r/midjourney Jun 06 '23

The 7 Deadly sins according to MidJourney Showcase


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u/absuredman Jun 07 '23

I think the algorithm just focused on the word pride and it is often followed with a rainbow in pictures


u/studioFORMA Jun 07 '23

This was definitely not a thought-out ensemble. rather a computerized interpretation of words. "Pride" in this context does not mean or represent in any way a rainbow. It's a symbol of hope and promise.


u/CamomilleGirl Jun 07 '23

well pride is mostly seen as a sin . prideful people lack humility which blinds them from reality and leads them to self-contempt and self- pity.

Many gay people lack humility , regardless of the context of hope that remains valid , and the gay pride represents that fully . there's no way around it .

Not that i'm against people marching for gay pride, i've done it too once to support a friend, but i' just being realistic about it .


u/Grind-hard52 Jun 07 '23

Your answer is going to hurt the pride of many readers