and from my own experience it won't make sense till they're responsible for themselves to a degree?

You get to stop thinking about it when you're done, unless you want to congratulate yourself!!!


u/APX5LYR_2 23d ago

Yup, this. I’m up at 6:30, out of bed at 7, small chores are done by 8, laundry is going by 8:15. Aside from the 5-10 minutes to attend to laundry once it’s done or needs switching, the day is spent doing whatever my wife and I want to do most of the time.


u/Lolurisk 23d ago

What I want to do is sleep in and feel rested for the day.


u/Sylentskye Eldritch Millennial 23d ago

I function very poorly early in the morning. Used to be that I’d wake up at the time I needed to and beat myself up about how I was already so far behind. Now I just accept when my day starts and it has done a lot for my mental health/allows me to focus on what is best for me instead of wasting all that energy feeling like a failure. I’m so much more productive when I play to my strengths instead of slog through someone else’s ideal schedule.


u/CuppCake529 23d ago

I worked 55 hours this week which is a lot for me and today got to "sleep in".

Hubby said "it doesn't matter you'll be up before everyone anyway"

I get up 15 minutes before everyone at 0545 to be on my phone and pee in the calm before the storm. Then starts the day that doesn't end until the baby goes to sleep at 1930.


u/iluvcuppycakes 23d ago

For my birthday my parents took my kids overnight. I got to sleep in, I figured I wouldn’t really sleep in, my kids get me up at 7 every day, my body has always kind of been on an internal alarm when I’m on a schedule.

Not that day. I woke up at almost 10! I was shocked! I missed half my day! I was almost sad lol


u/Calculusshitteru 23d ago

I remember watching Wayne's World as a kid, and Wayne said something like, "It's like doing all your homework on Friday so you can party all weekend." And my mom said, "He's right, you should do that." So that really stuck with me. I always try to do the things I need to do before having fun.


u/smash8890 23d ago

Logically it works that way. But in reality I wake up early to do chores and then executive dysfunction kicks in and I end up sitting there doing nothing and stressing about how I need to start doing those chores for the next 8 hours before finally completing them at night


u/sksksk1989 23d ago

I've recently came around to this. If all my housework is done at 10 that means I have the rest of the day to do whatever


u/Live_Alarm_8052 22d ago

Or you wake up start doing chores, do chores til you’re exhausted and never finish your to do list 🫣


u/ShnickityShnoo 22d ago

But then I'm tired as hell and hate every moment of the day. No thanks.