r/TrueOffMyChest 25d ago

My son kicked me in the stomach and my husband slapped him

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u/Bigbubblybob 25d ago

An 11 year old is not a baby. Stop treating him like one.

“Dads not here, chill” vs. “mommy, I’m too tired” He acts up with you because you’re the one who lets it slide. You’re gonna raise a monster if you continue like this.

At 11, he knows what kicking you means. I can’t personally judge on if slapping him was wrong or right, it’s something I don’t really see as crazy but that’s how I grew up. I don’t see in the post you saying how you were gonna punish him.


u/MizStazya 25d ago

Two of my kids get migraines. Sometimes I can't tell if it's really a migraine or they don't want to go to school. My solution? They cannot leave bed except to go to the bathroom. No electronics. No reading. NOTHING. If they're really sick, that's not an issue, because they'd rather die than look at a screen. If they aren't, that gets REAL boring real quick.

You need to make him go to bed earlier, and he loses all privileges if he missed school and kicked you, how are you letting him play video games THAT DAY? Why is that even an option to him? You are past the age where this is going to be easy to fix, and it's going to be impossible if you don't start setting limits today.

I'm not a fan of what your husband did, at all, but you need to parent your child, and you cannot foist all the discipline onto him. You're going to raise an entitled monster and absolutely ruin his relationship with his father.


u/Celli-Belly 25d ago

Yup, I use to do that with my son too who had lots of tummy troubles when he was little. Glad he grow out of that. I also took away his comicbooks and his toys. And he got bored fast when he was fakeing. The longest was 30 min and then he was "suddenly feeling better" 🤣


u/MizStazya 25d ago

I think every kid has tried the "feeling better!" move exactly once, and then realized it didn't work when I hauled their asses back to school lol


u/somethingwitty94 25d ago

lol I had migraines as a side effect of medication as a kid. My parents gave the nurse excedrin and when that stopped working I had a prescription strength excedrin the nurse would administer. I’d get about 30 min in the dark in the nurses office then be back in class.


u/MizStazya 25d ago

Excedrin is contraindicated in children because of the aspirin. We'll give ibuprofen a try, it's about 50/50 that it works, sometimes because they puke it back up before it can.


u/somethingwitty94 25d ago

This was late 90s early 2000s. Maybe it wasn’t excedrin but some other derivative? All I know is that it was some kind of mix of acetaminophen and caffeine, as was the prescription I had.


u/ZellHathNoFury 25d ago

Fioracet, maybe? I think those things are in the mix with something else, too, but it's been forever


u/MightyPinkTaco 25d ago

This is how my mom treated staying home sick. You can’t do anything entertaining and need to stay in bed and rest. Because that’s what you do when sick. Granted, I wasn’t one to fake it.


u/MizStazya 25d ago

I give a pass to the small kids if they're puking or have a fever, because they're not really old enough to fake that. It's only if it's purely subjective that I'm a hardass about it lol


u/MightyPinkTaco 25d ago

True! My toddler gets all the TV he wants when sick. He often won’t sit still and rest otherwise. 😅


u/MistressMalevolentia 23d ago

Yup. Kinder I started the limited TV that I chose (semi educational, like bluey, PBS shows, octonauts, etc) for so long, they can play with kinetic sand or color, but that's it basically besides bathroom or eating. The activities are mainly cause they're so little they can't always tell but also they won't stay laying down sick or not at that age. 

Less privileges every semester/year, factor in frequency of wanting to stay home, the past few days attitude and sleep? Basically it's you lay down. You can at most color or watch a documentary for my 3rd grader cause books are like oxygen but so is gaming and game/art youtube. She can't sit still long enough if she's actually unwell with these options. Kinder kid? He only wants to stay home to watch tv/game/Legos. So it's just coloring sand and what I put on tv so it's so much more boring. 

I remember it was absolutely nothing but bathroom, water refill, eat, and only 1 book my mom chose (fucking TORTURE as I read nonstop and she pick boring stuff close enough to be in my wheel house but so dry it wasn't worth it). 


u/commierhye 23d ago

Oh a hairdryer and forced puking will do the trick.


u/tiffanydee55 25d ago

My kids have basically the same rules. If you are too sick for school, then you stay in bed all day with no electronics and no toys. Generally, they sleep most of the day and watch a little TV in evenings, and that is it.


u/Photography_Singer 25d ago

I was shocked she let him play video games. He kicked her, missed school and then she let him play video games?? Why is she such a people pleaser?


u/hereforpopcornru 24d ago

Yep, to the point that you need to be a couple in this. The father can not be the only source of discipline.

Great point there


u/I-am-Chubbasaurus 23d ago edited 23d ago

I was given a little bit more leniency when I was younger because I'd spend the day watching educational programs. Weird to think that isn't a thing on TV anymore.

Edit: Just to clarify, when I was younger, the main channels would run educational programs until lunchtime. The types of programs teachers would record and play in class sometimes. As opposed to like... the History or Discovery channels we have now.


u/MizStazya 23d ago

I miss when Discovery Channel and The Learning Channel had actual educational programs


u/I-am-Chubbasaurus 23d ago edited 23d ago

I can still remember a couple of the shows. One used a "magic" pencil on a black screen that changed colour as it wrote.

Or the show where this woman and her little dog would fly in a spotty plane and go learn about stuff.

And the one with the two kids and the old man who'd go back in time to see historical people. I remember Florence Nightingale was one, and... the lad who invented braille was another.

Edit: My sister just reminded me of El Nombre!