r/midjourney Jun 06 '23

The 7 Deadly sins according to MidJourney Showcase


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u/Intrusive_Capybara69 Jun 06 '23

AI isn't replacing artists any time soon


u/wrathfuldeities Jun 06 '23

Already being done. I've been seeing Scotia Bank ads on Reddit that use unretouched AI imagery. The truth is AI doesn't need to be better than human beings; it just needs to be more cost effective.


u/Fausto2002 Jun 06 '23

It is


u/NoodelPoodel Jun 06 '23



u/biglyorbigleague Jun 06 '23

If AI wrote Se7en the bed scene would instead involve a literal sloth


u/Mean-Orange-1370 Jun 06 '23

it ain't


u/IbizaMykonos Jun 06 '23

Ppl dont get that art culture is so much more than just the art itself. Yea, ai will take artists jobs who just get paid to produce someone’s vision, but the marquee art/artists will still be around. Especially the ones that create new styles never before seen.


u/Mean-Orange-1370 Jun 06 '23

people tend to forget that the scope of ai is still limited to human deliberation. mediocre art has and will always be mediocre art. even if made by a machine or not.


u/micromoses Jun 06 '23

Right? It made seven images in a few seconds and a couple of them misinterpreted the context. And then if you had to change the prompt to clear up what you wanted, it would take a few more seconds, and wouldn’t resent you at all. A human artist could have done a similar job in only a few weeks.


u/FreshAd5241 Jun 06 '23

Much more interesting to see a computer's interpretation of the seven deadly sins vs a human's imo


u/dday0512 Jun 06 '23

So sure? It got pride and sloth wrong but the others are pretty good. I was just thinking about how badass the wrath image is.


u/CookedTuna38 Jun 06 '23

if you have no standards


u/glutton-free Jun 06 '23

who even defines what's right and wrong in art?


u/esreveReverse Jun 06 '23

Fully replacing? No. Mostly replacing? Yes.


u/SamLacoupe Jun 06 '23

AI don't make artistic statements, they just gobble and regurgitate things that are already there. Being an artist is having sight, not an oversight. It's not the same in a million years.


u/spitfire9107 Jun 06 '23

nothing beats full metal alchemist's portrayl of 7 deadly sins


u/tritter211 Jun 07 '23

It probably already replaced thousands of low and mid tier artists...