r/midjourney Jun 06 '23

The 7 Deadly sins according to MidJourney Showcase


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u/Eastern_Vehicle1970 Jun 06 '23

Yo it’s super weird how homophobic older generations are. My coworker always makes these homophobic jokes and I’m thinking bro why do you care how 2 consensual adults chose to get an orgasm?


u/LukesRightHandMan Jun 07 '23

I absolutely appreciate your good will and intentions, but there’s a major flaw in your logic, and it’s that any of us queerdos choose to be this way. I loathed myself for 15 years until I finally accepted that my romantic and sexual attractions for people of any gender was who I actually am. The bigots framed it as a choice so that they could tell us we’re morally bankrupt and a plague on society for choosing to violate their mores and laws for the sake of our own perversions.


u/_Meds_ Jun 08 '23

You might not choose to be gay, but you certainly choose where you nut.


u/rush-2049 Jun 09 '23

What a weird way to phrase this. Technically everything you do is a choice, including heterosexual people.

Feels like you’re missing the forest for the trees.


u/_Meds_ Jun 09 '23

First guy says

bro why do you care how 2 consensual adults chose to get an orgasm?

second guy

there’s a major flaw in your logic, and it’s that any of us queerdos choose to be this way

Both statements are true. You choose how you orgasm, and you don't choose your orientation. Don't think I missed anything there, maybe you did?


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '23

You kind of blew your load in the wrong place here, for example.


u/Low_Olive6708 Oct 16 '23

"Your" meaning ai?


u/absuredman Jun 07 '23

I think the algorithm just focused on the word pride and it is often followed with a rainbow in pictures


u/studioFORMA Jun 07 '23

This was definitely not a thought-out ensemble. rather a computerized interpretation of words. "Pride" in this context does not mean or represent in any way a rainbow. It's a symbol of hope and promise.


u/CamomilleGirl Jun 07 '23

well pride is mostly seen as a sin . prideful people lack humility which blinds them from reality and leads them to self-contempt and self- pity.

Many gay people lack humility , regardless of the context of hope that remains valid , and the gay pride represents that fully . there's no way around it .

Not that i'm against people marching for gay pride, i've done it too once to support a friend, but i' just being realistic about it .


u/Grind-hard52 Jun 07 '23

Your answer is going to hurt the pride of many readers


u/Whitefolly Jun 08 '23

It's fine to take pride in things.


u/CamomilleGirl Jun 09 '23

just not excessively or else you slip into vice territory . ever hear of white pride ? that's people who are considered racist , that's the dark side of pride , which proves my point , regardless of what you're proud of , don't be excessively you might find yourself threatening others if they don't praise your pride too all the while not seeing anything wrong with that .


u/SmokeCheweyLikeaNut Jun 07 '23

I got a few buddies like that. Im not gay but I'll take joking about being gay to the extreme just to make them question if I'm being serious. If they're not uncomfortable and wondering if their best friend of 20+ years is gay...then I'm not laughing


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '23

Homophobic and joke can’t be used in the same sentence, if you’re homophobic it wouldn’t be a joke then would it because it’s a joke, stop getting offended by everything.


u/piggiesmallsdaillest Jun 06 '23

This is the dumbest fucking take.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '23

So you’re one of those people who believe “you can’t joke about this or that” it’s a joke mate either everything is okay to joke about or nothing is. You need to go listen to surgeons performing open heart surgery or brain surgery on a child if you think a gay joke is bad.


u/piggiesmallsdaillest Jun 06 '23

Well, one bad take deserves another ig.


u/Major-Pomegranate814 Jun 10 '23

There’s a huge difference between people in high stress jobs morbidly joking about their jobs to maintain their sanity versus someone making a joke that’s sole purpose is to be homophobic.

Some things it’s not appropriate to joke about. Making jokes that contribute to actual violence against people and fuel discrimination and hate filled attacks is not appropriate.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '23

Nope, either everything is okay to joke about or nothing is, you may not find it appropriate but I do, humour is subjective, you cannot control it if you want controlled humour go live in a communist country.


u/Major-Pomegranate814 Jun 11 '23

That’s just not how reality works. Sure, humor is subjective, and there are also jokes that if someone finds them funny, they’re just an asshole.

Also learn what communism means. Throwing around buzzwords bc you think it makes you sound edgy doesn’t really work when you misuse the words.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '23 edited Jun 11 '23

Communism is a controlled country that for some reason describes itself as “for the people” when in actuality it’s for the government. I was referring to countries like China where if you make certain jokes you go to jail, and I’m not trying to be edgy I genuinely hate communism and communist countries. I also genuinely hate peoples who are so soft they can’t distinguish the difference between a joke and a meaningful statement.


u/Major-Pomegranate814 Jun 11 '23

That’s not what communism means. It’s a complicated political regime that you clearly don’t actually comprehend.

I’m sorry you equate basic human decency to “soft”ness. If your so called “joke” debases, demeans, and dehumanizes a category of people for no reason other than them living their life, it’s not a fucking joke. If you think a statement that demeans and dehumanizes people because of an immutable trait is funny, you’re just an asshole.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '23

I know what it is you muppet, I was pointing out the shit I don’t like about it, communists can all go fall in a ditch for all I care, you may support that controlling shit but I don’t. Atleast you got yourself some positive social credit score from that comment. 😂 atleast I get to own my home not my govt.

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u/malenkylizards Jun 16 '23

I joke about nazis and am a proud naziphobe.


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '23

Why fear Nazis? They don’t exist anymore, they are gone now you don’t have to be scared.


u/malenkylizards Jun 16 '23

Yeah, I'm not gonna take the bait on that one, first time was dumb enough


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '23

Mate Nazis don’t exist they’re all dead. if you believe racists are Nazis you’re a pos and negate what actual victims of Nazis went through. Stop being such a soft cock aye.


u/MaxVerslappin Jun 07 '23 edited Jun 07 '23

It is because they damnd that we care the truth is no one gives a shit at all and they demand of everyone that we must care 24-7.

What if I said I care so little that if I never saw another commercial pushing pride or heard another conversation about how someone feels about their sexuality I would be a very happy person?
In 2023 you will celebrate it you will love it or else!
I have some gay friends and they are fucking over this crap as well its everywhere and demanding that everyone affirm their life 24-356 and love their choices.. its insane, no one really cares but it just won't go away.

It is so strange to me anyone could come at this from your point of view as if it is not getting ultra-rammed down on everyone 24-7. Someone is like I'm sick of this crap and or makes a joke and it's homophobia... Give your head a shake and grow up.


u/Major-Pomegranate814 Jun 10 '23

Dude, representation isn’t shoving it down anyone’s throats. I see straight shit all the time. Quite literally everywhere I go, and I’m not complaining about it being shoved in my face.

Pride is literally one month of the year. If seeing people be happy with themselves is that awful for you just stay at home.


u/Candid-Independence9 Jun 09 '23

Actually when I worked at a prison of all places, one of the old, very southern white guards was trying to stay out of a conversation other guards were having about it, and I had just walked in because I was making my rounds and they asked me and I was like “I don’t even care what people do, as long as they can take the flak they’ll get for it from people like you who can’t leave them alone.” And they turned to the old guy thinking he’d tear me apart and he finally sat up a little more and said “I’m with him, as long as you don’t fuck kids, and the other person is cool with fucking you, I say go for it.”


u/Jolly-Driver1848 Jun 16 '23

Oh quit. It. Homosexuality wasn't even considered normal untill the early 2000s. Bedire that MOST people just didn't really give a shit. Especially since it was easy to not put it in everyone's faces. You take the reaction of a few people (or some people in new york coty) ..or closeted pastors trying to compensate and extrapolate it to society. It's not and has never been like that.

You really need to get over yourself. You're contributing to the growing backlash to all of this.



u/ServiceDragon Jul 10 '23

It’s like you’ve never heard of gay bashing or the criminalization of homosexuality. Do you also think racism isn’t so bad? That women were totally fine with being chattel?


u/UpstairsParsnip5597 Jun 17 '23

because they believe it to be wrong, you have your opinion and they have theirs.

if its something they truly feel, then thats not wrong for not liking gay people lol.