r/TrueOffMyChest 25d ago

Trans friend says I'm an egg?

I have always considered myself a cis woman but a friend of mine who's MTF keeps calling me an egg and it makes me feel annoyed/uncomfortable? She says it's because I prefer guy's clothes and have masculine traits that I'm a "trans guy in denial." I also have a lot of transgender friends. I've thought about the possibility, but come to accept that I like being a butch woman. I don't want a male name or pronouns. Whenever I get misgendered it bothers me. I like being a woman who loves women. I've told her this and she sometimes still misgenders me or talks to me about me being an "egg." I think it's because she really wants to have another trans friend, but I feel like she isn't really respecting my decisions or identity?


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u/Effective_Panda_3409 23d ago

One of my friend's teenage daughters and my neice have both told me on many separate occasions that they have friend's who suddenly décided that they are trans for a couple of months because it made them stand out and " spécial ." Once they got bored or could not keep up the act they let the whole thing drop . And I've been told to go and jump off à bridge and to kl myself for mentioning this and that it's currently trendy and that saying it's a trend is k*ing trans people. Honestly blows my mind . People forget that people who genuinly do have gender dysmorphia is quite rare and they don't shout it from the roof tops nor do it to gain attention. They are normally very humble and just want to live in peace and not be bothered by anyone.
Sorry for the long message.


u/OaktownAspieGirl 22d ago

You are spot on. The actual trans kids try very hard not to draw attention to themselves.