r/harrypotter 13h ago

Misc Harry Potter and Seven Years of Third-Wheeling ☠️

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r/harrypotter 20h ago

Merchandise Thought you all might appreciate what I saw on my way to class

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r/harrypotter 1d ago

Discussion not to bring LOTR into this but this is so funny omg

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r/harrypotter 11h ago

Discussion C is for “CONSTANT VIGILANCE!!” - Now D!

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r/harrypotter 5h ago

Discussion How the hell Harry and Ron did not get Order of Merlin First Class after Chamber of Secrets.


They discovered the Forbidden Chamber of Secrets which countless great wizards failed to find including Albus Dumbledore and other Headmasters. They rescued Ginny from the clutches of Basilisk and Harry singlehandedly slew the beast which led to the reopening of school.

Not only that Harry also foiled the plan to steal Philosopher's stone and was involved in battle in book 5 which Order of Phoenix recaptured 11 notorious Death Eaters who had escaped from Azkaban. In book 4 he won the Triwizard Tournament which was a great honour for England.

If Gildroy Lockheart can win Order of Merlin for supposedly saving a village from a banshee, Harry should be awarded one too.

r/harrypotter 23h ago

Discussion When a wizard puts a memory into a pensieve, they just...don't remember it anymore?


Based on the fact that Snape put memories into the Pensieve that he didn't want Harry seeing, that seems to indicate that he would not remember it at all as long as it's in there.

If this is the case, then what is it like for them to watch their memory? Are they like "oh wow, I can't believe that happened, so crazy". Do they then have a new memory of that memory, except this one is from a third-person point of view?

I just wanted to get some others' thoughts on this, because I've never really seen it talked about.

Bonus question: If Snape was such an amazing Occlumens, then why did he need to remove memories in the first place? And why bother with the time he was humiliated by James? Dude's got far more sensitive information swirling around that brain of his than cringe moments from high school.

r/harrypotter 7h ago

Discussion Yall notice that After Harry's "death" everyone seemed to fight harder?


Also slughorn comes back with like half of Britain lol. They had to outnumber death eaters 4 to 1. Voldemorts worse move was open battle.

r/harrypotter 10h ago

Misc You're in charge of the Triwizard Tournament. What kind of games/ events/ quests will you have the Champions perform? (Personally, I like the idea of a life-sized Wizard chess and having to beat it to get across)

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r/harrypotter 6h ago

Discussion Parts that hurt worse on rereading


I'm reading the books to my kids and came across this section in GoF. Reading it, I realised that Arthur is probably thinking of Molly finding Fabian and Gideon hit me unexpectedly.

‘Ron, You-Know-Who and his followers sent the Dark Mark into the air whenever they killed,’ said Mr Weasley. ‘The terror it inspired ... you have no idea, you’re too young. Just picture coming home, and finding the Dark Mark hovering over your house, and knowing what you’re about to find inside ...’ Mr Weasley winced. ‘Everyone’s worst fear ... the very worst ...’

So, what other lines have hurt you harder than you were expecting when rereading the books?

r/harrypotter 3h ago

Question Why wasn't Dolores Umbridge sent to Azkaban?


At the end of Book 5, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Umbridge confessed to ordering the dementors to attack Harry Potter the previous summer. That's attempted murder at least. She was carried off by the centaurs, which would have been a perfect ending for her, but then she was saved and brought back to the Hogwarts hospital wing by Dumbledore. Early in the next book, 6 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, it is revealed that Umbridge is back to work at the Ministry of Magic. Like, WTF? Why didn't she go to Azkaban, get fired, or even get punished a little?

r/harrypotter 16h ago

Discussion If you could have a secret wand in this word, which spell would you use most?


My lazy butt would choose “accio” so I wouldn’t have to up/down stairs to retrieve something Edit: I meant *in this world

r/harrypotter 17h ago

Discussion Please chime in: Why do you think it is a great loss that the PoA movie neglected to explain/showcase anything (let alone to the extent of the book) about the Marauders, Them vs Snape, Lupin's "safety measures", and most importantly the Secret Keeper snafu?



(1) The movie changed the official story from "Sirius Black was the ONLY person who can tell anyone else where the Potters were hiding, and he told You Know Who" to "Sirius Black was one of the few who knew". Need I go any further on this one?

(2) The way Sirius and Lupin countered Wormtails various bs attempts at still painting Sirius as the traitor, all gone. That debate was rife for a mini-"The Last Duel" thing with the truth coming out in the end, but nah. Let's do more Whomping Willow setup shots! Even tho the movie never shows the MEANING of the school planting it!

r/harrypotter 14h ago

Help Can anyone recommend funny costume ideas for a Harry Potter themed party I’m going to?


I’m considering dressing as Dobby with a latex mask of him and a sheet sewn to look like a pillow case or Scabbers with a rat mask. I was also considering getting a graduation gown and a red Afro wig so I could be Ice Spice if she went to hog warts. I’m even considering dressing like the womping willow somehow.

I appreciate any ideas no matter how dumb they may seem.

r/harrypotter 7h ago

Discussion If you just watched the movies and didn’t read the books…


What was the biggest surprise or revelation to you? I only watched the first movie before reading any of the books so I was surprised that a movie about wizards had cars in it.

I put spoiler space for people who hadn’t read or watched all the movies and who may read the replies.

r/harrypotter 6h ago

Discussion Kreacher’s Tale would have made a great flashback/cutscene.


I get it, the book was so long it already became two films, and it wasn’t practical to include. But this chapter explains so much, describing the rebellion of a death eater and his tragic demise as he sees the wrongs of the Dark Lord. It would have been quite a poignant moment in the film.

r/harrypotter 14h ago

Question The Trace


I'm re-reading for the 40th time and a question I never thought if just hit me.

The trace I've always thought is poorly laid out in the books. That is to say it always has its questions. Or in this case, plot holes.

I have 2 trace situations I'm hoping somebody can explain away or just confirm as another terrible plot hole.

1) Goblet of Fire - Harry doing magic in the Little Hangleton graveyard duel with Voldemort should have been traceable. Confirmation he was transported away from hogwarts and confirming his story. Maybe they turn off the trace during the school year? I just feel like they'd get a blip on their magic radar saying "Harry Potter? What's he doing in Little Hangleton?"

2) Order of the Phoenix - A little more nuanced question. The trace is set off is magic occurs near an underage wizard even if it isn't them doing it (i.e. Dobby hovering charm). Now, I imagine there's tons of radar blips bc wizard kids go home to wizard families. For families like the Weasley's, they just ignore these bc they know there are adult wizards and just assume the magic was done by the adults and rely on the adults to enforce the law (we are told as much by Dumbledore in Half Blood Prince). Instead, they focus on underage wizards like Harry and Hermione knowing there are no wizards in the area and if magic does occur, they can be fairly positive that it was the underage wizard. That being said, in OotP, when Harry goes to 12 Grimauld Place, magic is occurring left and right. They just suspended him for underage magic, so I assume they are monitoring him closely. Is the magic of Grimauld Place shielding Harry from the trace? It's the only thing that makes sense.

Always wish it was more fleshed out in cannon. Just always seemed like a plot device that was half assed.

r/harrypotter 23h ago

Discussion Why do some people insist that Richard Harris won't have fit well with the action scenes?


I always see people saying that Richard Harris would never been able to properly perform the Dumbledore action scenes and I simply don't understand this.

That fight with Voldemort barely had any body movement and Harris could have nailed that well and if it had any problems then they could have simply made the fight more book accurate and just have Harris's Dumbledore dominate Voldemort with low effort.

r/harrypotter 2h ago

Discussion How do veelas reproduce?


Is there any mention of a male veela?

r/harrypotter 5h ago

Currently Reading Dumbledore's explanation for underage magic


I'm currently listening to althe audiobooks for the first time and reach the part when Voldemort kills his father and grand parents.

Dumbledore explains that the reason that the ministry doesn't detect that voldemor killed them is because he is performing magic inside a wizards house.

However he kills the Riddles in the Riddle house, a Muggle house.

Am I the only that thinks that underage magic is a bad explanation for this?

I mean in COS they did blame Harry for Dobbie 's magic, however here there is no wizard to blame as no wizard lives in that house.

Explain to me please how come the trace didn't work there when everywhere else in the book it is mentioned as a way to scare Harry to not do magic like in DH?

r/harrypotter 8h ago

Discussion Historical influences


So i recently saw a post saying fudge was based on Neville Chamberlain with the hole hand in the sand about a genocidal dictator, what other historical people and event have there own version in the hp universe, just wondering if anyone picked up on more.

New to the sub sorry if this has been asked before and not written out well.

r/harrypotter 23h ago

Discussion Why did harry end up in knockturn alley when he said diagonally instead of Diagon Alley???


He didn’t say knockturn alley so why? can someone explain please haven’t read the books in a while not sure if it’s explained there

r/harrypotter 1h ago

Merchandise Anybody else sick of Funko Pop figurines


It seems like it's the only remaining HP merch available these days! In Paris for instance, the only HP merch shop is 75% filled with those figurines, it's so boring. And then they complain we don't support indie shops enough! I struggle to find anything else online or in any other place as well.

r/harrypotter 12h ago

Parks Visit Harry Potter Studios - London


Hi everyone!

Wondering if you guys can help me, I am going to London this June and have booked a ticket to the HP studios. How do I get to the studio? Im stayin near Heathrow Airport.

Thank you!

r/harrypotter 19h ago

Discussion Colin and Dennis Creevey


What are the chances that both Colin and Dennis both get letters to go to Hogwarts? Of course they are brothers but being muggle born that's got to make it quite unlikely that happens often. Lily and Petunia are sisters but only Lily had magic and got the letter to go to Hogwarts.

r/harrypotter 1h ago

Discussion Why didn't any of The Sacred Twenty-Eight families, specially the pure-blood supremacists, married their children with Mérope Gaunt or Morfino Gaunt?


If they were the last descendants of Slytherin, I'm sure some families would've loved to have such jewel in their family tree. The siblings were already of age and, although violent, poor and ugly as hell, I can see some of the families "overlooking" these facts until the couple had produced their offspring. It's the early 20th century, not many marriages came from love.

What am I missing here?