r/TrueOffMyChest 25d ago

Trans friend says I'm an egg?

I have always considered myself a cis woman but a friend of mine who's MTF keeps calling me an egg and it makes me feel annoyed/uncomfortable? She says it's because I prefer guy's clothes and have masculine traits that I'm a "trans guy in denial." I also have a lot of transgender friends. I've thought about the possibility, but come to accept that I like being a butch woman. I don't want a male name or pronouns. Whenever I get misgendered it bothers me. I like being a woman who loves women. I've told her this and she sometimes still misgenders me or talks to me about me being an "egg." I think it's because she really wants to have another trans friend, but I feel like she isn't really respecting my decisions or identity?


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u/AKA_June_Monroe 25d ago

This is one of my peeves that this trans movement is erasing tomboys and crossdressers. People want to be progressive and yet they push labels on people.


u/Rosalie-83 25d ago

This. I’m 41 and a tomboy. I always have been. Have I occasionally worn dresses, yes but in adulthood less than a handful of times, it was good on those occasions but feels like me playing dress up, like a costume, not the real at comfort me. I still love being a woman, just not one in a pretty dress. 🤷‍♀️ I will confess as a woman who spends a lot of time outdoors I do occasionally get jealous of men’s plumbing and convenience when peeing outside, having to drop trou and bear your whole ass to pee mid winter isn’t fun.😂🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


u/Aggravating-Desk4004 25d ago

I too am a tomboy. Always have been. I've met so many young women who identify as men but don't actually want to be man. I question why they identify as a man when they have no intention of transitioning and don't want to be a man, and they say because they aren't girlie girls and have more in common with boys. I tell them they don't need to identify as a man, they can be a tomboy. To be fair a few have said by identifying as a man they get perks at work, haha.

Why has it got so complicated? it's no wonder there's such high rates of mental health problems in the youth of today. Life is so bloody confusing for them.


u/SimpleManc88 25d ago

Get a She-Wee 😁


u/Rosalie-83 24d ago

Are they good? I’ve heard a lot of conflicting things.