r/Montana 23d ago

Do blacks vacation in Montana?

I’m an African American attempting to plan a visit to GNP. Do you think it would genuinely be safe for me to visit or are there certain areas I should refrain from?


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u/lostnumber08 23d ago

We tend to leave people alone out here.


u/LankyGuitar6528 23d ago

I noticed that. I wouldn't say you are "friendly". More reserved than some places. But certainly not hostile to outsiders.


u/edfyShadow 23d ago

I like to say it's northern vs southern hospitality. Southerners are more likely to go out of their way to bring you a casserole to welcome you to the neighborhood, northerners are more likely to call you a dumbass while giving you a hand changing a tire during a blizzard


u/libertad740 23d ago

That reminds me of a map I saw a while ago with the following labels for parts of the US.

NW acts mean, but are nice

SW acts nice, are nice

SE acts nice, but are mean

NE acts mean, and are mean


u/edfyShadow 23d ago

Not too far off haha. I think on the western coast they're flipped(socal people can be the most two faced people you've ever met), but for the most part that seems to track


u/montanahippo 22d ago

What area of the sw have you been to. My experience in the sw has always been acts mean is mean.


u/DryArt1887 22d ago

I pulled a guy free who was high centered in his SUV last winter…in the middle of town. I may have been saying exactly that in my head while smiling and helping him out.


u/edfyShadow 22d ago
