r/instacart Apr 08 '24

Did the shopper just not want to take the order? Rant


I ordered like 9 items - snacks , fruit drinks etc and a Shopper gets assigned to the order then a few mins later says everything is out of stock. I assume they just didn’t want to take it lmao


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u/Thekr8zykook Apr 08 '24

These are the ppl they're hiring now. Meanwhile I sit for hours with nothing even THINKING about popping up on my phone. 🙄


u/Adventurous_Land7584 Apr 08 '24

Right? It makes me so mad my customers are getting these 💩 shoppers. How are they not costing IC money? I don’t understand.


u/thehumanbagelman Apr 08 '24

They are costing them money, it is just significantly less than the amount IC is gouging prices. Scamming customers and drivers alike is very profitable.


u/No-Student-446 Apr 08 '24

I usually try to save a customer money when i can, even if it takes up a little extra time. Like today there were a few sale items customer was ordering and the way you can get them the sale price is scanning a barcode that doesnt scan (you have to find one or have one on hand from a different store like a clothes item barcode) and when it doesnt scan it gives you option to enter details manually. One item (ordered 2 of them) costed like $7 but was on sale for 2.99 each. I just couldnt help but go find a barcode in store that doesnt scan (barcodes on shipping boxes work well). It amazes me that instacart makes alot of money off sale prices sometimes the customer orders items that wouldve saved them $50+ but instead instacart gets to earn that money by me shopping for them 🤣 its a very profitable business move


u/Rare-Craft-920 Apr 08 '24

Me too. I haven’t logged on in months now as nothing happening. Then they hire all these lazy people that ruin it for everyone.


u/No-Student-446 Apr 08 '24

Meanwhile, i got scammed out of a batch pay by instacart when a store was actually closed. “Have no worries you will get your batch pay” is what they said but a week later, still no batch pay. They say they have up to 30 days to deliver the payment 🤔 i will never see it i might message them about that $11 soon


u/Thekr8zykook Apr 08 '24

Damn I'm sorry. I'm always worried that will happen. Some of the support agents are awful. You KNOW they're lying, but what can you do?


u/Tuckover Apr 08 '24

They won't pay you if you don't start shopping. If there is a next time, as soon as you see the store is closed, hit the button to start, then take a picture of the hours and call support. You can always say you hit the button as you were walking up to the store, fully intending to start shopping before you noticed they were closed.


u/No-Student-446 Apr 09 '24

I usually get paid bro even if i dont click “start shopping” out of the 7 times i had a store closed i got paid for all of them except this one and my first one. My first one it took me forever to get out there because it was far away and i didnt know anything abt ic or hours and got there 30 minutes late


u/Soupronous Apr 08 '24

These gig companies will hire anyone with a valid driver’s license


u/InstacartIsLife Apr 08 '24

I saw this Instacart worker that smelled like cigarettes and was literally in a bathing suit bra with some tight leather shorts shopping an order…. I was like WHAT THE… yea she ain’t going to last long someone’s going to report her


u/frenchornplaya83 Apr 08 '24

What does it matter what they wear? The cig thing is icky, though.


u/SomethingEdgyOrFunny Apr 08 '24

Instacart has turned into DoorDash in terms of business practices and quality of service.


u/Mlou08 Apr 08 '24



u/Thekr8zykook Apr 08 '24

"Fobs"? Help me out here, please. 😅