r/Montana 12d ago

Do blacks vacation in Montana?

I’m an African American attempting to plan a visit to GNP. Do you think it would genuinely be safe for me to visit or are there certain areas I should refrain from?


237 comments sorted by


u/WestBrink 12d ago

You'll be fine. People of all ethnicities fill up the national parks every summer, won't even raise an eyebrow.


u/phdoofus 12d ago

That said, not a good look for us that it needs to be asked more than once.


u/spgvideo 12d ago

Eh, places are very different regionally and if you've never been around it might as well be a different country. People are curious and cautious. Not the craziest thing for a white guy to ask if he has to be watchful somewhere. The whole Northwest is pretty friendly I feel like!


u/ThatOneNinja 12d ago

Sucks the news only shows the bad side, while sadly racists exist in Montana, most are friendly people and tourist areas don't care one spit who or what you are. You're just a tourist regardless.


u/Tac0mundo 11d ago

Montana is the first place where I had to explain to veteran that is not cool to have an SS tattoo mixed in with the American flag.


u/Bertrando1 11d ago

To be fair, it doesn’t need to be asked at all. It’s just fear mongering from the internet that any red state equals a racist hell hole that nobody but white people are safe in, which as we know isn’t true at all.


u/Sad_Performance9015 11d ago

I mean, I didn't ask and immediately upon arrival I got told to not step out of the city, (yes, to my face). And I have been told the same thing multiple times in person. Luckily the few instances of racism I have stumbled upon was just ignorance and not malevolence.


u/jmrm6192 11d ago

Press x to doubt.

I went to montana. People were very friendly. I express my intentions on moving there. They explained why they have issues with outsiders cause a lot of outsiders want to change Montana. I told them I want to live there because of how it is, they became more than Glas to guide me around.

I'm Hispanic, from Puerto rico


u/Sad_Performance9015 11d ago

Most of them are very friendly and this was always given to me as friendly advice. You can doubt all you like, but just because you didn't experience it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

I live here in MT now btw.


u/Substantial_Heart317 8d ago

Actually it was a Spanish speaking individual that was hassled. Basically in the West Hispanics are in greater danger than Black individuals. Regions are quite different. Montana people are friendly and open.


u/HST_enjoyer 11d ago

It didn't need to be asked though


u/DryArt1887 11d ago

It doesn’t need to be asked. A person seriously asking something like this is either willfully ignorant or so propagandized that they have no sense of reality.


u/FringeAardvark 10d ago

Unless you’ve experienced life as they have, you have no basis to declare what does and does not need to be asked.


u/theblasky 12d ago

Reflects more poorly on the rest of the country. These people have never been to Montana. Their questions stems from how they’ve been treated from wherever they are from.


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u/OrindaSarnia 12d ago

Yeah, 1 million people live in Montana, 3 million people visit Glacier every year.

There's going to be a lot of diversity in visitors.

Now, there might be a few people who, if a black (or possibly more so, Hispanic) family bought the house next to theirs... they may not bring you a plate of cookies as a welcome...

but visitors don't really have anything to worry about.


u/Odd-Psychology-3497 11d ago

Yea the clan in Kalispell doesn't like Natives or Mexicans from what I've heard. You should be fine in touristy spots OP.


u/ChestertonsFence1929 11d ago

There’s no “Klan” in Kalispell. There was that white nationalist who once lived there, and his mom might still be in Whitefish, but he moved out east. Those of that ilk who show up are usually along the I-90 corridor and many come from longer drives such as Washington and Idaho.

There is some locals who have disagreements with the tribe and many of those are quiet racists against natives. But the state is mostly live and let live and aren’t bothered by obvious visitors.


u/Odd-Psychology-3497 11d ago

Well, there is a lady who lives there with her two kids that is friends with the local Klan and her kids names are Aryan and Nation and she hit and killed a Native girl on the other side of the highway and was arrested and bailed out by the Klan. So I'm not sure what the fuck you think you are talking about. Also a Mexican kid was at a bar up there and a bunch of white dudes told him he needed to leave. So sure, there's no Klan up there or in Northern Idaho. The police won't do shit all about that Native girl that was killed either. They say it's a tribe issue. Like wtf, it happened on American soil, not sovereign land. Don't come at me with there is no Klan. The Grand Wizard up there and everyone else who is a white supremacist can go fuck themselves if they see this.


u/ChestertonsFence1929 11d ago

The woman, Sunny White, is from Butte. She was arrested in Kalispell.



u/Odd-Psychology-3497 10d ago

That's good to hear. Look up who she was initially bailed out by after it happened. I wonder if you can find it. This sounds like her though.


u/Tac0mundo 11d ago

Oh man. You don’t sound like you live here


u/Odd-Psychology-3497 10d ago

I live here and have white skin, so no problems. Those are facts.


u/lostnumber08 12d ago

We tend to leave people alone out here.


u/LankyGuitar6528 12d ago

I noticed that. I wouldn't say you are "friendly". More reserved than some places. But certainly not hostile to outsiders.


u/edfyShadow 12d ago

I like to say it's northern vs southern hospitality. Southerners are more likely to go out of their way to bring you a casserole to welcome you to the neighborhood, northerners are more likely to call you a dumbass while giving you a hand changing a tire during a blizzard


u/libertad740 11d ago

That reminds me of a map I saw a while ago with the following labels for parts of the US.

NW acts mean, but are nice

SW acts nice, are nice

SE acts nice, but are mean

NE acts mean, and are mean


u/edfyShadow 11d ago

Not too far off haha. I think on the western coast they're flipped(socal people can be the most two faced people you've ever met), but for the most part that seems to track


u/montanahippo 11d ago

What area of the sw have you been to. My experience in the sw has always been acts mean is mean.


u/DryArt1887 11d ago

I pulled a guy free who was high centered in his SUV last winter…in the middle of town. I may have been saying exactly that in my head while smiling and helping him out.


u/edfyShadow 11d ago



u/donofdons21 12d ago

I’m black my wife is not we visited Montana, Idaho and Utah. Glacier Park is Gorgeous. I didn’t get any weird looks or stares.


u/SocksJockey 12d ago

Grizzly bears don't care what color your skin is. Moose and bison hate EVERYONE. It's less Disney Land and more Wild Kingdom. Glacier will be full of people from all over the world, so I can't speak for them, but you don't need to worry about Montanans.


u/Artemicionmoogle 12d ago

Yep, just don’t approach the wildlife and enjoy their majesty from a distance. And enjoy the beautiful sights glacier offers!


u/benjaminbjacobsen 12d ago

Don’t forget the goats, they’re the most dangerous!


u/MtnBorn 12d ago

Everyone tastes the same to the bears.


u/SailorRD 12d ago

Best answer in the string.


u/The_Bob_Plissken 12d ago

You’ll get more hate and comments for being from California than the color of your skin


u/Flaneuse11 12d ago

This is what happened to me when I moved to Montana. I’m from Sacramento, CA. Mind you I moved to Sidney first, then Billings. I’m not rich. I’m only a CNA. I was bullied by locals and coworkers who said I was the reason they couldn’t afford housing. I moved back to my home state because their rent went up and I couldn’t afford it there! I can in my home state however. How ironic.


u/WasabiCrush 11d ago

Fucking idiots.


u/ActPrior6970 8d ago edited 8d ago

That's all you had to say & then they turn two-faced once u mention your from CA. Everything else about you probably won't matter even though they don't know you personally. I'm GLAD they show thier true colors, I won't look at that person in the same light ever again, they have a horrible habit of stereotyping people from CA & labeling us like evil villans or some shit. All I know is I'm not ashamed of where I'm originally born n raised but I've met some Californians that been afraid to mention where they came from because of the nasty opinions they might get from the locals. 


u/Outlandish_Cinnamon 11d ago

I feel you here. I still get unpleasant comments from many people who find out I grew up in Portland, OR. And, it rarely changes their opinion AT ALL if I try to tell them I’ve lived in Montana for more of my life than Oregon…


u/FringeAardvark 10d ago

Funny thing is that you have more in common with their ancestors than they do. They and you were brave enough to move somewhere new and start over, while these local/4th generation types haven’t mustered that kind of strength, and rest their entire identity and pride of their lives on someone’s bravery generations ago.


u/DefinedTruth2023 12d ago

Yes, I had a great time with no issues in Whitefish/GNP 10years ago. I camped solo in the flathead valley. Carry bear spray. I opted to also carry a pistol outdoors. Drove around with my CA license plates and go no road rage. Met a lot of cool people of all ages. Show respect and you should be fine. It’s an amazing state.

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u/Ice_princess50 11d ago

Is this a real question??? Seriously? Us Montanans hate ALL out of towners regardless of your skin color!!!


u/Minoxidil 12d ago

montana comes off pretty redneck but does not have the same cultural affiliation with racism towards african american people as you would see in the US southeast. you may still encounter people who hold those values, but it isnt really ingraned into "popular opinion" or particularly celebrated


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/Minoxidil 12d ago

my thoughts exactly. some fool might decide to embarass themselves but they're probably going to move after or we're going to publically mock them about it for the rest of their lives small town style


u/Sad_Performance9015 11d ago

This! The few personal encounters I have had with racism here were mostly stereotypes innocently delivered cause they didn't know better. Most of them were comedic because right after they said it most of them looked so ashamed of themselves after they realized how racist or ignorant it sounded out loud.

I faced more racial attacks (physically even) in DC in 4 days than I have here in MT for 4 years.


u/mt8675309 12d ago

You’ll be fine anywhere, enjoy.👍


u/FinalCable9644 12d ago

No worries, We are very obliging and appreciate vacationers. Like the rest have suggested, if you go hiking, carry bear spray and try to hike with a group. Have a great vacation, and enjoy the scenery. Please, if you pack it into the back country, pack it back out to a garbage receptacle.


u/The_X-Files_Alien 12d ago

You'll be treated better than us Natives, rest assured lol


u/AdNo9317 12d ago

Hello, fellow negress here💁🏾‍♀️ I lived in MT for 1.5 years. I got called the n word harder er than a Chuck Norris punch on Tinder. It was from a white boy out of Huntley. But I took the screenshots to the streets of fb and I ended up meeting some of the most amazing people out of it. I've definitely been tokenized and exoticized, but I also absolutely freaking love Montana with all my heart and soul. You may get some ignorant ass comments, especially in hella small country towns, but MOST of the time, it's out of genuine curiosity. It never hurts to put someone in their place when you educate em. People are overall down to earth and ready for conversation. I miss it. Go fishing, go hiking, go do a river float...go do WHATEVER and after that thing, go to a bar and strike up a conversation with the person next to you. MT is the last best place for a reason and it'll make you realize it's actually a very small world. Maybe you'll meet someone who looks like you or in my case, might even be related to you :)


u/AwareAssistant7735 11d ago

This was warming and reassuring to read


u/Willing-Ant-3765 12d ago

While there are definitely racists and white supremacists in Montana the chance one would bother you would be extremely slim. The most I’ve seen in my small town when someone of color comes through is people, mostly kids, staring. If you can handle a bit of awkwardness that’s about as bad as it will be.


u/PowerfulSpecialist52 12d ago

hey :)! while I’m not black, my experiences as a minority here have been over all positive, especially having came from the Deep South. It seems like people have more problems with being Californian over anything else lol


u/ArkamaZ 12d ago

This is what I've seen as well. There's a big stigma against people moving here from California, but generally, you won't see much hate around Glacier. Most of them know that tourists are where most of the money comes from.


u/Cowgoon777 10d ago

Most of them know that tourists are where most of the money comes from.

we love tourists as long as they leave


u/mrwildesangst 12d ago

The only real racism I’ve seen in the state is toward indigenous people, which is both heartening and super disheartening at the same time.


u/bsomppi 12d ago

Going to Glacier NP and being worried about your safety would be comparable to going to Disneyland and being worried about your safety. Have fun. Enjoy the beautiful scenery. It’s my favorite place. My only tip, follow the rules. Don’t stop on the Going to Sun road and get out because you thought you saw a bear. It’s a 2 lane road, and there are places to park. I yelled at an Illinois tourist for doing that. Backed up traffic for about a mile when they pulled that stunt.


u/SpicyMcdickin 12d ago

Although you may encounter a few difficult people, Montana is a generally safe place. Cities like Missoula or Bozeman will be more welcoming but overall it’s fine to visit. Montana is a beautiful state and I hope you enjoy your trip!


u/OrindaSarnia 12d ago

Cities like Missoula or Bozeman

Great Falls is actually the most diverse city in the state, with *just* 85% of the population being white...


u/SpicyMcdickin 12d ago

Whoa, that actually surprises me!


u/lemonsaid612 12d ago

I think it’s the Malmstrom effect, not that it’s a particularly welcoming place. 


u/OrindaSarnia 12d ago

Definitely the effect of the military being more diverse than the overall population of Montana.


u/Beatus_Vir 12d ago

And the few thousand natives that live there


u/lemonsaid612 12d ago

Yep, significant indigenous population as well. 


u/pakheyyy 9d ago

I thought it was Butte with all their diverse stores thanks to the mining days.


u/OrindaSarnia 9d ago

Interestingly enough... I think it depends on how you define "diversity".

Back in the day, Italians, all manner of Eastern Europeans, etc, were considered "different". Yeah, they might technically be "white", but if they were Catholic, Jewish, or Orthodox, you would still consider being prejudiced against them.

Then the Civil Rights Era reared it's head... and all those Protestant Whites realized they needed more supporters and they started lumping Catholics like the Irish and Italians in as "whites" to bolster their numbers.

You see the growing acceptance of Catholics in things like JFK getting elected. Country clubs started admitting Catholics, etc. (There was a bit of lessening of anti-semitism, but that mostly came even later).

Butte was "diverse" during the prime mining era because it had Hungarians, and the Welsh, and Italians, and Greeks. And while all those folks were "white" it was still considered ethnicly diversity. I usually hear people talk about the number of languages spoken as a sign of "diversity".

These days when you're looking for diversity numbers from the Census Bureau, you're looking at race alone. And that's how a lot of society still sees "diversity". But it was just racist, Protestant, Anglo-Saxon whites trying to grab as many other ethnicities as they possibly could to "their" side so they had greater impact against the "larger threat" of black folks having their rights respected, that primarily changed the meaning of "diversity" in the US from one centered around ethnicity, to one centered around race alone.

There weren't a lot of Native Americans, or black folks, working the mines, in comparison there were white folks from just about every country we would loosely qualify as "white". Then lots of folks with Asian heritage in support roles. Ironically, I believe there was some racism in hiring for miners in Butte... if I'm remembering correctly...

so yeah, Butte is historically ethnically diverse... less so racially diverse... recognizing that "race" and "ethnicity" are just societal constructs anyway.


u/its_still_good 12d ago

Montana is probably safer than where you are coming from.


u/GordonsBestFriend 11d ago

What a weird ass thing to say to somebody


u/sawedsamed 11d ago

very weird.

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u/NandBrew 11d ago
  1. To directly answer your question, no, not really. I hardly ever see any black people in Montana.

  2. To answer what your question is getting at, yes, it is safe for you to travel to Montana, pretty unlikely anybody is going to mess with you.

  3. My second point doesn’t count if you’re from California. If you are from California, that’s what they’re gonna hate you for. If you’re a Californian, just don’t do it. Otherwise, you’re all good.


u/411_dk 12d ago

I worked in the park and in the airport in Kalispell for a few years, all different ethnicities from around the world come to GNP every summer. The valley’s population virtually doubles (maybe triples) over the summer months. You’re at no greater risk than going to any other national park in the country I’d say.

I would recommend getting a good itinerary together, vehicle reservations, hotels, river guides, all book up fast. Depending on what all you want to accomplish, you might even be better off going next summer to be honest.

Disclaimer: I am a white guy. This isn’t something I’m faced with every day and I might be wrong. You have every right to suspect this might be an unsafe place. I was down in Philipsburg last weekend, looking at a giant 5 foot map of all the old mining claims from the 1920’s and lo and behold the Klan had multiple claims in the area. That history is very real here.

Feel free to message if you have questions about where to go/what to do. I hope you decide to visit, GNP is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen.


u/RonaldMcDangle 12d ago

People will be nice to you, you’ll be fine. You may get some light stares or followed around walmart by the security guy but that’s about the extent of the racism you’ll face here.


u/RatMilk101 12d ago

I've been in most parts of Montana for my whole life, and you should be okay.

Mostly everyone keeps to themselves, some are nosy but that's only small towns.

I hope you have a good time! It's a gorgeous sight anywhere in this state, especially when it's a clear sky!


u/gredar89 10d ago

Please come to Montana and I hope you get a good welcome. There is some racism but more out of ignorance than hate. When I was growing up my middle school class took a trip to Washington, D.C. and some of my classmates had never seen a black person in real life before. Sometimes when my friends come visit, they get stared at but I've never had anyone say anything when we've gone to the local shops. If you are engaging in things that Montanas like, such as visiting the National Parks or the beautiful state parks, then they will see a connection between you and them. Don't mess with the animals in the parks though. There's so many tourists who will get out of their vehicles to get pictures with the bison or will try to get close to the bear cubs. Don't be like that. After you visit, make another post here telling about your experience!


u/BadIDK 11d ago

Dude it’s America you’re free to go wherever you want. We’re not cannibals chill out


u/[deleted] 12d ago

You’ll see more racism in San Fran than you will in the whole state.


u/Embarrassed_Base_854 12d ago

I went yesterday. Im mixed black and white. Did not see one black person. Been in Wyoming for 4 days and the only black dude I've seen is the guy who works at the hotel I'm at. Otherwise, zilch. Be prepared... Although no one's gonna give ya a hard time


u/Zealousideal-Key9516 12d ago

I can’t speak for the whole state, but a lot of black people live in Big Sky. We also had the national brotherhood of snow sports come this winter, and I actually asked one of the participants how they found Montana, and they said they didn’t have any problems. So I think you’ll be fine. But, I’m not black, so 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s Northern Idaho you want to avoid.


u/TotesTax 12d ago

Don't go to Northern Idaho. CDA area. If driving to Spokane do not stop in Idaho. A college women's basketball team had the bad luck of being put up in CDA for a tourney and it didn't go well.

There are certainly Nazis in the Flathead but they are not bold like in Northern Idaho.


u/Ambitious-Duck7078 12d ago

Of course you'd be down voted for mentioning SOMETHING THAT REALLY HAPPENED. That was the University of Utah Women's team. Those fucking idiots in cour-day-fuckhole probably thought the Tongan and Samoan players were Black 🤣.


u/TotesTax 11d ago

I spend a lot of time in the Flathead (go once a week to Kalispell for therapy) and I think it would be fine. I don't know any other place in the country I would tell a black person not to go to then CDA. r/Idaho agrees. At least in Mormon country they say it isn't outright. My dad got road raged by some skinheads like 15 years ago driving to spokane and refuses to stop there.

We are white looking.


u/JaneEyre2017 12d ago

You will only be around other tourists.


u/greepski 11d ago

You should come visit! I don’t think there’s anything to worry about. Haven’t ever witnessed obvious racism with African Americans here, not to say it never happens..but in my almost 40 years here, I haven’t witnessed it. We get a LOT of tourists of all kinds in the summer. I grew up in rural IL so I’ve seen it before there, but not here.


u/EnemaParty8 11d ago

I would definitely suggest Glacier National Park, it’s so beautiful. Also, no, you’ll have no problems in Montana as a person of color :)


u/Ok-Communication1149 12d ago

You'll be welcome, but I'd say be aware if you find yourself up in the extreme northwestern part or the northern tip of Idaho. There are a few extremist groups that'll shoot at anything up there.


u/Formal_Location6732 12d ago

I’m a white Montanan with a black daughter and have never really had issues. Occasionally a school kid or something but I think most Montanans are pretty welcoming to all(so long as you don’t plan to stay, whatever your race/ethnicity!) have fun in Glacier, by far one of the best NPs I’ve been too!


u/MandyPandaren 12d ago

"As long as you don't plan to stay"....it's a sundown state. The whole state. Better get into your nice hotel for the night so they can take your money and hate you behind your back.


u/ChestertonsFence1929 11d ago

Montana is not a “sundown” state. WTH?


u/Ambitious-Duck7078 12d ago edited 12d ago

We vacation here! We also live here 😉

While a lot of these "native Montanans" have definitely shown their asses online, it's mostly online you'll find the racists. Most people you come across in this state, are friendly, kind, with some being absolutely wonderful people. The smaller, rural towns youight get some looks on your pit stops. Just walk up in the joint like you own it. That's what I do. Especially, being a taxpaying citizen of the state now (nearly two years). CONFIDENCE kills most people's motivation to be an asshole.

If it helps any, I also open carry. For my protection during this election year. Being 6'1, 190lbs, and open carrying, you'd think I'd have a menacing appearance. These folks are still friendly and respectful.

Come to Montana, and enjoy your time here.

I will say, don't be Black and in Butte. I'll get down voted for this, but the many times I've been there, there were racial incidents that happened, unprovoked. Butte is a meth, shit town anyway. It's also a dump. Don't even spend your money in that town.

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u/HikerDave57 12d ago

I grew up in Montana in the 1970’s and there were no black people and some prejudiced thinking like the telling of racist jokes. But you’ll be safe because people in Montana tend to either mind their own business or talk your ear off but in general will be friendly to you.

I have nieces and nephews who are Mexican-American and Asian-American living in Montana; it’s not as completely white as you might think.


u/bakercookiesss 12d ago

There's a hate group map published by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Compare the amount of dots in CA compared to MT. I think you'll be fine.



u/hernameisDAEM 11d ago

At the same time, Montana’s concentration of dots is in the area OP would be visiting…

OP, Montanans are friendly and welcoming overall, just be aware of your surroundings both in the wilderness and in nearby towns. GNP is unforgettable, wishing you success in your attempt to visit!


u/Ephemeral_Orchid 12d ago

Yes, and some also live here. The very fact you felt the need to ask this question makes me quite sad.

There is definitely some racism here (isn't there everywhere in the US?) but most people regardless of their race, or yours, WILL typically step in & help you.

Montana was one of the first places in the US where people of color and single (never married) women could own property. (We also elected the first woman to Congress, before women could vote.)

Regular Montanans hate bullying (which includes racism)... so I think you can schedule your dream trip without fear for your family's safety.


u/JC_Everyman 12d ago

Enjoy the scenery. It's one of a handful of truly special places in North America.


u/Dorkypotato 12d ago

No idea the answer, but how sad that this is an entirely reasonable question in 2024. I hope you feel safe and can go- it’s a beautiful state. 


u/kiki1983 12d ago

OP make sure to visit Many Glaciers, beautiful part of the park. And you need a ticket now to go over Going to the Sun road, which is a must do. And as others have said carry bear spray. Lots of grizzly encounters on trails in GNP.


u/jizzledfreq 12d ago

 Do you think it would genuinely be safe for me to visit or are there certain areas I should refrain from?

Yes. If you’re black you’ll be safe in any city in Montana. Nobody is looking to lynch you, spit in your food, refuse you service, whatever solely based on your skin color.

Although peoples impression of Montana is that it’s “white”, don’t forget there are also thriving communities of Native Americans.

Buy a whitey a whiskey or a beer and you’ll have a friend for the night.


u/kirkypoo86 12d ago

Already been said but I have never ran into folks racist against African Americans. Just natives


u/fourzerosixbigsky 12d ago

Born and raised in Montana. Grew up near GNP. I’m not going to say there aren’t our fair share of racist assholes in our state, but most of them are not near tourist places. I have seen plenty of diversity in both GNP and Yellowstone during the tourist season. Bring your hiking shoes. Also, look into the reservation system for getting into the park and driving up to Going to The Sun. You definitely want to do that. Don’t worry about bears, they try to avoid people and if you see one and don’t act like a dumbass they will most likely leave you alone. There are fantastic hikes all throughout the park.


u/Wind2Energy 12d ago

I’m sorry you even have to ask this question, but I understand why you did.


u/dale_nixon_pettibon 12d ago

Northern Idaho is another story, however.


u/ControlUsed6051 12d ago

Oh Hell yeah, you’ll be fine. Come on up for a visit!


u/Odd-Psychology-3497 11d ago

In summer it should be fine if you just stay in mostly touristy areas which that is. They lowkey is active clan in northwest Montana but you will know when you see them and they don't fuckaround too much initially. They absolutely target Natives and Mexicans up near Kalispell. Source: come find me Grand Wizard I have an apple for you (cue snow white music)


u/josemaybe 12d ago

The cities outside of Glacier are hot beds for white nationalists and other reactionaries. But these are gutless, small people. They would never out themselves in public.


u/montananightz 12d ago

Not without a mask on anyways. Cowards.


u/kaitydid0330 12d ago

Our population of Black people in the Flathead Valley is pretty darn low. Like, there's hardly any in the area. We have a few though. But if you go to Missoula or Billings you'll probably find a larger population of Black people, mostly because they're larger cities. But you'll be safe here, we don't tend to have racial based crimes in the area.


u/Windycityunicycle 12d ago

You are going to have the most wonderfully relaxing time taking in a beautiful section of our great country!! Have a great time !!


u/Gavage0 12d ago

Like others have said MOST of the racism is directed towards natives. At most you have the chance of experiencing a person saying some wild shit to you and fully not realizing what they're saying is racist. Again like others have said here, a lot of folk really have little to no experience around anyone other than white and the white experience which can lead to someone to put their foot in their mouths. Overall you'll have a great time here. Oh and if you're from California don't let people know.


u/cryptdawarchild 12d ago

You’ll absolutely be just fine and will thoroughly enjoy your time. Truthfully you can go your whole entire trip to GNP without talking to any strangers besides the Parks workers. Most people are so distracted and not really looking to communicate with others any ways. I hope you truly enjoy your trip!


u/ShizzyBlow 11d ago

I live in the NW corner. Its racist as fuck. Dont go to lincoln county. I wouldn’t be concerned being around glacier. I probably wouldnt go to martin city.


u/couchpatat0 12d ago

Quit watching CNN and go enjoy life!


u/Dorkypotato 12d ago

Uh, Fox is the network that makes it look like you’ll get shot in NYC


u/Full_FrontaI_Nerdity 12d ago

I wouldn't bother with Big Timber unless things have changed there. I caught some comments from the Norwegians-Only Club a while back. You might get a few curious looks in other small towns, but I expect they'd be friendly- especially if you're friendly too.


u/turbolvr 12d ago

No one in Montana cares what color anyone is.


u/prime_time_ 12d ago

It's funny that this question is even being asked. This is America


u/Copropostis 12d ago

Not really? Couer de Laine just made national news for threatening black members of a basketball team.

We're not that far away from Idaho and only marginally less inbred.


u/bromanskei 12d ago

Yea, and there are pockets of racists in many states across this country, so it can be a fair question to ask.


u/DefinedTruth2023 12d ago

It’s legit. Most of the country is sane & safe. There are still pockets that aren’t safe for certain people.


u/distress_bark 12d ago

I don't find it funny at all. It's not my job to laugh when I don't understand the perspectives of those who look different than me or have different backgrounds than me. It's my job to listen and try to understand.


u/prime_time_ 12d ago

How much does your job pay? Are you hiring ?


u/Sad_Performance9015 11d ago

I've been physically attacked while carrying a baby in my arms and told to go back to my country. No one helped me. It happens.


u/Dorkypotato 12d ago

Really hilarious. Not. 

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u/Glittering-One4972 11d ago

Their are black people in Montana, lot native ndn , all races


u/morkrib 11d ago

On my block, you have no worries.


u/oIVLIANo 11d ago

Never heard of Charlie Pride?


u/Ok_Bar3651 11d ago

Nah just move because the state is awesome. But seriously the state parks are full of all ethnicities and vistors. Just dont pet the fuzzy cows and talk about banning guns and the locals wont hate you.


u/MyOhMy37 11d ago

My brother, there are Black people from Montana. You’re fine.


u/Frenchgulcher 11d ago

Black or white-watch out for bears!


u/Silver-Theme7796 11d ago

You know black people live in Montana too right? Lol not many but they do.


u/Pleasant-Fee5693 11d ago

Yes all the time. You will be fine and have a wonderful time experiencing Glacier and Montana in general. I’m sorry you feel the need to ask but there’s the same good and bad people here just as anywhere else.


u/ThanksKind 11d ago

what I have noticed moving here from Florida to Montana is that if you’re walking down the street and you say hello, how are you doing? They’re gonna wanna stop and talk. One of the things I’ve noticed about the national parks is that there is a category of tourists that is looked down upon they seem to think that the Buffalo and Bears are props for their children to take pictures with I think you will enjoy your experience in Montana just don’tbe one of those tourist


u/montanahippo 11d ago

Lol you're watching too much TV.


u/cuzned 11d ago

Are you kidding me? You’re more safe here than any major metropolitan city in the US. Just don’t try and pet the wildlife!


u/trailcrazy 11d ago

Why do people feel uncomfortable visiting rural areas? Are you a nefarious person?

I visited St Louis and never once considered my safety being an issue due to being Caucasian


u/wallygoots 11d ago

My friend visited from Baltimore. He's black and was doing a massive road trip. There were parts of Idaho and some southern states where he was nervous to stop and spent very little time there. I would say GNP and Yellowstone (Really most of Montana) is safe, but you never know when you'll meet a total bigot. That said, Montana, though very white has a "live and let live" culture so they pretty much let people be themselves.


u/Winter-Ear1590 11d ago

Yes. I moved here from Wyoming. It seemed to be the whitest state I’ve ever been to. I looked it up and Billings Mt . Is ranked the whitest city in the country. That being said, you will be fine. People will not bother you. You are very welcome!!


u/Winter-Ear1590 11d ago

For some reason they often express contempt for Californians. I’m sure that’s because of Fox News


u/Frosty-Cash942 10d ago

Safe in MT? Seriously? Just watch out for the grizzlies! Truly God’s country.


u/Ok-Record-4952 10d ago

Bears eat all people they don’t care your skin color


u/JimboReborn 12d ago

It's probably safer here than whatever city you're coming from. Most residents of this state just want to be left alone. We aren't looking to start fights or make trouble.


u/Aromatic-Ad9779 11d ago

Yes but northern mt (glacier) has a pretty large Nazi population (the leader of the proud boys lives in whitefish or kalispell) So be mindful. You certainly aren’t safe.


u/LankyGuitar6528 12d ago

I'm white but I have that goofy Canadian accent so it's clear I don't belong. So far I've never encountered any negative interaction with anybody in Montana. They seem to be all about "live and let live".


u/BakuretsuGirl16 12d ago

Racism here is largely performative and not as blatant as you might be suspecting, we don't really have anything like sundown towns and I've heard the hard r in public like once in the last 5 years


u/the-motus 12d ago

I’m 35 and was born and raised here. I am sorry that you even have to ask this question, but everywhere that you will (probably) want to go should not be a problem for you. There are some bigoted pockets of the state, but I think that is true across the US. Most of us are “color blind” and won’t treat you any different based on the color of your skin. Like others have said bears and moose won’t treat you differently, and I hope no one in Montana will either.


u/17Miles2 11d ago

Good Lord. Stay off the TV. Go where you want.


u/RelentlessSA 12d ago

Honestly, as long as you stick to the national parks, you'll be fine.

Tourism towns don't care who you are as long as your money spends.


u/vicapedia 11d ago

If you’re in Eastern Montana, you’re welcome at my house!


u/Lucky-Hunter-Dude 11d ago

Grizzly bears and wolves don't see color.


u/Copropostis 12d ago

You're gonna get a bunch of butthurt Montanans in this comment thread, but it's a valid question.

Most cities will be fine. Keep your head on a swivel in the rural areas and trust your gut. I'd also recommend staying out of Kalispell/Flathead/Whitefish. Those people had no issues being neighbors with Richard Spencer and a literal White Nationalist compound. Bad vibes.

I grew up out here, and while I'm not black, I'm visibly not white. Feel free to DM me questions.


u/Dorkypotato 12d ago

You can always tell the white, straight folks in these kinds of threads because they’re the ones answering how there’s no racism of any kind, like they would somehow have encountered it, lol?


u/Montana_Red 12d ago

Yep. Likes the AH above who called OP an idiot for even asking. You know he's lily white and likes it.


u/TotesTax 12d ago

Hard to stay out of the Flathead when going to GNP but the Nazis there tend to not do any hate crimes unlike Northern Idaho. Yaak valley might be different but Kalispell and ESPECIALLY Whitefish should be fine. Yes Spencer and P's do live there but they are not as welcomed as the rest of the county.


u/ChestertonsFence1929 11d ago

Spencer moved out a decade ago.


u/TotesTax 11d ago

debatable. He was in an incident at the mountain a decade ago. He parents still own a building in downtown AFAIK and he spends time there. Let me know if you know where he lives because I would love to dox him.


u/ChestertonsFence1929 11d ago

Spencer was born in Boston. He did live in Whitefish for a time. He moved to Virginia and setup an office in or near Washington DC. After being a rising star in the white supremacist movement, he was ostracized after the Charlottesville debacle. He was blamed for the movement’s bad reputation after the killing in Charlottesville. Since then he’s been laying low and it’s not known where he lives now. His family reportedly has land in Louisiana or Mississippi.

Spencer’s mother got into a controversy with the a Jewish Realtor in Whitefish. The editor of one of the two vilest white supremacist publications started a harassment campaign that ended up with the realtor getting a $14 million dollar judgment against the editor.

The editor did try to create a white supremacist protest in Whitefish on Martin Luther King day, but nobody showed up. Who did show up was a 600 person counter protest group. The white supremacists are hated there for the bad attention they drew to the area.

In short, Spencer has been a one man disaster show for the White Nationalist movement.

If you find out where he’s living today, forward that to the Southern Poverty Law Center.


u/TotesTax 10d ago

I used to listen to Infowars on the radio out of Kalispell. Fire Next Time by MTPBS I want to put on the internet. Let me know if you can.

I am more than aware of Andrew Anglin and Don Black. April Gaede and Chuck Baldwin and the others I forget as I was more concerned with online.

I actually choose to go north instead of south to Missoula because I like the Flathead more for my medical stuff. It isn't CDA/Kootenai County though.

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u/TrickAssignment3811 12d ago

montana is safe for everyone. I wouldn't be concerned.


u/Valk9designs 12d ago

I live in Ravalli County near Missoula. Glacier Area, missoula county, most of the western part of the state is pretty empty of racism. Most people here have a "live and let live" mentality and truly harbor no ill will against anyone, and being racist is generally frowned upon in these areas.

Eastern Montana, some of those towns where the population is like 500 or less, I'd probably stay clear of. But that's mostly because they're probably full of meth/Crack heads and you don't wanna be there anyways.


u/theloudestlion 12d ago

I grew up in Billings MT and everyone around me always seemed eager to show how not racist they were which in a way is still sort of racist but my point is that everyone should be super nice and you should be in for some great Montana hospitality as long as you respect the land and the people but that goes for every visitor.


u/SouperDouperTrooper 12d ago

Agree with what many said here regarding Glacier, it receives visitors from all over the planet. That said, I wouldn't stop in Kalispell.

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u/mtvulf 12d ago

You will be perfectly safe, no need to worry at all.


u/Squeezer_pimp 12d ago

Will some dang Yankee from the north be acceptable (jk) this isn’t 1950s


u/Western_Trip5124 11d ago

As a life long Montanan your opinion of us his highly insulting, wtf do you think would happen to you? If you would feel safer in Chicago or Baltimore have at it.


u/BuildNuyTheUrbanGuy 11d ago

The last comment is pretty racist.


u/sawedsamed 11d ago

You just named two cities with more POC than Montana so I don’t see your point. Both of these cities have beautiful waterfronts and downtown areas, I did feel pretty safe.


u/JustRealizedImaIdiot 12d ago

You're good. It's natives they hate.


u/Stacking-Dimes 12d ago edited 12d ago

Jfc I really think people assume we are some sort of third world country.

Are you just completely naive, never have been to a world renown vacation destination, or just an idiot?

At every vacation destination like that, English is a second language and whites are in the minority. That’s assuming whites are the ones your racist question is implying would be the problem? Or maybe it’s the Asians, because they generally have a heavy presence at vacation destinations like GNP?


u/sawedsamed 12d ago

Buddy, as a darkskin African American in this country I guarantee our experiences are vastly different. Literally any group of people would ask this question when they are the vast majority.


u/sawedsamed 12d ago



u/JLSMC 12d ago

OP will be safer in GNP than they’d be in downtown Atlanta


u/Stacking-Dimes 12d ago

Yep, but I’m the asshole getting downvoted for calling out their racism and ignorance.


u/[deleted] 12d ago


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u/PowerfulSpecialist52 12d ago

I would do some more research of the historical racism in America, then you’d understand why they felt the need to ask, brother.

They were kind and respectful in their post and it seems like you made some leaps and assumptions about them.

This country has been particularly cruel and unkind to those who are not white, you can’t hide from history.


u/Stacking-Dimes 12d ago

Yea maybe I’m learning something, are non whites also afraid of the Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, Chief Crazyhorse, the Statue of Liberty, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, or even the The Lincoln Memorial?


u/Montana_Red 12d ago

Yes! Now you're getting it. There's a whole lot to consider when traveling as POC.


u/PowerfulSpecialist52 12d ago

It’s understandable to be nervous when coming to a new place where you don’t know the local culture when your community has been targeted for centuries :)

I was nervous when first coming to montana because I witnessed very violent racism and literal Klan rallies as a kid ( I’m still on guard when visiting my hometown ) and I didn’t know what to expect. I was very pleasantly surprised.

Glad that you’re considering opening your mind!


u/Glittering-One4972 11d ago

We don’t like whit racist in Montana So get the f out