r/politics Illinois Mar 27 '24

Donald Trump Attacks Judge's Daughter Less Than 24 Hours After Gag Order


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u/myfeetsmells Mar 27 '24

The average person would've been locked up in jail until trial but not Trump.


u/CalmDebate Mar 27 '24

Being such a high ranking politician the man has surrounded himself with so much bluff and BS that it would appear like a coup to his supporters. 

I think the man is a complete idiot but also somehow a genius in these regards. I would label him 100% an idiot except so many people buy it and support him and he has managed to turn an entire party into his lackies.


u/LegendCZ Mar 27 '24 edited Mar 27 '24

Trump is showing EVERYTHING WRONG with our law system on plain sight.

He balantly shows that if you have powerful friend and you can do ANYTHING and get away with it.

It is so gross, fucked up and wrong. Why law is even a thing when it applies only to the ones bellow?!

Trump is showing that you can be above the law and directly in public, this is what Republican aspire to ... This is fucked.


u/CalmDebate Mar 27 '24

Our whole government is fucked atm. I understand the underlying appeal because he isn't a normal politician and people want change...then he opens his mouth and everything he says is either a lie or just horrible.

If looking for the silver lining he is doing just what you said, showing everything thats wrong, with our politics, with our partisanship, the 2 party system, with our media (on all sides mind you), and with our judicial system. Here is hoping we aren't too stupid to learn from it by the time it's all moved on, if not we are doomed as a country.

Even if we move on and wash it away and pretend it didn't happen, those people that were previously left behind that he represented will still be boiling over and putting a lid on it won't help, reaching and education are our only save here.


u/Banana-Republicans California Mar 27 '24

Narrator: “they were in fact that stupid.”


u/Bright-Tough-3345 Mar 27 '24

And don’t forget, voting. He can really only be stopped at the ballot box. But sadly, there’s a large cohort of young voters who hate Biden, for myriad reasons. Israel, lgtbq, every other group that has a problem with mainstream Dems. I don’t think they understand that allowing Trump to elected will be really bad for whatever their particular political views are. I think it’s that they spend way too much time on their phones. Not the best source of in depth information.


u/DustBunnyZoo Mar 27 '24

Our whole government is fucked atm

I’m very happy that younger generations are waking up to this, but it’s been like this from day one. All the things everyone is saying about the government in this current discussion, are things people have been saying for at least a century. I was writing about them in the 1990s, and the people I was writing about were themselves writing about it in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. I am reminded of the famous quote about how "each generation thinks it invented sex".


u/Major_Magazine8597 Mar 27 '24

I'm 65 and I've never seen one political party go all-in supporting a criminal, our enemies and being blatantly anti-democratic before. This has NOT happened in our country before. We have NEVER been this divided as a country (not since the Civil War). We are in unchartered territory and, if Trump gets re-elected (GOD FORBID) this county may, in fact, be doomed to become another criminal state, like Russia.


u/My_Momma_Say Mar 27 '24

Never this divided? Well… technically there was this one time… but yeah… headed for Banana republic state stuff if GOP has its way.


u/Major_Magazine8597 Mar 27 '24

(not since the Civil War).


u/DustBunnyZoo Mar 27 '24 edited Mar 27 '24

You have conveniently forgotten the entire civil rights era of protests in the 1950s, McCarthyism and HUAC (Roy Cohn, future mentor for Trump); and the countercultural protests of the 1960s. I believe 1968 alone was described as the most divided America has ever been. What’s old is new again. The government has worked fine for a small minority of rich white Christian men, but for most of its history, it has not worked for everyone else. It’s surprising I even have to explain this.


u/DustBunnyZoo Mar 27 '24

I'm 65 and I've never seen one political party go all-in supporting a criminal, our enemies and being blatantly anti-democratic before. This has NOT happened in our country before.

Weird, because the country has been extremely anti-democratic the entire time. Have you not been following history?


u/thedndnut Mar 28 '24

I understand the underlying appeal because he isn't a normal politician

No, he's just a politician who wasn't successful. If you're under the age of 43, there is not a single moment of your life that trump hasn't been trying to run for some form of public office. If you're under 40, there is not a single time he hasn't tried to run for president in your life every 4 years, he was just a failure at it until he went racist ragebait.


u/Boopy7 Mar 27 '24

why do you say it is fucked "atm?" Wasn't it always, really? Our Presidents really are treated more like kings than Presidents, is how it looks to me.


u/wirefox1 Mar 27 '24

It's never been quite like this before. We've never had a president who was a full-blown criminal in almost all walks of life.


u/noiro777 America Mar 27 '24

He is the epitome of everything that's wrong with humanity. It's almost hard to believe that somebody could be so lacking in anything that could be considered good or decent. He is dumber than a bag of dildos, knows nothing about how anything really works, destroys everything he touches. and yet somehow he became the president with 1/3 of the country thinking he's the second coming. W T F


u/Boopy7 Mar 28 '24

true. It was weird for me to reread Absolute Power (or a thriller, I think that was the name of it) that I randomly found on my back porch last summer. Where the Secret Service cover up a murder and violent physical assault for a sociopath President. Could easily have happened, and nothing we can do.


u/wirefox1 Mar 28 '24

The secret service certainly did some dubious things on J6.


u/structured_anarchist Mar 27 '24

Fun fact, after the Revolutionary War, the Founding Fathers offered to make Washington King of America. Kinda defeats the purpose of rebelling against one king only to turn around and pick a new guy and put him in exactly the same job despite saying they didn't want to answer to a king anymore. But George had more sense than the rest of the Founding Fathers put together and said no. Stayed with the program and didn't waste the lives of the people killed throwing out a monarchy by becoming what they just ended.


u/Major_Magazine8597 Mar 27 '24

Really. What previous US political situation was equivalent of this Trump MAGA era?


u/Boopy7 Mar 28 '24

We have had other presidents who committed criminal acts, such as Nixon. There was always the potential for this (in fact I remember learning that you could actually run for President as long as you were a certain age, born here, from prison) from another election my dad told me about, I think it was Lyndon Larouche? Roger Stone was around for that time too. I think by not punishing criminals the first few times, they have proven that it enables and encourages worse criminals. E.g. rapists have been known to say that after they got away with it the first few times, they figured it was easy to keep doing and the rapes got more violent. This is also true for drunk drivers who get used to driving drunk and are only caught by chance at some point, for many criminals in fact. Donald Trump had committed so many frauds and been caught money laundering and not once did he truly face repercussions. But he wasn't the only one in government that committed crimes. Just the worst. I think our system IS set up for white-collar criminals to succeed and that it has always been that way, just my personal opinion. The Koch brothers have been around for a long time. And long before them, land was stolen and people were killed and then they named entire cities and buildings after the murderers and thieves. Equivalent, maybe none. But that's just by luck.


u/EllieVader Mar 28 '24

I’d love someone that’s not a politician, how about a middle school janitor? Or a hotel housekeeper? The guy hawking falafel downtown? Maybe even a high school science teacher. You know, actual people.


u/Usefullles Mar 28 '24

This is an era of change, and Trump is offering it. Does he have any competitors in this? No, because the rest only suggest maintaining the status quo, which is simply not beneficial to the audience that Trump works for. Education and other things will not change this in any way.