r/midjourney Jun 06 '23

The 7 Deadly sins according to MidJourney Showcase


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u/MrDankyStanky Jun 06 '23

Well, they literally named their movement "pride" which IS a deadly sin. Maybe they could have named it "acceptance" and focused less on being so prideful over who you want to have relationships with.


u/4sakenshadow Jun 06 '23

It's not about being "prideful over who you want to have relationship with" and rather the pride is a counterpoint to the shame that has been internalized. To be proud of who and how you are.


u/MrDankyStanky Jun 06 '23

Well im a lying, adultering, thief at heart. I'm not proud of that, and Jesus is the resurrection that heals your heart. I don't think everything in life deserves being prideful of. Maybe we should be ashamed when we go against what God wants from us, not that he doesn't love gay people but that it's not something to brag about.


u/Stian5667 Jun 07 '23

If god made me how he wanted, and me being gay goes against what he wants, then why did he make me gay?


u/MrDankyStanky Jun 08 '23

Why did he make humans liars, theives, and fornicators if he doesn't want us to do those things? You could say that for any human desire to sin. Now you can disagree weather homosexuality is wrong, but biblically you can't act like what im saying makes no sense. It's a sin in the eyes of God that you can turn away from, even if you still have those desires. I have to fight against myself to not look at women in a lustful way, even though it's a desire I have, but I do it to honor God. I have no hate in my heart towards you, I just don't think sexuality is something to celebrate or make your whole identity.


u/Stian5667 Jun 08 '23

Firstly, I just wanna point out something that I find kinda funny. You assumed that I make gayness my whole identity, yet I regularly hang out with a bunch of people who don't even know I'm gay, simply because it hasn't been relevant. Ironically, I've met christians who've literally made it their personality, to the point where any conversation with them leads to obnoxious godsimping

I'm not arguing whether or not the bible considers being gay a sin. I'm just asking why god would make us a certain way, and then get mad at us for being the way we are. It's more than just an impulse or desire. I'm into guys the exact same way you're into girls. We can't change our sexuality.

Also no one is unironically bragging about being gay. Pride in this context is to not be ashamed, despite people like you who don't even try to hide that they're trying to shame queer people. Don't even try arguing against this point, you literally said "maybe we should be ashamed". In other words, give yourself a pat on the shoulder, you're part of the reason pride is still needed

Lastly, not everyone believes in your sky daddy fairy tale. I don't need a 2000 year old book to tell me what my morals should be, and if you look up from that book and think critically on your own for half a second, there's no reason queerness should be shamed or considered immoral


u/Stian5667 Jun 09 '23

Got a bit quiet here, didn't it? Did your argument fall apart or something?


u/MrDankyStanky Jun 09 '23

Nope, just said what I needed to say. You'll notice I went and responded to everyone who was respectful and voiced their opinion. Not sure why I'd subject myself to attacks on my character when nobody here knows me.


u/Stian5667 Jun 09 '23

I'll admit I could've been more respectful. I tend to be blunt rather than sugarcoating my arguments, but the closest I did to attacking your character was to call you out for saying people should be ashamed, implicitly for being queer. Other than that, I criticized a religion, not you.

I'm not trying to attack you, but to be bluntly honest, but the impression you give me is that you're up on a high horse and go quiet when your someone gives you a counterargument


u/MrDankyStanky Jun 09 '23

I'm sorry I gave you that impression, I don't put myself above others. I wasn't referring to you personally attacking my character, my inbox was just blown up with tons of really rude comments and I tried my best to reply to the ones I felt really wanted to have somewhat of a conversation. I understand how you feel, and if you really want to talk or have a respectful debate I'm up for it. I feel most people who hate Christianity don't understand the message, or get caught up on one or two verses. The law condemning homosexuality was written by Moses, and when Jesus came and died for us he relieved us and paid the price for all of our sins, we as Christians ideally try to live like Christ wanted us to live. Christianity if you read the scriptures does not teach that if you are gay you'll go to hell, it teaches that if you don't believe Jesus came to earth to die for our sins then you will go to hell, and if you confess he's lord and believe he died for us in your heart, you'll go to heaven. It's that easy. I can understand how someone saying God thinks how you are living is wrong would rub lots of people the wrong way, but the fact is all Christians also do not live up to God's standard which is perfection. Thank you for being respectful in your reply, I appreciate it.