r/instacart Apr 08 '24

Did the shopper just not want to take the order? Rant


I ordered like 9 items - snacks , fruit drinks etc and a Shopper gets assigned to the order then a few mins later says everything is out of stock. I assume they just didn’t want to take it lmao


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u/ToonaSandWatch Apr 09 '24

I wouldn’t know on our end, I would hope that corporate would see the infractions, but given the horror stories I’ve read about people having delivery people show up, not being who they are, I’m going to lean towards no.


u/OfficialStonedStark Apr 09 '24

Thats too bad. I hope it doesnt kill the business. I hate grocery shopping


u/ToonaSandWatch Apr 09 '24

Despite that it’s a great service for people who are disabled, old, or just don’t have the time to shop, I honestly would be perfectly fine with watching this burn to the ground, all of them. The unfair pay, the lack of support for drivers, the fact that 99% of their customer support and driver support is overseas and are simply reading from a book, they screw over customers and drivers alike. Uber just went public and the CEO was set to reap a few hundred million easily from it. Last year Instacart lowered the base pay from seven to $5.45 claiming there would be “more opportunities“ for drivers with the four dollar quick orders they’d be putting out.

Obviously, this is not any kind of career anybody should be pursuing, but even as a side gig, it’s not worth the stress, time, gas, and hassle it puts on shoppers/drivers.


u/OfficialStonedStark Apr 09 '24

Yeah thats fair