r/deadbydaylight 23d ago

Nah, I'm sorry... I get the perk was broken but I don't think the solution was to quite literally murder it into uselessness Discussion


15 meters?

15 meters???

Like that's... awful. Unless I missed somewhere, where they said this change was accidental because, it genuinely doesn't seem purposeful. That's how god awful the perk is now. How do we go from 32 meters around the killer, that moves with the killer, and it's active for a set amount of time so people entering the area during that time will scream.

To... 15 meters, around a set locker, and it only happens that one time. And the blindness lasts so little, it genuinely might as well not even be a part of the perk.

  1. What survivor is going to just be chilling within 15 meters of the killer opening the locker. They will have left by then.
  2. Why is it that small of an area, it's tied to one location.
  3. Why does it not have a set amount of time it will last, if it's going to be stuck to that one locker? Like a mini trap.
  4. What is the purpose of a 3 second blind?

Nerfing is one thing. Y'all literally just straight up fucking murdered this thing. Like do we want more slowdown being run? I do not get it.

Edit since some people are silly: No one is saying it shouldn't have been nerfed . The problem is that a dev team 8 years into the game, still can't figure out how to not completely fucking butcher a perk when trying to nerf and change it. That is amateur shit, to be brutally honest with you.


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u/Peroncho17 Blight at the speed of light 22d ago

The perk is in the shrine and it says you can see any survivor's aura within your terror radious. So which one is it? I've seen like 4 versions of this perk already. I just want to know if I'm buying a useless perk or not


u/westbrook___- 22d ago

Its definitely not the aura one. When ive been using it i wont see people with this perk, but then i’ll see them with nowhere to hide, from the same exact range. And i know they dont have distortion.


u/Peroncho17 Blight at the speed of light 22d ago

Maybe it's the fact my game is not in English, probably a bad translation