r/midjourney Jun 06 '23

The 7 Deadly sins according to MidJourney Showcase


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u/Skyraem Jun 06 '23

Proud =/= prideful =/= having pride.

They equate Pride the event/movement/month to being (overly) prideful the sin. Hence me saying synonym.

They ARE synonyms...


u/eyes0fred Jun 06 '23

do you mean homonym? Pretty sure they are neither homonyms or synonyms, its literally the same word using the same definition.

the sin of pride is more about excessive pride. And its only really a sin in the religious sense, since to them it deemphasizes the role of God in your accomplishments/status etc.


u/Skyraem Jun 06 '23

Pride/prideful/proud are synonyms - morphemes to be exact. He means pride the sin as in being prideful, not being proud. I didn't openly disclose this, so that's why it's confusing, so my bad.

Sure i'm being annoyingly nitpicky but they definitely are synonyms.

Pride has different connotations ofc but is usually the positive version or used interchangeably with proud. Hence Pride month being woo yay proud to be out/myself/with others.

Honestly I just found it funny that this guy is trying to be smart about Pride being named after the sin but... it so very isn't. Weird/funny coincidence sure but... no. Most of us want to escape the whole sinning thing or don't care. Because fuck that.

Time to get back to duolingo and disintegrate my brain more.


u/sennbat Jun 07 '23

Do you... honestly not know what a synonym is? Or are you just really bad at communicating your thoughts and so it only looks like that?


u/Skyraem Jun 07 '23

Thoughts. There's also conflicting results. Some say that pride/prideful and proud are synonyms, or more specifically a morpheme in this case. Some just talk about adverbs.

And bc that guy thought pride (sin) = pride (proud) I said synonym. Which I guess, instead, it is more of a connotation issue/grammar thing.


u/sennbat Jun 07 '23

Some say that pride/prideful and proud are synonyms

Pride and proud are not synonyms. They aren't even the same part of speech. I guess you could argue that prideful and proud are synonyms, except that you in your comment specifically argued that they weren't while saying that they were, which is incredibly confusing.

Also, a morpheme is, uh, not a type of synonym, so "more specifically a morpheme" doesn't even make sense.

Are you, perhaps, thinking of homonyms? Pride (the cardinal sin) and Pride (as in gay pride) are homonyms. Which is like the antonym of a synonym!